Compare contrast the kinds of transport. answer key

Subaru WRX STi

2013.03.10 05:19 Subaru WRX STi

A subreddit dedicated to all things WRX STi for STi owners and fanatics to discuss and share their car and experiences with them. This is NOT a place to ask about car buying or selling advice.

2015.05.22 17:17 PM_ME_SMALL_BOOBIES FleshAssist Official Subreddit

FleshAssist is your go to place for all Fleshlight related information. Fleshlight Reviews, Fleshlight Guides, Fleshlight Girls and Boys, Fleshlight Suggestions, you name it, we have it!

2013.10.19 02:39 RADDman Fiction Multiverse

Fiction has had an impact on all of us since ancient humans first told legends and stories to each other. What if the characters, places, and things from most, if not all fiction, was mixed into one universe? There's potential for an order where disparate works can be connected to each other, even if it's in the craziest ways. Let's make a community that brainstorms how this "Fiction Multiverse" might work.

2024.04.29 10:21 pillowdemon The Importance of Self-Custodial Cold Hardware Wallets for Serious Investors

The Importance of Self-Custodial Cold Hardware Wallets for Serious Investors
(I posted a very similar topic earlier in the week that was a bunch of text with zero organization. This version adds headers and a better close-out.)

Crypto Exchanges vs. Fiat Banks

The first thing to emphasize is crypto exchanges, or CEXs (such as Coinbase) are still very much like centralized fiat exchanges (aka banks), particularly in that they don’t “store” crypto - just as most modern banks don’t “store” cash - they lend it.
Here's a question for you: when you created a Coinbase account, did you write down a seed phrase for any of your wallets? Do you know how to access your private keys? Most likely not. That's because while you signed up for a Coinbase account, you don't necessarily "own" the crypto wallets associated with your account. Coinbase does.

A Relevant Black Swan Event

The crucial difference between a bank and a crypto exchange is that the former is government regulated, while crypto definitely is not - though that looks to change over the next 5-10 years or so. But today, unlike FDIC-insured banks, you will not be covered by any centralized entity in the event of a crypto exchange collapsing or folding.
Among many reasons, this is partly why the FTX collapse was such a big deal (where FTX was an exchange, just like Binance, Coinbase, etc today, that rose to explosive popularity). People were holding BTC, memes, alts, everything on there, and any crypto held on the exchange when it folded basically evaporated straight through account holders' fingers.


Those who took the initiative to transfer crypto from their FTX accounts to their own personal crypto wallets were completely unaffected by the FTX collapse. This is Reason Number 1 to own a crypto wallet: cryptocurrencies directly under your control are untethered to black swan events that may befall centralized entities such as CEXs going under.

Crypto Exchanges vs. Fiat Banks, Revisited

Revisiting banks and exchanges, let's run another hypothetical: say every bank member of some bank tried to withdraw their entire bank accounts into hard cash, simultaneously. Most banks simply would not be able to do this and would just fold. This is where institutions like the FDIC would step in and cover any losses up to a predetermined amount for insured accounts- which would be all of them under an FDIC-insured bank.
With a crypto exchange, if everyone tried to literally cash out all their crypto at the exact same time, more than likely the exchange would just fold (as actually demonstrated by FTX), but the difference is that there wouldn't be a centralized entity like the FDIC to step in and cover people's losses.
One silver lining of the FTX collapse was that it acts as a major deterrent for any exchange today to act badly, but Coinbase, Binance, etc are still exchanges with the exact same risks, without centralized, government-backed failsafe measures via the FDIC. While everyone agrees SBF is as a close to scum of the earth as you can get in the world of crypto, in terms of regulation and how an exchange actually works, there has been little in the way of updates from FTX to exchanges that are active today.
The one exception to this is Coinbase, which offers a $1,000,000 reimbursement protection for all Coinbase One accounts (the paid tier that starts at $30/mo or $300/yr). This is relatively new as far as CEX backing goes, and is notably not government backed or regulated by any third party. But it's a start, and I sincerely hope any future events don't test their ability to fulfill this promise suddenly and en masse.
All this said, remember Robinhood at the height of the GME short squeeze? How accounts froze and, in addition to people locked out of their funds, congestion and stutters simply made it hard to do anything reliaby on the exchange? Here are a couple tweets that may or may not look eerily similar in tone, despite being from different CEXs:
In addition to echoing Reason Number 1, this leads to Reason Number 2 to own a crypto wallet: if exchange servers and networks get loaded up, congested, and freeze or stutter during high traffic, it's peace of mind to know that any coins you're not actively transacting are safe and sound in a separate, secure location.
"Okay, pillowdemon," you might be saying, "you've convinced me to at least begin looking into crypto wallets. Where should I start?"

Crypto Wallets 101

There are two types: Hot and Cold
Hot wallets are internet-tethered. They are created and their seed phrases and keys are generated while everything is connected to the internet. To us, these look a lot like "apps" - they're essentially software apps you run on your phone or computer.
Cold wallets can (and really should) be generated offline, including the seed/pass phrases and keys needed to access and recover them. Because of this, it's fairly common to find them in some kind of physical form factor. Older cold storage hardware wallets looked basically like thumb drives (though they function much differently), while newer offerings look exactly like regular credit cards and have embedded chips.
Obviously, cold hardware-based wallets are considered much more secure, the main tradeoff being that you are solely responsible for your wallet security, with no company or tech support to help you out in case you mess up anywhere along the line. If you lose or destroy your hardware, and especially if you lose/destroy your seed phrases and keys, you're completely out of luck. This tradeoff of sheer accountability for full ownership and control is what comprises the term self-custodial.
A lot of cold storage options use hardware redundancy, just like having multiple copies of the key to your house. For example, Tangem offers a credit card form factor "pack of 2 or 3", where the point is to store them in different locations to insure against your car going up in a fiery inferno, your apartment going up in a fiery inferno, and you dropping your traditional real-life wallet (that holds one of your crypto hardware wallets) into the ocean during a cruise. If all 3 happen to you simultaneously, MAN that's bad luck.

The Ability to Read and Write

For those more versed in the coding/software side of things, it's important, or maybe just interesting, to clarify that a cold storage wallet is NOT directly analogous to a physical wallet where crypto is "inside" them like cash is "inside" a traditional wallet.
Instead, cryptocurrencies exist on networks using blockchains, which are the running ledgers logging all transactions related to that crypto. When you "hold" some amount of crypto, you really just have "write" access (that is, the ability to sign contracts and send crypto from an address) to an address associated with some blocks on the blockchain - keeping in mind that literally everyone has "read" access to any known address. Your crypto wallet is that address, or a collection of addresses, you have "write" access to for various crypto.

Armor in Uncharted Territory

This leads to Reason Numbers 3 and 4 to get a cold storage wallet: it's the most secure way to interface with Web3 and dApps. The crucial factor is that the crypto landscape is, say it with me now, unregulated. So it's best to think of the space as being ALL "dark web" where none of your information is secure and your wallets can be poked at by bad actors everywhere you go. And there's no scary red screen on Chrome warning you that you're stepping out into uncharted, potentially dangerous territory, offering to take you back to where it's safe.
Having a cold storage wallet is like walking around such a space with your own personal https hazmat suit, since all your information was generated and secured offline, away and simply out of reach from bad actors and malicious code sussing out vulnerabilities in a bid to find your phrases and keys. This allows you to interface worry-free with various useful dApps that can help you get ground-floor knowledge of new and potentially gem crypto, or to connect securely with DEXs such as Aerodrome Finance
One caveat: there is no protection against phishing scams, which basically boils down to user error, and it's up to you to protect yourself against malicious smart contracts, where a normal-appearing, even appealing exchange of crypto (such as accepting random cyrptocurrency drops to your wallet in exchange for nothing) may cleverly veil the next part of the contract where you unwittingly off ramp the entire contents of your wallet to various addresses.

So Why Doesn't Literally Everyone Have Their Own Self-Custodial Cold Hardware Crypto Wallet?

It's simply not FOR everyone. Even with the most absolute beginner-friendly wallets available today, making irreversible errors, from mildly annoying to major, to holy-shit-I-don't-know-where-$50,000-of-BTC-ended-up-after-I-greenlit-this-transaction, are real and fairly common. They're extremely difficult to avoid without gory attention to detail.
I'd rather not go into the minute details here, but there's a certain amount of technical literacy that you need to comfortably operate a wallet, and on a scale out of 10, where 2 is plugging in your keyboard, 7 is building your own gaming PC, and 10 is rocket science, I'd say you'd better be around a 6 at the absolute minimum, with 8 onwards denoting someone who can pick up the ins and outs relatively quickly at minimal risk. Operating a wallet can be genuinely more risky for your funds compared to leaving them on an exchange if you don't know what you're doing or get careless at the wrong time.
That said, once you successfully move your first few currencies off an exchange and onto your very own cold hardware wallet, that sense of accomplishment and control you have over your own crypto destiny is hard to beat.

It's a Long Post. Here's a TLDR:

  • Wallets are much safer for crypto storage than on CEXs
  • Self-custodial cold hardware wallets are the safest, but you assume full accountability for your security and operating the wallet competently
  • Reason 1 to own a cold wallet: you'll be safe from CEXs collapsing (re: FTX)
  • Reason 2: things will be weird and scary at the peak of the bull run with potential freezes, stutters, and potential funds lock-ups (re: Robinhood at height of GME short squeeze), particularly at times of high traffic and congestion. Having your holdings in a separate location, such as your wallet, will bring peace of mind
  • Reason 3: safest way to browse Web3
  • Reason 4: safest way to interface with dApps
  • Cold Storage Hardware Wallets aren't for everyone; rethink if you're just straight up not technically literate
  • But if you're willing to put in the time to learn how to use them, it's worth it.
submitted by pillowdemon to AerodromeFinance [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:18 NeuronsToNirvana Abstract; Introduction; Table 1 Targeting Colorectal Cancer: Unravelling the Transcriptomic Impact of Cisplatin and High-THC Cannabis Extract International Journal of Molecular Sciences [Apr 2024]

Abstract; Introduction; Table 1 Targeting Colorectal Cancer: Unravelling the Transcriptomic Impact of Cisplatin and High-THC Cannabis Extract International Journal of Molecular Sciences [Apr 2024]


Cisplatin and other platinum-derived chemotherapy drugs have been used for the treatment of cancer for a long time and are often combined with other medications. Unfortunately, tumours often develop resistance to cisplatin, forcing scientists to look for alternatives or synergistic combinations with other drugs. In this work, we attempted to find a potential synergistic effect between cisplatin and cannabinoid delta-9-THC, as well as the high-THC Cannabis sativa extract, for the treatment of HT-29, HCT-116, and LS-174T colorectal cancer cell lines. However, we found that combinations of the high-THC cannabis extract with cisplatin worked antagonistically on the tested colorectal cancer cell lines. To elucidate the mechanisms of drug interactions and the distinct impacts of individual treatments, we conducted a comprehensive transcriptomic analysis of affected pathways within the colorectal cancer cell line HT-29. Our primary objective was to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms associated with each treatment modality and their potential interactions. Our findings revealed an antagonistic interaction between cisplatin and high-THC cannabis extract, which could be linked to alterations in gene transcription associated with cell death (BCL2, BAD, caspase 10), DNA repair pathways (Rad52), and cancer pathways related to drug resistance

1. Introduction

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent cancer globally. It is frequently diagnosed at advanced stages, thereby constraining treatment options [1]. Even with various prevention efforts and treatments available, CRC remains deadly. There is a need for new and better ways to prevent and treat it, possibly by combining different drugs. Recent research suggests that cannabinoids could be promising in this regard [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
In recent years, both our experimental data and data from others have demonstrated the anticancer effects of cannabinoids on CRC [11,12,13,14,15,16]. Potential mechanisms through which cannabinoids affect cancer involve the activation of apoptosis, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, reduced expression of apoptosis inhibitor survivin, and inhibition of several signalling pathways, including RAS/MAPK and PI3K/AKT [2,6,11,17]. Our research has revealed that Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) plant-derived cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) influences the carbohydrate metabolism of CRC cells, and when combined with intermittent serum starvation, it demonstrates a strong synergistic effect [16].
In 2007, Greenhough et al. reported that delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) treatment in vitro induces apoptosis in adenoma cell lines. The apoptosis was facilitated by the dephosphorylation and activation of proapoptotic BAD protein, likely triggered by the inhibition of several cancer survival pathways, including RAS/MAPK, ERK1/2, and PI3K/AKT, through cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor activation [11]. In contrast, exposure of glioblastoma and lung carcinoma cell line to THC promoted cancer cell growth [18].
Research examining the combination of CBD with the platinum drug oxaliplatin demonstrated that incorporating CBD into the treatment plan can surmount oxaliplatin resistance. This leads to the generation of free radicals by dysfunctional mitochondria in resistant cells and, eventually, cell death [19]. Recent study has demonstrated that the generation of free radicals might be enhanced by supramolecular nanoparticles that release platinum salts in cancer cells, which potentiates the effects of treatment [20]. Several other studies showed that THC, CBD, and cannabinol (CBN) can increase the sensitivity of CRCs to chemotherapy by the downregulation of ATP-binding cassette family transporters, P-glycoprotein, and the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) [21], resulting in the potential chemosensitizing effect of cannabinoids [22,23,24]. These data were one of the reasons why we decided to combine a DNA-crosslinking agent cisplatin, with a selected cannabinoid extract.
Cannabis extracts contain many active ingredients in addition to cannabinoids, including terpenes and flavonoids, which possibly have a modulating, so-called entourage effect on cancer cells [25]. Research conducted on DLD-1 and HCT-116 CRC lines demonstrated a notable reduction in proliferation following exposure to high-CBD extracts derived from C. sativa plants. Furthermore, the same extract has been shown to diminish polyp formation in an azoxymethane animal model and reduce neoplastic growth in xenograft tumour models [25]. The synergistic interaction between different fractions of C. sativa extract in G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis was also demonstrated in CRC cells [26]. In contrast, full-spectrum CBD extracts were not more effective at reducing cell viability in colorectal cancer, melanoma, and glioblastoma cell lines compared to CBD alone. Purified CBD exhibited lower IC50 concentrations than CBD alone [27]. Thus, it appears that the extract composition and concentration of other active ingredients could be the modulating factors of the anti-cancer effect of cannabinoids [28].
The cannabis plant contains a variety of terpenes and flavonoids, which are biologically active compounds that may also hold potential for cancer treatment [29,30]. There are 200 terpenes found in C. sativa plants [31]. Here, we will review terpenes that were relevant to our study.
Myrcene, a terpene present in cannabis plant, demonstrated carcinogenic properties, leading to kidney and liver cancer in animal models [32] and in human cells [33]. However, it also demonstrated cytotoxic effects on various cancer cell lines [31,34].
Another terpene that appears in cannabis is pinene. Pinene, another terpene found in cannabis, has demonstrated the ability to decrease cell viability, trigger apoptosis, and prompt cell cycle arrest in various cancer cell lines [35,36,37,38,39,40,41]. Moreover, it can act synergistically with paclitaxel in tested lung cancer models [39]. In vivo animal models showed a decreased number of tumours and their growth under pinene treatment [42]. These data could also support the notion that whole-flower cannabis extracts rich in terpenes and perhaps other active ingredients are more potent against cancer than purified cannabinoids [43].
Cisplatin has a limited therapeutic window and causes numerous adverse effects, and cancer cells are often developing resistance to it [44,45]. To avoid the development of drug resistance, cisplatin is often employed in combination with other chemotherapy agents [46]. The formation of DNA crosslinks triggers the activation of cell cycle checkpoints. Cisplatin creates DNA crosslinks, activating cell cycle checkpoints, causing temporary arrest in the S phase and more pronounced G2/M arrest. Additionally, cisplatin activates ATM and ATR, leading to the phosphorylation of the p53 protein. ATR activation induced by cisplatin results in the upregulation of CHK1 and CHK2, as well as various components of MAPK pathway, affecting the proliferation, differentiation, and survival of cancer cells [47], as well as apoptosis [48].
Based on the extensive literature review, there is compelling evidence to warrant investigation into the efficacy of C. sativa extracts containing various terpenoid profiles. This exploration aims to determine whether specific combinations of cannabinoids with terpenoids could yield superior benefits in treating CRC cell lines compared to cannabinoids alone. Therefore, evaluating selected cannabinoid extracts alongside conventional chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin, holds promise. This approach is particularly advantageous given the prevalence of cancer patients using cannabis extracts for alleviating cancer-related symptoms. Here, we analyzed steady-state mRNA levels in the HT-29 CRC cell line exposed to cisplatin, high-THC cannabinoid extract, or a combination of both treatments.

Table 1

Original Source

submitted by NeuronsToNirvana to NeuronsToNirvana [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:11 Sosojoy Weekly Wrap: Chainlink CCIP Has Officially Entered General Availability - April 22 - April 28, 2024

Weekly Wrap: Chainlink CCIP Has Officially Entered General Availability - April 22 - April 28, 2024

Chainlink News and Announcements
The Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) is now generally available. Any developer can permissionlessly build cross-chain apps using CCIP for secure arbitrary messaging and cross-chain token transfers of assets such as USDC, LINK, ETH, and more.
During a fireside chat with Further's Sheynk at ETHDubai, Sergey Nazarov explained the scope of Chainlink-powered tokenized real-world assets and offered a glimpse into the future of tokenizing new and traditional asset classes onchain
  • CCIP has officially entered the GA
  • Transporter goes live
  • Native ETH cross-chain
  • Chainlink breaks ground in APAC and MENA
And more!
Tune into the upcoming livestream on the official Chainlink YouTube, where Kemal El Moujahid and the Chainlink Labs team will highlight the latest product releases and answer community questions about the Q1 update on May 3, 2024, at 12 PM ET.
DBOE is joining Chainlink BUILD to gain enhanced access to Chainlink's industry-leading oracle services and technical support. These services help support the security and use of decentralized onchain trading.
In return, DBOE will make 4.5% of its total native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers.
DBOE provides one of the most extensive crypto options protocols on Polygon and supports spot trading on both Polygon and Ethereum. DBOE's platform is non-custodial and doesn't require pre-trade funding.
As part of BUILD, DBOE will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of Chainlink Price Feeds to power options pricing and settlement and Chainlink CCIP to support cross-chain collateral, along with access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, among other benefits.
Attend the opening ceremony for the Chainlink Block Magic Hackathon. Summon the skills needed to transform your product ideas into code and become an onchain wizard. Click the "Notify me" bell and tune in Monday at 10 AM ET.
Join a team and compete for the chance to win up to $500K in prizes, all thanks to our sponsors. Register now:
Are you excited for Consensus? This is your opportunity to meet the Chainlink Labs team & network with the community. Learn about the Chainlink platform & tokenized assets and hear from Sergey Nazarov & Jonathan Ehrenfeld from Swift live on stage.
ETHGlobal is coming to Sydney. Prepare with a pre-event workshop on 1st May hosted by Google Cloud, Chainlink, Blockchain Australia, & more. Then, compete for $10K in Chainlink prizes at ETHGlobal Sydney on 3rd - 5th May.

Data Feeds Integrations

Highly accurate, reliable, and decentralized market data from Chainlink Price Feeds power the onchain finance ecosystem.

Functions Integrations

Arkham has upgraded its blockchain intelligence exchange using Chainlink Functions to bring intel verification onchain in a trust-minimized manner. How Functions helps Arkham further decentralize its protocol

CCIP Integrations

Etherisc, a leading blockchain-based parametric insurance platform—has integrated Chainlink CCIP on Ethereum and Base to help power secure cross-chain transfers of its native token DIP. Discover how the Chainlink platform unlocks new use cases.
Tensorplex Stake by Tensorplex Labs, a liquid staking solution for decentralized AI network tokens, has integrated Chainlink CCIP across Arbitrum, Base, Ethereum, & Optimism. How CCIP unlocks cross-chain transfers for the stTAO liquid staking token
Matrixdock, a brand by Matrixport, has integrated Chainlink CCIP on Arbitrum and Ethereum to unlock cross-chain transfers of its tokenized short-term U.S. Treasury Bills.

What’s New for Developers 🛠

“Chainlink has ultimately helped put users more at ease, and that has translated to higher DAUs and TVL.” Learn how the Chainlink effect helps grow BENQI on Avalanche.

Featured Videos & Educational Pieces 🎥

In this update, Sergey shares his perspective on the capital markets adoption of blockchain technology and how the Chainlink platform uniquely addresses the core requirements of institutions regarding tokenized assets.
“The real-world asset boom is dependent on data.” Chainlink Co-Founder Sergey Nazarov discusses the data and connectivity requirements for tokenized assets and how Chainlink is the only platform that can meet all of those needs.
"I personally believe that all of the assets in the financial system will eventually end up on a blockchain." Chainlink CCIP enables all these assets to interact, regardless of the blockchain that the buyers, sellers, or issuers reside on.
In this latest Bloomberg coverage, Chainlink Co-Founder Sergey Nazarov highlights how Hong Kong, the UAE, and Singapore are rapidly emerging as global hubs for blockchain innovation and digital asset adoption. The tokenized future is on.
Different chains have unique advantages depending on their underlying technology. Fund managers can leverage all of them with CCIP.
Tokenization is the most significant transformation in modern financial markets, going far beyond the digitalization of financial instruments in the second half of the 20th century. A primer on this new megatrend in global finance.
With a fully-fledged platform offering key services, including Chainlink Data Feeds, CCIP, Proof of Reserve, and more, Chainlink is the only infrastructure capable of solving all these core challenges for the tokenization economy. Learn more about how Chainlink is powering the tokenized real-world asset industry.
The trillion-dollar tokenization opportunity is here, & financial institutions need to future-proof their strategy. This new Chainlink industry report, with contributions from Boston Consulting Group, 21Shares US, Paxos, and Backed, examines the tokenization megatrend.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (@hkmagovhk) is supportive of banks using public blockchains. In a recent guidance statement around the use of DLTs, Hong Kong’s central banking authority highlights various opportunities and risks, including the potential of tokenized deposits and the need for interoperability.

Ecosystem & Community Celebrations 👏

Upcoming Events 📅

Chainlink’s Community Grant Program empowers our ecosystem to create valuable resources that help accelerate the adoption of Chainlink-powered smart contracts. Apply for a grant today.
Are there other community content and celebrations that we missed? Please post them in the comments below! ⤵️
submitted by Sosojoy to Chainlink [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:47 cptn_candy How the humans ascended.

“Good evening class! Today I will be lecturing you all on the ascent of the primordial race, the Humans.”
Shocked gasps and murmurs run through the crowded classroom as they hear this. Every student in the room was a future galactic level politician of one level or another. They all expected to learn this information sooner or later but each of them without exception thought it would be later.
“Now, now quiet down, I understand the shock of learning it this early but countermeasures have already been put in place. For one you all have had your memories scanned discreetly for the past 6 months. Secondly over these 6 months of classes a memetic agent has been thoroughly rooted in each and every one of your minds.”
Outrage and shouting began among the students at this insane level of invasion into their privacy. But a quiet gentle voice spread across the whole room as though it came from space itself. It was a soft whisper but it seemed to overwhelm all the shouting voices.
“Calm down everyone, your school and teachers are not the ones who did these things. It was myself in fact who did all of that, we can't have greedy or corrupt people learning my peoples secrets after all.”
As this voice spoke up blue light swirled in every corner of the room and slowly coalesced into a being next to the podium. As the being took shape a stunned silence enveloped the room and a few students directly fainted. There standing in the front of their classroom was a human that descended into physical form, wearing a crisp clean suit no less. The teacher looked over to the Human and she smiled at him thankfully. Then, breaking the silence she spoke up again.
“ Now then please wake your unconscious classmates if you would everyone… Ah good since that's done let me start by saying our galaxy's last few thousand years of peace is because the humans did not in fact leave the galaxy. They ascended yes but still watch over us and intervene when major wars or atrocities are about to occur and stop them. Some of you may even remember in the news a few years ago when two pulsars were due to collide. The resulting explosion would have destroyed a dozen nearby stars. The radiation it would have put out would have been enough to clear half of the galaxy of life.
Well the humans descended and transported one of the pulsars to another galaxy altogether. So while it appears they are gone they are here watching over us like guardian angels. Now then, Jonathin, would you like to give your lecture to these eager students?”
Jonathan smiled wide and jumped right into the lecture without any hesitation, a clear look of pride on his face.
“Why yes, I'd love to. So, as you all heard, humans are still around. I'm kind of physical proof of that now aren’t I? Yes we did ascend, yes we did abandon our physical bodies but no we have not stopped watching this galaxy. In the higher plane we have physical bodies again but we can come back down here to live as energy if we so choose. The laws of reality up there are a bit… different. Closer to the fundamental secrets of the underlying structure of reality really.
That's why any species decides to ascend, we complete our understanding and research on this plane, this dimension. It's also a basic requirement for ascension. If you don't have 100% of the laws of this level figured out your mind wont be able to handle the way laws and even basic physics work up there. Anyway, that's enough of all of that, I can't spoil too much about the higher dimensions. So let's get into the how of humanity shall we?
It started a long time ago in the human year 2100, or somewhere around there. It's so long ago the exact year was lost, it is after all human year 34000. Anyway it started back then shortly after the unification of earth. We had just finished a devastating war of ideology. The last one we would ever have in fact. We lost a full 60% of the human population at the time. Eventually we came out of it and our grand authority at the time along with his council of advisors calmed the remaining chaos and started to rebuild Earth.
We had destroyed almost every major city on the planet at the time in that war. It was… a dark time in human history but also one of the brightest. After everything was settled we began to advance rapidly for the betterment of ourselves, of each other, and our society as a whole. One of these advancements was realizing that one of our most deadly diseases, cancer, could never be cured by conventional medicine. We learned this because we fully sequenced and understood the genetic structure of ourselves.
That's when a bold idea was put forward by a medical researcher who was typically ousted by his peers. He had the idea of an internal gene vault. The idea was that a template would be added inside of the body of a person and cells could only replicate from this template. People called him mad for the idea and he could get no traction until a terminal stage 4 cancer patient volunteered to undergo his treatment.
This researcher repurposed some nanobots used in cellular reconstruction for nerve damage cases. He programmed them so that if there were any cells in the body that did not match the information of a person's own template the bots would attack and destroy any cell. The only leeway for variance was in neurons as they simply change too much as we live our lives. A 20% change allowance for them was given to account for neuroplasticity.
This made it so cells could replicate and grow naturally but too much decency was culled. To the surprise of much of the medical community, the stage 4 patient was better in a matter of a single month. The ousted researcher was suddenly praised and hailed as a genius by his peers. But he wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. His next step was to make it so that cells would be unable to replicate on their own. He set a chemical trigger in each and every cell in the human body and without it the cell wouldn’t replicate.
Then he made it so a separate set of nanomachines would carefully administer and synthesize this chemical only to cells who had healthy and perfectly intact telomeres. With this step, he made us biologically immortal and his name will be forever celebrated in human society. Now before we continue on to the next part, any questions?”
Instantly a single appendage of every student in the room went up and a few light signals were given by aquatic species. Seeing this Jonathin smiled wide and slowly went through every question noting a few interesting ones like.
Q “If humans had nanomachines for medicine already, why was this not done sooner?”
A “Because before the great war there was corporate greed and corruption, these nanomachines were hidden away and only used by the rich and powerful.”
Q “Why was the researcher called mad? That idea seemed rather brilliant.”
A “It was against the norm, and we hadn’t quite established at that point that unique and non standard ideas were the ones that should be most encouraged. We got our mentality for science backwards for most of our history, scoffing at ideas that weren’t “mainstream”. But the essence of science itself is to question everything and consider all angles, none should be shunned unless disproven.”
And finally, Jonathins favorite.
Q “Wait, this was only the starting point for human ascension? This would be a plateau for any other race.”
A “ Yes this was the starting point, humanity is a curious and greedy species by nature. We took this nature and focused it towards learning rather than selfish gain. Our curiosity made it so that unless we learned literally everything we would always seek more information and knowledge. Our greed made us hunger for that knowledge like nothing else.”
Once all of the questions were answered Jonathin continued on with his lesson.
“So that was the first step we took, biological immortality. The next step was integrating our minds and bodies with our technology on a higher level. This wasn’t hard, most of us had neuro processors at this point, after all. Integrating with computers and the like was a simple matter of willing ourselves to do it. But we took it a step further and made ourselves several virtual worlds, our own virtual galaxy even. Some places we would meld our minds with others for a time to solve larger, more complex problems. In others we would simply play games and have fun that the pesky conventional rules of reality disallow but a virtual one does.
We integrated with not only our machines but with our own bodies more thoroughly. Using our neuro processors we connected the more instinctual or unconscious parts of the brain to the parts used for higher thinking, memory and the like. We gained total mastery of the flesh, but we noticed even with perfect control over our minds and bodies something was off. We couldn’t control emotions, no matter what we did, something always interfered. So we went through everything and looked it over and came to the only logical conclusion, the soul. We determined that the soul had to exist but we couldn’t seem to measure it or determine its location in the body.
We tried, for centuries, with technology that to many of you would be inconceivable. Microscopes using artificial types of radiation that could view individual quarks for example. We used every scanner, every sensor imaginable but we just couldn’t find the soul. We knew for a fact it had to exist and be measurable… somehow. Eventually someone decided to look at ancient pre-war records and “crackpot theories”. Eventually we came across one that seemed outlandish but remember at this point outlandish ideas were like prized gems. So we read up on it and essentially it said.
‘ I have a theory of my own about energy, not thermal, gravitational, or electrical, but biological energy. Ki, mana, life energy, psychic energy and all the other names we give it. People write it off as non-scientific but I would like to posit that perhaps this energy is real and we simply are dismissing it because it sounds too strange. But the truth is often stranger than fiction and I believe this is also the case here. When you run electricity through a wire, or any non superconductor, what happens? It generated an electric or electromagnetic field, right? The resistance is what causes it, but that's not important here.
What if mana, ki and the like are simply the electromagnetic field that the nervous system of the body is giving off? Psychics or energy users or whatever you want to call them simply figured out a way to control this field based on how energy flows through our nervous system and our flesh. A muscle in the brain that humanity long since forgot how to flex for some reason or other. If we could learn to control this energy again, wouldn’t we as humans with nothing but our organic bodies be able to manipulate energy and do things we would consider magical or psychic? Using our energy field to interact with energy outside our bodies and change the universe around us with it? I do wonder if maybe this would allow us to know once and for all if there is a soul
For if there is a soul, it is surely a form of energy and should we learn to consciously see, feel, hear and interact with energy in these ways, we would know of our soul.’
This document inspired many and we began meditating and looking inwards to our own bodies to find answers. Eventually a method was found and formed the foundation of what we ended up calling cultivation. This founding method inspired dozens more and eventually we knew for a fact how to control the energy fields of our bodies. Decades later, someone finally did it, they were able to sense their own soul. The power they wielded was immense. It was like they had the power of the big bang in the palm of their hands. Once we found the soul we had perfect our minds, our bodies, and now, even our souls were being studied and worked on to perfect.
I wish I could tell you all exactly how to do it but it's esoteric by its very nature. Everyone experiences it in a vastly different way in just the human race, let alone alien species. But humanity dug deeper and eventually discovered every alien race was capable of the same feats and abilities. But we as a whole decided that this should be a journey that every species takes themselves. With that, using our essentially infinite lifespans, we began to look inwards and use this ability to feel and see energies. Every human being suddenly became able to pry into the secrets of reality itself and just know how it worked innately through this energy. So eventually humanity as a whole but also individually learned the true inner workings of reality. With this understanding came a feeling.
We felt the next level, another type of energy. Once we reached enlightenment about our reality, We began to feel the walls of the very dimension we live in. We felt the restrictions of third dimensional space like a boulder on our chests. So we dug even deeper into ourselves and found that we could take all of the energy from our bodies and separate from them, existing independently as souls. As souls through energy we could replicate every feat our technology granted us and more, much much more. We began to guide the whole galaxy as overseers and guardians at that point and over time figured out a few ways to leave this third dimensional space and move on to the next level.
Now we are what you all know of as myths and legends, the… ugh ‘godlike’ creatures you all look up to. Though almost all of us hate being called gods or anything similar, we are human and it is the rightful place of gods to tremble at our feet if they exist, why should we be called something lesser? All life in the universe in humanities eyes in fact is greater than a so-called god, but I’m ranting now. That is the full story of how humanity ascended, any final questions?”
Every appendage in the room shot up again and many more lights flicked on. Jonathan smiled and shook his head as the students began shouting their questions like younglings again, not like the adults in a college level class they actually were.
End of story.
If you want to read any of my stories on the youtubes, I have a single requirement. Use your natural human voice. This Is HFY after all, the irony of using an A.I to read human stories instead of your human voice should be pretty obvious. If you read the stories yourself with your human voice you can read any and all of my stories on youtube, or wherever. If you use TTS or A.I readers however, you will not be given permission to read my stories for youtuber and the like. If I see my stories up anywhere being read by the TTS bots I will be reporting them or copyright claiming. This is your warning.
submitted by cptn_candy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:34 Chemical_Concept4227 Conquering the CELPIP: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Preparation Course

The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index (CELPIP) is a crucial gateway for aspiring immigrants and professionals seeking to work or live in Canada. Acing the CELPIP test demonstrates your English language proficiency in all four key areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. While self-study is an option, enrolling in a CELPIP preparation course can significantly boost your chances of success. This blog will be your roadmap, guiding you through finding the ideal CELPIP preparation course to achieve your desired score.📷

Why Choose a CELPIP Preparation Course?

While independent study is possible, enrolling in a CELPIP preparation course offers several advantages:

Finding the Right Fit: Key Considerations for a CELPIP Preparation Course

With a variety of CELPIP preparation courses available, careful selection is crucial. Here are key factors to consider:
Beyond the Basics: Additional Considerations
Once you've shortlisted a few courses, delve deeper with these questions:
Making the Informed Decision
Schedule a visit with the shortlisted course providers (if they offer in-person classes) or attend online information sessions. This allows you to experience the learning environment, interact with instructors, and ask specific questions about their teaching methodologies and student support services. Trust your instincts and choose a course that feels comfortable, supportive, and aligns with your learning style and goals.

In Conclusion:

Choosing the right CELPIP preparation course is an investment in your future in Canada. By carefully considering these factors, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect partner on your path to CELPIP success. Remember, the ideal course boasts a proven track record, experienced faculty who understand the CELPIP format, and a comprehensive curriculum that caters to your individual learning needs. Don't hesitate to leverage the expertise of a and watch your confidence soar as you conquer the CELPIP exam. At KMindz CELPIP Institute, we're committed to empowering students to achieve their desired CELPIP scores. With our expert faculty, results-oriented approach, and a range of CELPIP-specific resources, we'll equip you with the knowledge
submitted by Chemical_Concept4227 to u/Chemical_Concept4227 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:32 Zack_Zeros Small questions for who knows enough about CN culture/Bilibili.

After I saw how some of CN fans would eat their oshis alive over the smallest thing, these questions popped into my head.
How strict is Bilibili in general when compared to YT/Twitch?
How good can automod/moderators deal with bots/trolls/antis?
Does it have any flaws like Youtube's copyright system people can abuse?
Is its monetization system betteworst or the same as YT/Twitch?
Can livers play songs similar to this and this(photosensitive epilepsy warning) or their original counterparts as their stream bgm on Bilibili?
How would an average fan (and an extreme fan) on Bilibili react? Is it disrespectful/distasteful to play those kind of remix songs in one's stream?
Thank you in advance for putting in your time and efforts to answer these questions.
submitted by Zack_Zeros to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:07 ravi_2304 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Plastic Security Seal

Plastic security seals play a critical role in ensuring the contents of containers, bags, equipment, etc., remain safe and tamper-proof. They are an effective and affordable method of thwarting pilferage, unauthorized access, and contamination of valuable products. Some factors to consider for choosing the right plastic security seal:
Understanding a Plastic Security Seal
Plastic security seals are made of durable and high-strength plastic materials. They can withstand extreme temperatures, humidity, and exposure to chemicals. They usually constitute a thin band of plastic with a fastening mechanism. It is easy to attach the seal to the piece needing security from tampering. There are various types of plastic security seals. You must choose the right kind to achieve the desired level of security and protection.
Purpose of the Plastic Seal
The first step in selecting a plastic seal is to understand the purpose it will serve. There are different Types of Plastic Seals for various applications. They include securing shipping containers and trucks, indicating breakage or tampering, or tracking and identifying items or containers. Defining the purpose of the Plastic or metal seals can help to narrow down your options.
Strength and Durability
Choose a seal with sufficient tensile strength. Tensile strength is the force needed to break the seal. A high-quality plastic seal can withstand environmental factors such as temperature changes, moisture, and UV exposure. Choosing a seal with a reinforced design can help. It improves durability and resistance to tampering.
Locking Mechanism
The locking mechanism of Security Seals in Logistics provides tamper evidence and security. A pull-tight seal allows you to adjust the tightness of the seal. It is used to secure bags and cables. A fixed-length seal has a predetermined length. It is ideal for locking specific objects or spaces. A twist seal requires a twisting motion to engage. It provides a secure and tamper-evident closure.
Ease of Application and Removal
Choose a seal that is easy to apply and remove. It is important if you need to seal and unseal items frequently. An ergonomic design will allow easy handling and application. You can remove a quick removal seal with minimal tools or effort.
Customizability and Identification
Customization can enhance security and tracking capabilities. Serial numbers or barcodes permit tracking and identification. Custom logos or text permits adding branding or specific information. Color coding allows users to differentiate between different types of seals or applications.
While it's important to invest in quality seals, you should also consider cost-effectiveness. Compare different types of seals to find the best value for your budget. Keep in mind the cheapest option may not always provide optimal security. Some Disadvantages of Plastic Security Seals include limited strength, single-use, and negative environmental impact. However, the Advantages of Plastic Security Seals, like affordability, versatility, and ease of use, make them popular.
Compliance and Standards
Ensure the Plastic Seals in Container Seals you choose comply with relevant industry standards and regulations. It is especially important for industries such as shipping, transportation, and logistics.
Choosing the right plastic security seal involves balancing several factors. They include the purpose of the seal, its strength and durability, the locking mechanism, ease of use, customizability, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with standards.
submitted by ravi_2304 to AllInformativePosts [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:02 boringteacup The Internet’s Roman Empire: An In-Depth Analysis of Glossier’s You💌

The Internet’s Roman Empire: An In-Depth Analysis of Glossier’s You💌
The people have spoken and the people cannot stop talking about Glossier’s You. Bath and Body Works recently released the new beveled collection duping high end perfumes and one of their offerings, a mist named If You Musk, seems to be drawing comparisons to Glossier's You.
My algorithm continuously bombards me with countless love-hate opinions surrounding Glossier’s You. As someone who is familiar with the revised edition (launched in 2022), I can only talk about my experience with this perfume.
But what sets it apart? In an era dominated by the clean girl aesthetic, contrasting the heavy glam of 2016, Glossier's fresh, minimalistic approach to makeup and beauty was quite revolutionary. Glossier You epitomizes this counter narrative, that screams effortless, easy, and cool.
Since its 2017 debut, Glossier’s sole EDP, You, has had a journey, garnered criticism and praise from an (what I can only describe as) intense fanbase. Glossier You isn't a complex scent but it smells expensive; it’s a soft skin scent with notes of pink pepper, iris, ambroxan and ambrette. The result is a woody musky scent that mimics the body’s natural odour and settles into something quite sweet.
Glossier’s You interacts uniquely with each individual's body chemistry, resulting in a distinct scent experience for every wearer: floral on some, musky on others. On my skin, it emits a musky, faintly floral essence with a hint of sweetness.
However, the reformulated version is widely criticized for its weak projection and longevity compared to the original. And I agree, it’s very weak. There’s no scent bubble as well. If you want someone to smell this, they have to literally hug you. This makes it an ideal fragrance for date nights or a cuddle scent. I’d recommend pairing this with a vanilla body mist to elevate the sweetness and offset the sharp pink pepper note.
All in all, this isn’t a fragrance for everybody. I understand the hype and cult following, but do not really love it enough to buy the bottle. Hence, Glossier’s You does not achieve signature scent status to me.
If you’re looking for an inoffensive and safe scent, you found yourself a winner. But at these prices? In this economy? For a weak perfume is kind of wild.
Thanks for reading! ♥️
submitted by boringteacup to DesiFragranceAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:01 Triggerhappy62 Bad Experience with Eastern Orthodox. My appreciation for the treasure I have. Anglicanism and Western Rite?

I'm a Layperson of a midwest Episcopal Cathedral. It is a beautiful church. It truly feels like the virtues of equality, dignity, and Love are there. It is a HUGE church, but is poor compared to one of the local eastern churches that I attended. My mom and brother asked me to look into orthodoxy. Due to my baptism as a child.
I took a DIVE into the Eastern Orthodox church. I was Baptized and Christmated in the Antioch church that does Eastern Orthodox Rite as a baby. I am trans MTF so my old saint was John of Damascus but I adopt St. Barbara now.
I went to a eastern Orthodox Greek church and an OCA eastern church with excitement as I wanted to learn about old Faith. But sadly I was met with a group of leaders who saw me as a transgressor against Gods creation and an antagonist to them. There were not treating me as they would have wanted to be treated. Pointing out something that I never saw as sin as it was a step that saved my life. It was so bad they ended up telling me that if I had show up to a confession with the wrong articles of clothing they would not have absolved my sins.
I forgave the priests who were reviling and condemning me because they felt it was Gods rules & Canons of men that rebuked me. But really the eastern church has no real policy on trans people. Just Clergy Canons that are ANCIENT against my eunuch ancestors sadly. ( I have been told not all eastern priests are rude like this though I just found some bad ones I guess.) The Lay people of the Eastern Churches were very sweet though. They treated me truly like their neighbor even if they didn't understand everything.
Sadly the Opinion of the Eastern Orthodox church on if LGBT people are EVEN allowed to go to church has been brought up recently with the Ukrainians and Russian synods. The Bishop Saba of NA Antiochian Church wrote a letter calling such hatred phariseeism.
It's "Don't ask, don't tell" in eastern churches.
The fallen sexism about Church Mothers that the eastern church holds. I do not agree with. One of the Most Famous Celtic Saints was a possibly Sapphic Woman Bishop. Who is legendary. Brigid of Kildare.
I came back to the Episcopal Anglican church eventually. I realized it was the place I had all along that loved me and showed me true compassion. My treasure I had from the start with Jesus. Orthodox Practice is in my heart and actions not my church.
I cannot understate the sheer Light that radiates from Priestess of my Cathedral. They have saved me from losing faith in Jesus when I was emotionally and spiritually cut down twice by the eastern churches priests. The Mothers Saving me and my faith through compassion and wisdom. As I was extremely distraught in trauma and sadness.
I don't think God Really Cares about gender in the long run concerning his ceremonies. Jesus upended so many gender norms that the judaic patriarchs enforced. No Jew or Greek, or Male or Female. Which was used in the oldest form of the baptismal creed. Even St.Paul quotes it.
What I'm Going to talk about below is silly, outlandish even. But It's sort of my weird hope someday.
The past decades the Western Orthodox Rite or pre-Pope west Europe service has been springing up slowly around the USA Via the Antioch NA church. This type of Rite was possibly done in the Celtic Church Prior to the papacy. I'm seen one anglican offshoot group that agrees with this concept but they are small.
Here are some things that I as an american Irish person would love to see, but that will probably never come true. It's a wish-list of "This is how traditional I'd like to see it." An Anglo/Celtic/Isles based church that is very much in the Orthodox Tradition with the ideals we see in episcopal Anglicism without the Biased bigotry we see of so often from eastern orthodoxy. God Deserves Reverence and We are already quite Reverent. But I just want a bit more mystery. To be transported to the past like I have felt at russian churches. But without the cruelty I've experinced.
A Incorporation of some old concepts from old western rite pre-pope. 1.A tinge more reverence in some spots 2.More Western Saints who were orthodox, not throwing out our own. 3.confession before communion, Catechism. Technically we have this" 4.Just a few more Icons please. For Real I could use some more icons in my church. 5.Risen Bread. Old Eucharist. 6.The censur with the jingly bells please. 7.Jesus/Bishop seat please with a icon of HighPriest Jesus. 8.A Celtic/western design and feel. "We kind of already have this" 9.Equality among the sexes in clergy. 10.Welcoming everyone! That means people who felt discriminated at other churches. 11.Acknowledgement of Monogamous partnerships between LGBT folks as valid relationships between adults.. 12. Zero Tolerance for Bigotry and extremist politics on either side of the spectrum. Policy of peace. 13.Acknowledged by the east as Western Celtic/anglo Orthodox Catholic, but not entirely controlled by the eastern ideals. The hope is communion with the east. But recognizing the Wests tradition and cultural values as their choice. (The Oriental church are sadly not in communion due to different traditions as well so I doubt this one would happen.) 14. A Re-evaluation on the roman traditions we still use. Possibly even throwing them out due to the destruction they caused to the Celtic church.
While there are tiny self run celtic monasteries they are not in communion yet with the east sadly. I just want us to all be united under Jesus and find peace for all of humanity. To understand Love, compassion and humanity. To find humility when we are wrong. To Obey commandments and Learn to know the Perfect all encompassing love of Jesus.
Truly this is a "Have my Cake and Eat it too." Scenario. But The Eastern church would NEVER agree to women in clergy due to a DEEPLY ingrained in-hospitality and sexism to the Gender of womenfolk.
Same with the modern affirmation of the Joy of union between my LGBT neighbors. I can ATTEST to you that the Love between two of my local married Gay Neighbors who attend is SO STRONG. They are VERY well educated on Theology as well. The LGBT parishioners show up the most out of all of the congregation. 50 percent are under 40. The ones who show up more often are the young LGBT Christians. What I find fascinating is one of the Church Mothers has a VERY similar viewpoint. She prays for reunification as well. But if that Happens AT BEST she would have to become a deaconess if the Eastern church lords over us?
But who knows, a lot of the anti women canons are very levitical and cruel, most sexist canons come off that way. Some of the Earliest Canons were sadly in opposition of people like myself eunuchs/third gender. Pauls words are valid, but people use them as a cudgel without context.
I'm sure, I'm very much misunderstanding how this all works. But either way this is just a hope. More Traditional flare and less roman. Without compromise of true open arms.
I love My Church and It is the only Place I feel safe to worship Jesus in Peace. I appreciate what I have there. Changing it isn't really needed, but I do find these concepts as romantic or idealized as well as being neighbors to our non papist tradition neighbors. As a dream. But Really I do believe the Holy spirit is with the Anglicans too. But why not do more without compromising the message of equality.
TL DR; Eastern orthodoxy is sadly filled with bigotry, I want to see western rite old orthodox concepts reincorporated more with Anglicanism, a celtic/anglo Orthodoxy without the bigotry of the east.
submitted by Triggerhappy62 to Anglicanism [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:59 boringteacup The Internet’s Roman Empire: An In-Depth Analysis of Glossier’s You💌

The Internet’s Roman Empire: An In-Depth Analysis of Glossier’s You💌
The people have spoken and the people cannot stop talking about Glossier’s You. Bath and Body Works recently released the new beveled collection duping high end perfumes and one of their offerings, a mist named If You Musk, seems to be drawing comparisons to Glossier's You.
My algorithm continuously bombards me with countless love-hate opinions surrounding Glossier’s You. As someone who is familiar with the revised edition (from 2022), I can only talk about my experience with this perfume.
But what sets it apart? In an era dominated by the clean girl aesthetic, contrasting the heavy glam of 2016, Glossier's fresh, minimalistic approach to makeup and beauty was quite revolutionary. Glossier You epitomizes this counter narrative, that screams effortless, easy, and cool.
Since its 2017 debut, Glossier’s sole EDP, You, has had a journey, garnered criticism and praise from an (what I can only describe as) intense fanbase. Glossier You isn't a complex scent but it smells expensive; it’s a soft skin scent with notes of pink pepper, iris, ambroxan and ambrette. The result is a woody musky scent that mimics the body’s natural odour and settles into something quite sweet.
Glossier’s You interacts uniquely with each individual's body chemistry, resulting in a distinct scent experience for every wearer: floral on some, musky on others. On my skin, it emits a musky, faintly floral essence with a hint of sweetness.
However, the reformulated version is widely criticized for its weak projection and longevity compared to the original. And I agree, it’s very weak. There’s no scent bubble as well. If you want someone to smell this, they have to literally hug you. This makes it an ideal fragrance for date nights or a cuddle scent. I’d recommend pairing this with a vanilla body mist to elevate the sweetness and offset the sharp pink pepper note.
All in all, this isn’t a fragrance for everybody. I understand the hype and cult following, but do not really love it enough to buy the bottle. Hence, Glossier’s You does not achieve signature scent status to me.
If you’re looking for an inoffensive and safe scent, you found yourself a winner. But at these prices? In this economy? For a weak perfume is kind of wild.
Thanks for reading! ♥️
submitted by boringteacup to desifemfrag [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:53 mclarke77 The Wall

I’m trapped. I can hear that thing lumbering through the hallway. My God, what the hell is it? I’m trying my best to keep quiet but I can’t help but whimper. The soft scratching of my pencil on this notepad sounds deafening in the quiet of this tiny closet. I’m almost certainly gonna die in this place. I just hope someone can find this, maybe it will do some good. Or maybe it already doesn’t matter. I’m not sure how long I have until that wheezing thing finds me. Oh God, or that grey stuff might ooze under the door and dissolve me. Oh my God! What it did to Benny, Bill, Jonesy and Donald! To all of them! Even if I don’t survive, the world needs to be warned!
Long story short, I was a cop but I got shot in the head. The doctors said I was lucky, that it went straight through without hitting anything vital. However, I still needed three steel plates to hold my fragmented skull together. Also ended up with permanent tremors in my right hand from brain damage. So it’s no surprise that my cop career didn’t thrive. Just a year later I was a “retired” 45-year-old cop, living on scraps. After a few months, I started to get desperate for work. One evening at my pub, my friend, Graham, mentioned an acquaintance who was looking for employees for some private research institute in the Mojave Desert. “What, are they still blowing A-bombs out there?” I scoffed, eyebrows arched with bemused incredulity. Graham stared down at his beer, “Not sure what the hell they do. But they pay super well, so who cares,” he took a long sip of beer, foam clinging to his lips, “I think it would be a good fit for you”.
Turns out this facility, and it really is known as the “Facility”, was located in the middle of nowhere. When I looked it up online I couldn’t find any information. Later that week I called the number that Graham had scrawled down for me on a beer stained napkin. My right hand was useless to me if I wanted it to do anything that required fine motor function, so when I dialed the number on my phone I had to use my left hand. The phone rang twice before a metallic feminine voice answered and said to hold for an operator. After a few seconds of muted elevator music, I spoke to a soft voiced man who told me my skill set was perfect for their current vacancy: a security management position. He said if I filled out some forms they would pay for me to fly on out for an interview in person.
One month and several NDAs later, I was employed again! By the time I started my new job I realized I had no idea what research went on down here. During the interviews my duties as a security manager had been discussed but any mention of their actual research interests had been carefully avoided, redacted or omitted. The security staff were also told to avoid fraternizing with anyone not from their own department, including security personnel from other sections of the Facility. On my first day I asked others about the nature of the Facility’s research, but no one had any interest. “Just stick to your contract. No point in rocking the boat,” my new boss, Bill, said to me curtly. So since then I’ve not discussed it with anyone else.
If only I had, maybe I would have seen this coming. The section of the Facility which I managed was section B.15. This area, like most of the core Facility, was located several hundred feet below the sun scorched surface of the Mojave Desert and comprised many green painted corridors peppered with tall, wide doors made from dark, stainless steel. The rooms inside were large and sterile. Artefacts were cleaned and studied in these rooms after they were brought from the excavation sites (sites E.1 through E.27). Of course, whether we wanted to know the nature of the research or not, eventually, after patrolling some of the research labs for weeks, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that the scientists were mostly archeologists or paleontologists. I would often find objects of different sizes and shapes lying around in various states of cleanliness. Some looked like ancient amphoras, or large stone bird baths. Others were less identifiable: a chipped statue, a melted lump of some unidentifiable metal or large chunks of a glass-like material. I found this all extremely curious because, as far as I knew, the Mojave Desert didn’t have much in the way of ancient architecture. At least of any ancient civilization that I know.
As the months went by I started to get friendly with the other guards, most of them ex-cops too, and we started playing cards and drinking Irish coffee in the evenings. My two main colleagues consisted of a jovial, short man with orange hair named Jonesy and a much older much grumpier and much balder man, Donald. They were good men and we had a lot of laughs together. My stomach twists when I think about where they are now. Though I grew fonder of my fellow guards, I found myself developing a severe dislike for the white coated researchers. Most of them were pernicious and arrogant. The only scientist my security buddies and me could stand was a scrawny man named Benny. Our favorite thing about Benny was that he never talked about his work.
It was earlier today, at around 1400h, when all the scientists were running from their rooms. They must have received some message a few minutes before and we watched them from the surveillance monitors as they got all excited and leapt up. Their lab coats flapped and flowed around as they jumped to their feet and made for the main exit. Soon after this the large red landline phone near my video surveillance desk began to ring. Expecting the call, I picked up the receiver before the first ring finished, “Hey boss, what’s all the excitement about?” Bill’s voice was uncharacteristically hesitant “The diggers have found a friggin’ huge object out here! The biggest thing they’ve ever dug up, it’s really irregular. They want to bring it to B.15 and I need you to organize the logistics and security”. My brow furrowed, “I guess it’s too big for the main entrance? Maybe we could bring it in via the big doors of the auxiliary hangar?” Bill grunted with agreement, “Yea, we’ll have to improvise a bit but should be manageable. I have no idea what it is… well you’ll see for yourself. I’ll get some of the boys from B.14 to help you out. And just, well…” He paused for a moment, “just be careful.” I grunted, my eyebrow arched from surprise; why was he so afraid? “Um thanks, appreciate it, see you guys soon”.
Donald, Jonesy and I had coffee in the office and called the guards at the hangar doors to arrange clearance. About an hour later we were at the platform near the doors waiting for the cargo to arrive. The massive metal hangar doors had been opened, which was rare. What was more irregular was that nearly every staff member from sections B.11 to B.18 were all gathered together in a silent knot of people. Despite the silence the air sizzled with anticipation, as well as the searing heat. I stood transfixed from curiosity at the massive doorway, waiting in the shade of the hangar as the relentless sun beat down outside. In the distance I saw a black speck grow larger against the bright blue sky. Slowly it took the form of a helicopter which was carrying a large rectangular shaped mass below it.
Within less than a minute the helicopter made its cacophonous approach toward the hangar and gently lowered the object onto an enormous wooden scaffold. I barked orders and signed forms as the guards rushed about, making sure the other personnel stayed a safe distance away. The air was blaring with the sound of the helicopter blades and sand rocketed into my face, forcing me to splutter. “Alright, let’s get this thing processed!” I yelled over the sound of the helicopter as its engines powered down, my colleagues and I wiped dirt from our faces. Bill emerged swiftly from the chopper and shook my hand. We quickly reviewed the paper work he gave me and then he made his way back downstairs to his office in section B.1. He was keen to get away for some reason.
“Alright, it’s officially in my care now. Show’s over. Get the non-essential personnel out of here immediately and secure the object. I want to get Benny up here to analyze it ASAP.” As my colleagues cleared away most of the staff and the excitement died down I was finally able to take a moment to inspect the object. It had been lowered onto the wooden scaffold fitted with wheels just outside the hangar and had been pushed slowly into the center. The few aircraft in this hangar were all currently under repairs and were non-operational, therefore there was plenty of space. As soon as I saw the sheer size of the object, I knew it would be difficult to transport, but not impossible. The object was a wall. Or a large fragment of a wall.
It was about twenty feet long, eight feet thick and ten feet high. At first the wall appeared made from some sort of boring grey stone. However, when I looked closer the wall was… alive. The wall’s surface bubbled slightly. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I stepped closer. When I was only a few inches away from it I felt cold. A bead of sweat ran down my cheek and I thought I heard something. It sounded like someone far away calling my name.
I felt a strange pressure around my head. A sudden invasive thought wormed to life: throw yourself into the wall. I shuddered and held myself back despite the sudden strong desire. I heard the faint voice of Benny and crashed back to reality. My eyes snapped open and I found my nose an inch away from the wall. It radiated cold like an open freezer and it smelled like rotting clay. The surface of the wall simmered ever so slightly. It reminded me of the fizz of some grey effervescent medicine. I paled as I took a large step backward, “I.. uh, what is this?” I turned to face Benny who stood with another scientist. He glanced at her briefly before he approached the wall to apply more straps. He was careful to avoid touching the wall with his bare skin. “Honestly, we have no idea”.
I got Donald and Jonesy to help Benny transport the wall down to room 278B via the service elevator. Donald grumbled about how badly the wall smelled and Jonesy had eyes as large as saucers when he saw it up close, “It looks so unreal!” Once downstairs I returned to my office to get some more coffee and file away the paperwork. I tried to put the strangeness of the wall out of my mind, but it had truly unnerved me. I felt so tired, my forehead drenched with cold sweat. I had been working extra shifts lately, but I had never been hit by such exhaustion so rapidly. As I sat at my desk facing the surveillance monitors I was unable to fight the sleep forcing my eyes shut.
I’ve had many hangovers in my life, most of them unpleasant, but when I woke up at my desk I’d never felt quite so singularly awful. My clothes were soaked with sweat and my whole body felt exhausted. My arms felt like molasses as I attempted to move. My forehead throbbed and I felt bruised. I also felt a pressure squeezing my head from all sides. It was quite peculiar. I sat back in my seat and rubbed my eyes.
Then I froze.
A hand was lying motionless on the floor just behind the table in the center of the office. I leapt to my feet and rushed forward. I gasped from horror as I saw Donald lying on the floor, his chest sliced to ribbons. Gallons of crimson red stained his blue uniform and his eyes stared up empty and terrified. Pallid and shaking I went to my office landline to call for backup immediately. As the receiver met my ear my stomach dropped into my feet.
The line was dead.
The sole means of communication within the core Facility is done through landlines. The landlines are monitored at all times and any interruption results in an immediate response from security. We had many protocols and fail safes to ensure communication remained enabled, but the line was dead and there was no sign of any response. In fact, how long had I been asleep? What was happening? I rushed back to the monitors. I hadn’t noticed it before but I couldn’t see anyone. The cameras were all operating normally but not a single person could be seen. The corridors were just as green and bare as most late evenings. I looked at the clock, it was only 1817h. I had slept for about two and a half hours. Where were the janitors? My heart was hammering in my chest and I couldn’t catch my breath. Meanwhile my head was throbbing and my eyes were burning. Suddenly I heard an indistinct whisper. Gooseflesh bloomed all over my back and arms.
I’d heard this voice before.
I’d heard this voice from the wall.
I turned to the monitors and searched for the wall. It had been brought back to the surface; the hangar! It sat upon the bare ground right by the massive doors. However, the doors were all sealed. The wall itself looked different. It was enormous! Almost three times longer and taller and wider. Just then, I realized that the titanium blast doors had been sealed as well. My heart rate doubled as I noticed large dents, scorch marks and scratches all over the doors. Someone had tried to break them down. The hangar floor was covered in blood and ash as well as abandoned weapons. My God, I even saw a rocket-launcher lying blackened and fractured near the doors. What the hell had happened?
I spun my head to look at the security control panel on the wall to my left. My heart, already blaring, felt like it leapt out of my mouth. My eyes grew wide as I realized someone, probably Donald, had activated a quarantine procedure. This meant that the entire Facility would be sealed airtight. The only way to open any doors now was from the outside. My God! Why had he done this? Where was everyone? Did he try to wake me? Did I really sleep through all this? I looked back at Donald, my heart still hammering from seeing his dead eyes stare into mine. I sighed sadly and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was currently 1831h. I returned to the monitors and began to rewind the security footage.
Surveying the screens, I watched my past-self enter the security office at around 1600h. By 1610h I had passed-out on my chair, drool dangling from my mouth. “Ok, so let’s see where the wall was at that time. Should be room 278B.” I thought to myself aloud as I clicked on the button that would display the footage from that room as well as the surrounding corridors. The screen was black as the footage loaded and I was about to hit the play button but hesitated. Did I really want to see this? I closed my eyes and took a few slow breaths. I can’t figure my way out of here if I don’t know what’s going on. I have to know. I hit play.
The camera was located opposite the door giving a full view of the room. At first everything seemed normal. Benny and some other scientists had transported the wall into room 278B. It was 1623h when they were taking the straps off the wall. A loud popping sound was heard and the researchers spun around. The lights in the room dimmed and flickered. Suddenly something long and slimy exploded from the wall, curled around Benny, and pulled him in. He screamed in terror as he vanished, his cries immediately silenced. My jaw dropped open and a small yell escaped me.
Without realizing it, I was instantly on my feet, shaking my head in pure denial. My heart burst. What the hell was that? What the hell? What the hell? My head was full of static. I felt tears in my eyes as I watched guards and researchers rush into the room. The wall shimmered, it’s simmering surface began to boil and bubble and it grew three feet higher. I saw it reshape itself so that intricately carved figures appeared on the wall’s edge. I leant in closer and gasped. One of those figures looked just like Benny, his mouth stretched open wide into a permanent scream. I didn’t want to continue watching, but I had to. The guards and researchers were horrified by what they saw before them. Suddenly, without warning, their body postures relaxed, their eyes grew glassy, and their arms fell slack at their sides. Those within the room moved as if sleepwalking. Some stayed still while others left the room. Brow furrowed from confusion and fear, my eyes swiveled to the footage of the corridor outside. The guards and researchers that had just exited 278B immediately began attacking and grappling those around them. I yelped as a vacant-eyed guard lazily shot another man in the leg. The thrall then dragged the wounded guard into room 278B. The mad guard held the wounded guard’s leg fast as he casually walked into the grey wall, pulling the struggling man in behind him. During this altercation I noticed Donald for the first time, he was hiding behind the corner of the corridor at the far end and was firing his gun at the madmen. He didn’t manage to hit anyone though. He then ran over to help a stray researcher to their feet and then they both ran down the corridor and out of view.
I can still hear the cries of pain and pleas for mercy as those who fell victim to the thralls were each dragged into that horrifying wall. With every person it swallowed, the wall wriggled and grew and grew. More and more ghastly decorations began to bloom on its surface, all of them made from the bones or likenesses of those who had been absorbed. The bigger it got the stronger its psychic influence became until it seemed to reach nearly everyone in the Facility, turning them into thralls. I looked on in horror as one by one, all janitors, researchers, guards, diggers, admin staff, everyone gradually stopped what they were doing, mid conversation, their eyes emptying. The janitors dropped their mops and buckets. Researchers dropped precious materials and equipment without care, letting them smash to pieces. In unison they all slowly, with vacant expressions, moved toward room 278B. Among the horde of thralls, I saw Bill and Jonesy, and so many others I knew by face. A guy who’d held the door for me once, a researcher who always slurped her coffee at lunch. Hundreds of people! What filled me with an unnamable dread was that I knew what was gonna happen. I knew what was coming. I tried to shout at the monitors, “Stop! Wait!” I grabbed the monitors and shook them with frustration.
A terror began to fill my stomach, deep and cold and aching. Suddenly I noticed Donald reappear on the screen. He was trying to hold back the researcher he’d helped earlier, but it was useless. I saw Donald, chest heaving from effort, stare with incredulity as he sat defeated on the ground. Everyone else around him stumbled dreamily toward their doom. But Donald refused to give up. I saw him run from corridor to corridor, trying desperately to stop them. He threw chairs and tables in their way but they simply pushed them aside or jumped over them. I saw him run toward this office. I saw him enter, saw myself slumped on my chair still completely unconscious. I saw Donald try to shake me awake, he slapped me a few times and was yelling in frustration. He gave up with me eventually and ran over to activate the quarantine lockdown. I saw him tear down the hall back toward room 278B, pistol in hand.
My best guess was that he saw what was happening in room 278B and decided he was gonna stop it. However, as soon as he got close to the door a long pale tendril burst through the door directly into Donald’s chest. The tentacle had a hooked end and it slashed at him. I saw blood spurt out of him, saw him stumble and fall from the ground in fright. However, he still managed to get a hold of his gun and fired multiple shots at the tendril. It writhed and flailed. Donald took the opportunity to climb to his feet. He grimaced and clasped his chest as crimson leaked to the floor. He moved back down the corridor, much more slowly than before. Eventually he got back to the office. He locked the door and then collapsed. I cried out in frustration. That whole time I was completely useless!
My mind felt like static again for a few seconds. I couldn’t work out what my next move should be. A thought hit me hard, one I should really have thought of before. Why had Donald and I not been psychically affected by the wall? Everyone had been enslaved, everyone had been forced to walk into that wall. Why not Donald? And me? I knew it must be connected to my horrendous sleepiness. My eyes grew wide with sudden realization. “Shit, the steel plates in my head!” Donald had a single steel plate in his skull because of a rock-climbing accident he had in his 20s. When I got close to the wall, had it sensed my resistance? Had it tried to incapacitate me? If so, it means this thing possesses sentience.
While I pondered this, I noticed some thralls re-strap the wall in room 278B. They transported it to the elevator and back up to the hangar. Once there, the thralls moved the wall off the scaffold onto the floor and began to beat heavily on the large metal doors with bare fists. Some even shot at the doors with their handguns. The ricochets killed a few of them but not one single person seemed to even notice. Some of the guards even used a rocket launcher! I yelled with shock as they fired at deadly close range, lazily blowing themselves up, leaving the doors scorched. After this proved futile, the thralls all grew suddenly rigid. Next, they all formed a line in front of the wall and one shambling step after another, all the remaining employees were - assimilated. Even the dead and wounded were not spared. Those still alive carried the corpses of their fellow thralls into the wall.
It was 1705h when the last employee disappeared forever into the grey horror, and the wall expanded to its current size. Without warning, a large writhing mass of twisted limbs emerged from the wall. I gasped from horror. I couldn’t tell exactly what it was because the lighting in the hangar wasn’t good enough, but it definitely wasn’t human. Its silhouette was about seven feet tall and thin and stretched. It had too many legs and it didn’t seem to have a head. This thing lumbered over to the doors and began to strike them with a strength and ferocity one would only find in a starving polar bear. I could tell that the doors were taking strain, and they began to bend, but even then, they would not yield. After about half an hour of smashing the door, the creature stopped and slowly shambled toward the stairs. My heart froze. It was coming here! Or was it here already?
My eyes swiveled back to the main monitor and I was surprised to see Donald still alive. He was scratched and bleeding badly as he shakily pushed himself from the floor. He then looked up at the ammunitions cupboard and began to search through his keys. I saw him curse. He couldn’t find the key with his trembling, bloodied fingers. In the next instant his eyes bulged and he heaved as if vomiting. His body doubled over and long grey tendrils oozed from his mouth and wriggled furiously. He grabbed his throat and fell forward onto the floor. Frozen in horror I watched as his body squirmed and he wriggled as if his intestines were filled with snakes. I continued to watch absolutely transfixed as three long grey tendrils emerged again from between Donald’s lips. Slowly they wriggled free of his mouth. They were about half a foot long, dull grey and thin like spaghetti.
I watched as they slithered toward my unconscious form on the monitor. I bit my lip and stood up. Slowly my brain put two and two together. Bile rose in my throat. I yelled at myself to wake up and see the worms. Just then my stomach dropped and I could feel an itchiness in my belly. I could feel the wriggling itch of a thousand grey eels in my gut. Or was I imagining it?
My stomach writhed and I was about to puke when I saw myself awake and stretch in my chair. The worms somehow realized I was awake and they moved out of view towards the –before I could watch the screen any longer, I heard a hiss and something slimy and long wrapped itself around my throat so tight I couldn’t breathe. I gasped with surprise and strained my neck to look at the monitor that showed the room in real time. I saw from the camera behind my head that something thin and grey had wrapped itself around my throat. I saw two more of those things coming at me from behind as well. They were about to come wriggling up my chair when I grimaced with anger and grabbed my gun from its holster. The thing around my neck was hissing and making awful clicking and guttural noises. Its small worm head had a mouth that bit and it latched onto my neck to suck my blood. I pulled at the leach and pressed my gun up against it. I pulled the trigger. With an earsplitting bang and a sound like a water balloon popping the leach was reduced to sticky goo. I pulled the remnants of the leach off my neck and spun around just in time to shoot and kill the others. I grinned with a mad-joy and yelled with relief. Immediately, a wave of nausea and exhaustion hit me and I fell back onto my chair. “What the hell was that? What the hell do I do now?” I sat still for a moment and tried not to lose my mind completely. I swear I could hear Woody the woodpecker laughing somewhere in the distance. I needed to keep it together. I took a long deep breath and tried to think of a way out.
Summarizing the details of my predicament, I realized I was trapped alone inside the Facility with an otherworldly force. Also, even if I found a way out, I’d potentially be letting an evil into the world that could destroy all life. At once an old thought returned to me, one I’d often experienced as a cop. “If I need to sacrifice myself to save others, I will do so without complaint.” A wry smile spread over my face. “Once a cop, always a cop.” My smile vanished as a I continued to think. “But my God, if this thing gets out. If it gets into the minds of other people. If it gets larger and larger. Could it swallow the world? The solar system? What other monstrosities would it unleash?” I was talking aloud now; the sound of my voice gave a new reality to my situation that made me shudder. I turned back to the monitor. It seems I was all caught up with what had happened. I stared blankly into the screen while I watched my past-self continue to wake and wince from pain. I switched the monitor off and saw my reflection in the blackness of the screen. I was pale and my eyes were wide and unblinking. “What do I do now?” I turned in my chair to look at Donald’s body. Were all those worms gone? Could some still be hiding? And what should be done with his body? Probably best to have it burned. “Poor Donald, he didn’t deserve this”, I muttered softly as I examined his corpse, making sure there were no unexplained twitches beneath his skin. My eyes moved from his body up to the ammunition’s cupboard just above. “Wait, why was he trying to get into the cupboard earlier? We don’t have much…”, my eyes grew large with realization. “Holy crap, he was trying to get the bomb! Me and Donald were gonna use a left-over bomb from the excavation site to blow some random shit up!”
I sighed sadly and heavily. We never got around to it. I stood up quickly and walked up to the cupboard. I pulled out my keys and quickly found the key I’d need. I opened the cupboard with little effort and found the ten kilos of plastic explosive inside. It had already been set up with a sixty second timer and a remote detonator by a colleague. I sat at the table with the explosive, a vague plan forming in my broken mind. “Maybe if I somehow get this wall-thing to eat this bomb then...”
Before I could formulate my thoughts fully, the lights flickered, and the entire Facility was plunged into darkness unceremoniously. My nerves were burning with fear. What had happened? Had that thing knocked the power out somehow? The next few seconds that past were some of the longest I’d ever experienced. However, dim green light bloomed to life and the reserve power kicked in. Then I heard slow, shuffling footsteps in the corridor just outside the office. I froze once again, my insides turning to mush. My mind raced. Had I remembered to lock the door? My stomach leapt into my feet as I heard the shuffling get louder and louder. I heard hoarse, wheezing breaths, as if the thing struggled to breathe. I jumped from fright but remained absolutely silent as whatever the thing was banged on the door with a deafening blow.
BANG! The door shook and bent slightly.
BANG! Silence for a moment.
BANG! BANG! Again silence. My heart was hammering in my ears and I sat deathly still. I could hear that thing breathing louder. After a few moments I heard it shuffle away. My entire body was shaking as relief washed over me. Whatever the thing was, it had walked away and I could no longer hear it. I turned to look at the monitors. Dare I turn them on and check what it was? After a few seconds of consideration, holding my breath, I turned to the monitors and switched them on. I waited in nervous anticipation as the screens flickered to life showing me that all the corridors between me and the wall were currently empty. I didn’t bother checking the corridor I suspected the shambling thing was in. I didn’t want to see it unless I needed to. I’d had just about all the stress and terror I could take and by this stage I felt weirdly calm. It must be shock. A thin sigh escaped me as I stood. The fear in my blood began to feed a furnace of anger in my heart. I thought about all those who I had lost. I felt my expression turn to granite, “It’s time to kill this thing.”
I opened the door slowly, my fully loaded gun in my good hand. Spare ammo along with the explosive and a shotgun was stashed in my backpack, and the remote detonator was tied to my belt. I held a heavy-duty flashlight in my shaky right hand. I moved cautiously through the dark green corridors. I’d never thought of how creepy this place could be until this moment. Gooseflesh crept up my arms and neck as I continued. All I could hear were my soft footfalls and shallow anxious breaths. I cleared the corridors one by one until I made it to the stairs that would lead me to the thing that looks like a wall. I walked up the stairs slowly, my ears honing in on any sound. That’s when I heard it. I heard the soft sound of crying.
Someone was crying. I stopped dead in my tracks. My entire body shook from the adrenaline surging through me. I took one step. Then another. Slowly, I climbed. Once my head could peek over the top, I froze. Jonesy was squatting on his knees, naked. He was between the wall and me, with his back facing me. The terrifying thing loomed enormous before us. It was now framed intricately with the skeletons of hundreds of people, all twisted and screaming in agony. Writhing, tortured souls fused together. Then came the sound of crying and moaning from the wall. I could hear them all. They were all screaming. Screaming for me to help them. To join them. I felt that pressure squeeze against my skull tighter and tighter. I shook my head in defiance. “No! You bastard! NO! I will not join you! You’re not Jonesy!” All at once the moans and wails stopped. I suddenly found myself at the top of the stairs without knowing when I’d finished climbing them. “But we are Jonesy” came a voice that was not human. It was a voice made from all those it had swallowed up. It was as though something had made a distorted copy of the voices of all those people and then just used them all at once to speak. It didn’t understand the concept of individuality. All of a sudden, the wall rippled and grey tendrils squirmed from the flesh of the wall, curling around Jonesy as they teased his face and slowly pulled him in. As he disappeared there was a horrendous sucking, squelching noise. “We are Jonesy. We are all. We can be all. We will be all. All and all and more than all.” The voice was chanting this over and over. Louder and louder.
A deafening blast came from the wall and a slithering, writhing mass of tangled human limbs emerged. It had four legs and several arms. It looked like the bodies of eight or more people shuffled and glued into an otherworldly horror. Its multiple mouths screamed a high pitch squeal that was more horrifying than the screams of the damned, and its sharp pointed teeth gnashed and chomped. I only had a second to dodge this monster. I leapt to the side and fired multiple shots at the thing’s center of mass. Its horrifying body of fused torsos wriggled and bled black ichor. It screamed with pain and jumped at me, grabbing my leg. It tossed me into the air and I almost lost my gun as I slammed into the floor a few feet away. Before I could catch my breath, it was upon me again. From the ground I fired several shots at it. This made it jump away and scuttle down the stairs. With it momentarily out of sight, I quickly got to my feet and kept my eyes on the stairs.
After a second, I decided to kneel and take off my backpack as fast as I could. I pulled out the bomb and started the timer. I also decided to get the shotgun out and get it loaded. I needed to do this now or never. As the final shell clicked into place I heard a roar coming from the stairs. The thing was back. Before I could react, it leapt at me and knocked me to the ground. The bomb flew from my grasp. It bared down on me, grabbing at my throat ready to tear me apart. My reflexes saved me though and I managed to use my shotgun to hold the thing at bay, but it was too strong. Desperate, I kicked it hard in the chest and it let go. I used this moment to grab the bomb that lay behind me; only 37 seconds to go! Terrified and crazed, sweat pouring down my face, my mind in pieces, I rammed the bomb into the creature’s mouth and kicked it back again as hard as I could. I heard it yelp like a wounded dog and it lost its footing. It fell sideways and in that second, I took my shotgun and fired at it in the chest. The force of the close-range blast sent me flying. At the same time the creature was hurled back into the wall where it was enveloped quickly.
My head was fuzzy. I was dizzy and the wind had been knocked out of me. Was the bomb going to work? I felt something warm and wet drip into my ear and touched the side of my head. My fingertips came away soaked in blood. My head was spinning. With a foggy mind I grabbed my bag, collecting my weapons and flashlight. As I stood up I heard a low rumbling sound. The ground beneath my feet shook and for a moment I was confused. Then I looked up at the wall. Its surface was roiling and boiling like I’d never seen before. It was shaking and growing. I turned to run when suddenly there was a massive blast from inside it, and the entire wall exploded into hundreds of small grey chunks. These chunks rained down all around the hangar, smashing several aircraft. The blast knocked me off my feet and this time I definitely passed out because when I awoke I could see daylight through the tiny cracks in the blast door. Where the wall had once been now stood a small blackened crater. I turned around to inspect the wall pieces and found that they – my eyes grew wide and my mouth opened. They were melting. As I approached a fragment of wall, a horrible twisted hand shot out at me. I yelled and jumped away. It was still alive! I watched in dumbfounded horror as the pieces continued to melt and began to merge, just like that scene from Terminator 2.
It was rebuilding itself. Then I heard a groan. My blood became ice. I turned slowly in terror to find the shambling, wheezing monstrosity behind me. Like the creature I'd shot, this one seemed made from bits and pieces of human limbs knitted together randomly. This one had legs which came out its mouth, its head positioned within its torso where the bellybutton should be, and it wheezed in pain. I almost puked from fright but my legs were already carrying me away. I sprinted down the corridors, ignoring all the pain and fear and exhaustion and anger and frustration I had inside me. Without thinking, I leapt into the first janitor's closet I found and locked the door with a dull clunking sound. After catching my breath, I found this notepad and pencil, and have been writing this report in the sterile glow of my flashlight. Hopefully, I have left some useful information for anyone who may find this.
Now I lie in wait for that thing. Now I lie in wait for that grey ooze. What is that thing? Is it truly indestructible? If it can survive a bomb like that, what hope do we have? It’s no wall at all. It’s a membrane. An interface. Somewhere very different is pressing up against us. It has torn a small hole, and was now prying it open further. I should blow up this whole damn place! I should burn it! But would it matter? Or would it just be buried, to be rediscovered? I think even if I survive this, nothing can help us. So here I wait, hoping to be saved, but even as I write this I can hear that thing walking past the door. With a soft click I turn off my flashlight. I try not to breathe. I can hear the snuffling, it’s right outside! I can smell its ugly breath.
Oh God! I hear the jingling of keys. The door is unlocking! How? How?
Oh God! The doorknob is turning...
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2024.04.29 08:44 Thausgt01 Cyber Core: Book Two, Chapter 06, "The remaining Lignignories enter the foyer"

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Mission Log: Mission Day 0024

Addendum 02

The process of getting the remaining four of the Lignignory 'nobility' out of their wagons made the business of carving a roadway out of the surrounding trees, let alone circling the wagons to 'guard' the ragged-looking people and teams of neo-horses seem as simple as falling off of logs. Group after group of servants, addressed alternately by names and insults, flitted around the interior area from one wagon to the next, each one trying to meet one increasingly ridiculous demand after another. ​
True to Stockley's prediction, the other Lignignory House members wasted at least 16.237 minutes arguing from the sheltered doorways of their respective wagons over who should exit first versus the value of 'presenting the star!' as it were. Finally, one persuaded “Master Nehdud” that the Great Navigator favored the bold, and Nehdud Lignignory deigned to follow the advice of his own chief personal servant and descended the rickety wooden stair-steps from his wagon. ​
His eyes kept darting around, landing on various members of the ragged-looking folk who invariably turned out to be 'female' of one species or another. And who, in turn, always found some bit of business that required them to keep a neo-horse or even a whole wagon between themselves and “Master Nehdud” shortly after he focused attention on them. ​
The whole image went on from there, with ribbons and buttons weaving their way across obviously padded jackets and pants, down to the kind of pointy-toed shoes of sky-blue fabric with the tips curling back far enough to nearly touch his ankles. His 'servants', led by a willowy and simpering sort who answered when Nehud gave instructions to 'Stakkeg', produced another shade-producing cloth on arched wire holders, and the four of them made their way toward the foyer. ​
Tianna noted his approach and gestured for the rest of the group inside to screen her. “Tell Stockley I'll wait for him and Packard through there,” she told Radclyffe while jabbing a thumb toward the stairway-door. “And remember that no one, not even the Lord or the Heir himself, get to go past that without Packard's say-so.” ​
Radclyffe raised an eyebrow. “And if he insists? 'Cos you know he's gonna,” he asked. ​
Tianna shrugged. “Tell him that we're making sure that there aren't any soilslingers about.” ​
Radclyffe's expression remained unchanged. “'Soilslingers'?” he asked. “The four-handed little creatures that children born into suddenly-wealthy and poorly-educated families get told will ruin their clothes if they get too close to mudpuddles or drain-grates. Those things?” ​
Tianna nodded. “Fear of ruining his appearance is pretty much the only reliable way of getting him to stay away from somewhere,” she pointed out. ​
Radclyffe nodded once, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “True enough,” he allowed. ​
And with that Tianna slipped through the door and made sure to close it as fully as possible behind herself. ​
The remaining three made their own ways out onto the grass and jockeying for position. The remaining male, Haruinn, gestured frequently, but his hands tended to stay very close to the hilts of his 24 visible knives of various lengths sheathed about his person. His pale face and mousy-brown hair contrasted sharply with the black and dark green color-scheme of his outfit, a quilted vest and fencer's upper tunic, matching loose pants tucked into knee-high leather boots. His servant, “Midmolk”, hauled a tower-shield out from its resting place to one side of the stairs and followed his master as he walked toward the foyer. ​
The other two ladies made their way down with some degree of assistance from their own servants. One woman's coal-black hair had been done up in what I think was supposed to be an imitation of a mountain peak, possibly a specific one with a particular ridgeline, arching across her head like a sort of quarter-rotated mohawk. Below that, a layer of pale yellowish-brown paint covered her face from hairline to the top of his darkly-stained ruffled collar, with daubs reminiscent of 'blusher' and 'highlighter' on her cheeks and even a dark-green 'eyeshadow' ringing her eyepits. And, naturally, her lips sported arches of red not quite matching the actual contours of the flesh. Her outfit had the remains of a lot of feathers and ripped-lace everywhere, dangling from puffed-out shoulders and a curtain-like skirt. A clock-cycle's worth of extrapolations let me I figure that prior to the family's hasty departure from the Capital it might have been rather fancy. Moreso if she didn't stalk like an angry cat, glaring at everything that came within two paces; even the neo-horses nudged each other aside to give her some room as she passed. Bhiocasaid... bee-yo-ca-seyd as her own servant Totra pronounced it... actually met the eyes of one of the bandit-types poking at the walls and floors; Wakeley simply nocked an arrow on his bow and stood, staring back at her, until Bhiocasaid gave a silent snarl and slammed her fist down on one of the picnic tables, growling at anyone who looked at her before heading for the nearest restroom-door. ​
By contrast, the other woman tended to slump as she walked, concealing jaw-cracking yawns behind a handkerchief as she drifted past the neo-horses, on a general heading for the foyer. Unlike virtually every other member of the house, her hair only hung down to just above her shoulders where it didn't flare out into what I would almost swear was bed-head. Her greying, formerly sunny-yellow outfit looked more like a nightgown, and her feet sported something like slippers; someone kept trying to put a kind of shawl around her, taking advantage of the yawning to tuck the thing under first one elbow and then the other until she succeeded in keeping it wrapped in place. ​
“Lady Zoti,” said Lathai, standing guard by the front door, addressing the yawning woman before turning to her attendant. “Yera,” she continued, with slightly more sympathetic tones. The servant nodded with what looked like a bit of gratitude before taking “Lady Zoti” by the elbow and steering her inside, while Lathai held the door for them. ​
Zoti settled onto the bench-seat to one of the picnic tables, crossed her arms in front of her, and promptly fell asleep while resting on the metallic surface. ​
I open up dedicated psychological profile documents for each of the Lignignory family-members. None of them seem like the kinds of guests I want to keep around for very long; even the snoring Zoti gives the impression that she could probably sleep through most emergencies, and judging from her general physique and movements she's going to need a fair bit of diet and exercise before I expect to get anything out of her besides a complaint that she's trying to sleep, here. ​
Still, who knows what I might be able to find buried under those facades with a bit of digging? ​
Author's note: Many apologies for the delay. I've relocated to a whole 'nother state and in the process of settling in lost track of time for this entry. Hope it's still enjoyable, and look forward to seeing you all next week!
submitted by Thausgt01 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:21 cjwack Talking Cats, Hearing Voices, Animated Tapestries, and More Tripping Acid with a Family History of Schizophrenia

Proof read, edited, and formatted to hopefully be easy for The Trip Keeper to read on YouTube.
A lil about me: I have a family history of schizophrenia with two people in my family being diagnosed. I think that's why psychedelics hit me like a train. I know I'm one of the folks they say shouldn't tripping but I've already done it and I am not stopping anytime soon. I'm quite the spiritual hippie type. I live for the esoteric, bizarre, and werid side of tripping. I'm also quite experienced with psychedelics and drugs in general having tried alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, kava, Kratom, weed, oxycodone, hydrocodone, percocet, Hospital Morphine, Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Conserta, Nitrous, Acid, Shrooms, n-BOMEs, Synthetic shrooms, random Acid non n-BOME RCs, Hydroxyzine (only snorted while drunk), Phenibut, Promethazine w/o codeine, blue lotus, and a bunch of random herbs and nootropics.
A little context to story, I had got some liquid Acid dropped on Bottle Caps Candy from a family member we'll call R. R had called me up informing me he had liquid LSD and to bring a chalky candy when I came to pick it up. He dosed the candy in another room when I picked them up. When he brought them back there was a thick layer of liquid struggling to absorb into each hit so we smooshed another piece on top of each one, 3 tabs altogether. He told me each one was an equivalent of 2 to 3 hits of high quality LSD. I also hadn't tripped in 6 months at this point but that's a story for another sub. Though the reason why didn't have much to do with tripping itself nor anything fun like psychosis.
A couple days later I found myself with my bills caught up, a slow night on Doordash so no work, extra money, weed, some cigarettes, and my roommate was out visiting Family. I had showered and ate some Chinese before taking a short nap. When I woke up it was around 9pm, obviously already dark outside. I was in a good mood, had nothing to do, and didn't want to go back to sleep so I slapped an LSD bottle cap on my tongue and went for a walk.
One of the pieces dissolved really quickly, like less than a minute quick, while the other piece took atleast 15 to 20 minutes fully dissolve. I was slightly nervous about tripping the days prior and was even a lil scared before placing it on my tongue; but, that fear was completely annihilated when 5 to 7 minutes in I felt this electric tingle that started in the back of my head go down my spine. I started smiling, feeling super happy, and chilled out when the tingle reached the base of my spine. I thought to myself, "Wow, I can't believe I was scared to trip again, I feel amazing right now!!" I lit a cigarette and enjoyed my walk for awhile until I started coming to the end of a col-de-sac, the street I was on was on a downward slope I think this affected things but the end of the col-de-sac and the houses started stretching super tall and became super thin kind of like a fun house mirror. I was completely mesmerized by it till I was interrupted by this electric beeping that made my skeleton nearly jump out of my skin. I had looked over and saw this gray box with 2 pink lights on it sticking out of the ground and assumed that's where the beeping came from. I then straight sprinted home cause I wasn't sure if it was hallucination or not. I did go back a few days later and couldn't find the box.
After opening my front door the night is hard to remember linearly but I will try my best. I don't have the texts anymore from this night since I got a new phone. Once I got back home, I had to use the bathroom so I went did my business but while washing my hands I looked in the mirror and noticed my pupils are starting to look a lot like bowling balls. It was then, I noticed the reflection of the SpongeBob, Sandy, and Patrick on ketamine meme my roommate printed out and pinned on the wall. Their eyes were dilating more than normal and they were all swaying back and forth. I texted R to tell him I finally tried the acid and it's strong. It's roughly 10:40p.m. by this point, even though it had been 1 hour 40 minutes since dropping it had only felt like 30 or 40 minutes ago at the most. I was about to sit down and do a dab but I got a almost telepathic sense I was about to throw up rather than a physical feeling I was about to. After throwing up I texted R freaking out questioning if it was acid since it's not supposed to make you nauseous. He just told me "too much too fast" "calm down put your phone down and be safe". I didn't put my phone down.
I started finally doing some dabs after 2 or 3 big rips I looked over and saw 2 shadow people. One was a little girl with blonde hair, a yellow sun dress, no face, instead was an empty void. It was as if her head was an empty shell and her face was the hole. The other one was a middle aged man with short blackish gray balding hair dressed in overalls, no shirt, work boots, also no face. The second shadow person looked a lot like one of my deceased uncles. They didn't feel menacing or demonic nor even holy as one would expect an encounter of this type. I got up and walked to my kitchen probably to get water but I got distracted by a third shadow person who was a woman but I didn't get too good of a look before being distracted by my thoughts. I started stretching and thinking to myself, "well atleast the dark isn't so scary anymore compared to being schizophrenic" at the time it did feel very profound aswell as I am now genuinely less scared of the dark. There's also cardboard cut outs of the Elysian Full Haze and Full Contact IPA cans hung up in my kitchen. People were walking in and out of the giant head on the Full Haze poster, I thought they were sacrificing themselves to the massive head. Thought the dude on the Full Contact poster was holding my brain aswell.
I remember it was around this time the body load and vasoconstriction was getting so intense that my arms and legs felt lankier than normal and my jaw felt like it was wired shut. I drank some water and brought a glass back to my room. When I came back the ocean thunderstorm tapestry above bed had the clouds and ocean actually moving with the lightning striking. I have string lights behind that tapestry that wrap around to the conjoining wall. The string lights looked like technicolor rainbow stars forming beautiful constellations. Normally, they are only blue, yellow, green, red and twinkle but during the trip some were changing colors to pink, purple, violet, orange, and more colors that don't exist. While the tapestry was animated, it had no sound. There's a framed painting of a deer in a forest during the sunrise on the same wall. The light in the painting was actually coming through the painting as if it was a window with sunlight shining through. The deer even had his head down grazing when normally he has his head turned towards the viewer of the painting. I layed down and decided to throw on some music. I couldn't decide on a song, I hit skip on Spotify at least 30 times before settling on Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, cliche I know, but they're one of my favorite bands and usually seem to find me when things start getting intense on psychedelics. I couldn't actually read anymore so I only knew it was Comfortably Numb by the hook and album art.
As I layed in bed I started stretching out and looking around the room. I finally started to relax a lil and calm down from thinking these were possibly nBOMes. I started to really lose myself in the trip. The slight movement of my air mattress made feel like I was floating on the ocean sea, which gave way to a euphoric sense of oneness and that I am an ocean of pure consciousness. The string lights above my bed were twinkling and reflecting slightly off the ceiling. The reflections were blending with the moving geometry on the ceiling. Next, I looked up at my Pokémon 20th anniversary poster. It was a bunch of black and white silhouettes of starter Pokémon from the first five or six gens with the ones in the middle being colored and shaped like Pikachu's head. Every silhouette was pulsating and almost bubbling.
At one point, I watched this abstract splatter colored tapestry for what felt like two hours, in reality it was probably only 30 or 40 minutes at the most. There were rotating hexagonal and octagonal pillars shooting out of the tapestry between the pillars it appeared to boil, the bursting bubbles had sparks flying off of them.
I can't remember exactly when this happened in the night so might as well stick it here. While hanging out in my bedroom, I got up to do what else but smoke more dabs. I did multiple in a row where I would do the whole ritual and forgot I had done so and follow it up with another. While sitting there, I light a cigarette to pass time and to just smoke more while conserving a lil on the wax. On my second or third cigarette in a row I started thinking to myself out loud that, "Ya know, Family Guy is right!! Vaping does look pretty fucking goofy. My twin flame out there probably thinks vaping looks goofy as fuck!! And smoking might look cool to some bitches but they give you cancer and shorten your life. It's less money for weed and psychedelics. I think after tonight I'm done smoking forever." I chain smoked a few cigarettes.
I think this is when I started hearing voices in my head. I was hearing random YouTubers, friends, celebrities, family members, and other random voices saying random words over over again. I truly thought I was hearing my sleeping neighbors' thoughts. I genuinely believed I had Telepathy. The only words I could make out vividly; however, was The Trip Keeper saying, "Gassid" over over like it was a soundbyte looping. At the time I took this as a sign to do Nitrous with Acid and that there was something spiritual I needed to see/experience from it. I was right, however this wasn't the night I did that combo as I had no nitrous at the time and it's an equally crazy experience but shorter story. I'm planning on posting that experience soon, also DO NOT huff nitrous it actually KILLS your brain cells.
Thoroughly freaking out again about hearing voices. I start frantically texting R, however I can't remember what for though. I even vividly remember asking R what would happen if I took more phrasing it "will things get more colorful or last longer?" He never responded. Since I couldn't read I was using speech to text to text R. I also had got up to pace through the house. Ordinarly, I would've left to go on another walk but I had convinced myself if that I had left again one of my cats would get out of the house and somehow I'd get arrested. I look up from my phone to notice a swirling florescent neon colored vortex of geomtry in the middle of my living room. The vortex started swirling towards me and started to suck the words out of my mouth. I saw the phrase ,"The only words that make sense are the ones I say out loud" get sucked out of my mouth by the vortex in bubble letters that distorted and mixed with geometry. As the bubble letters got closer to center of the vortex they would distort super cartoonishly, individual patterns and a mix of colors appeared over each letter. The vortex itself had a wigwag shape to it. At the time I thought in my head, "Damn this is what Jerry Garcia probably ment by "Steal your face right off your head"". I actually attempted to draw this out later on. See the drawing here if I can get imgur to work. I don't really remember turning the lights on all through my house but I vividly remember all the lights being off when the vortex stole my words. I don't remember how the vortex incident ended just that next all I know is all the lights are on suddenly and I'm walking out of my bedroom. It's probably 3 or 4am at this point cause I started hearing my neighbor cough and going in and out for cigarettes the rest of the night. I had laid my recliner, the voices had stopped but that was replaced with an intense loud buzzing inside of my head. I had my head on one of armrests, legs hanging off the other armrest, chair reclined, facing the wall. I was watching the logo on my clawhammer wall flag drip like white blood. My cats, of which I had 10 at the time, 5 being kittens still nursing, were running back and forth and playing with each other. Below the wall flag is a table with a wooden CD tower, my cats Cinderella and Oreo had jumped on the table at the same time. Completely in sync and as one fluid motion they stood up, turned to look at me, arched their backs, and sat down. Their coats were flowing and Cinderella had extra golden stripes in her fur. They stared deep into my eyes for a long time and were trying to ask me telepathically if I was doing okay. I more or less alternated between laying on the floor and my recliner for the next couple hours.
Every now and then I'd hear my neighbor out front coughing. I was debating whether or not to go talk him and wait for the sun to come up. Normally, I would've put on a show from myself at various points through the night but I had no internet at the time.
As the sun was starting to really come up and I was starting to really come down, I went outside and talked with my neighbor for awhile. Told him about my night, he's actually a little bit of a hippie too. I walked to the gas station to get some food. I felt like a zombie the whole way there and back. The light made my eyes sizzle like bacon on the Texas pavement in the middle of July. It felt like my brain was a steaming bowl of scrambled eggs. My jaw felt like I got my shit rocked by Mike Tyson. I came home, ate my powdered donuts despite only being able to taste it's texture which was low-key wigging me out, and watched either Space Ghost Coast to Coast or The Trip Keeper on my phone till I passed out.
The next morning (afternoon), my dad picked me up and we hung the whole day while I recovered and slowly returned to feeling human again. I bummed a cigarette off my dad and decided while smoking it that it was my last cigarette. I actually quit all nicotine for a month and half after this night. I started back up purely because of a bad (tested real) Acid/Nitrous Trip.
I do wanna add while not using nicotine I had vivid dreams about smoking cigarettes and vaping. Keep posted for the follow up stories about my bad Acid/Nitrous Trip, Smoking Dreams, and Snorting Hydroxyzine with Alcohol cause I bet The Trip Keeper wants to hear that last one.
submitted by cjwack to tripkeepercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:18 Ok_Regret_1081 Study in Germany vs. Other European Countries: A Comparison Guide

Thinking about pursuing higher education abroad? Germany and other European countries offer enticing opportunities for students seeking quality education, cultural immersion, and global experiences. In this comparison guide, we'll delve into the key aspects of studying in GermanyThinking about pursuing higher education abroad? Germany and other European countries offer enticing opportunities for students seeking quality education, cultural immersion, and global experiences. In this comparison guide, we'll delve into the key aspects of studying in Germany versus other European destinations, highlighting their unique advantages and considerations.

1. Cost of Education

One of the primary concerns for many students is the cost of education. Germany stands out as a budget-friendly option due to its tuition-free or low-tuition universities for international students. On the contrary, countries like the UK, France, and Switzerland often have higher tuition fees.

2. Language Considerations

Germany's education system primarily operates in German, making language proficiency a crucial factor for international students. However, many universities offer programs in English, providing options for non-German speakers. In comparison, countries like the Netherlands and Sweden offer more English-taught programs, easing the language barrier for international students.

3. Job Opportunities

Germany boasts a robust economy with ample job opportunities for skilled graduates, especially in fields like engineering, technology, and finance. The country's favorable post-study work options make it an attractive choice for those aiming to kickstart their careers. Other European countries may offer similar opportunities but vary in terms of industry focus and visa regulations.

4. Cultural Diversity

European countries offer rich cultural experiences, each with its unique heritage and lifestyle. Germany's blend of modernity and tradition, along with its vibrant arts and music scene, appeals to many students. On the other hand, countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece offer a Mediterranean charm and historical allure that attract students interested in history, art, and cuisine.

5. Quality of Education

Germany is renowned for its high-quality education system, particularly in STEM fields. Its universities consistently rank among the top globally, providing students with access to cutting-edge research and academic resources. While other European countries also offer quality education, the focus areas and teaching styles may differ.

6. Cost of Living

Apart from tuition fees, the cost of living plays a crucial role in students' decisions. Germany's cost of living is relatively affordable compared to countries like Switzerland or Scandinavia. However, cities like London and Paris may have higher living expenses, impacting students' budgets.

7. Student Life and Experiences

The overall student experience in Germany is vibrant and diverse, with numerous student clubs, events, and cultural activities. Students can explore bustling cities, scenic landscapes, and a well-connected transportation network. Similarly, other European countries offer rich experiences, from cosmopolitan cities to picturesque countryside settings, catering to various preferences.


Choosing between studying in Germany and other European countries depends on individual priorities, such as budget, language proficiency, career goals, and cultural interests. While Germany's affordability, quality education, and job prospects make it a top choice, other destinations in Europe offer unique advantages and experiences. Ultimately, thorough research and consideration of personal preferences are key to making an informed decision about pursuing higher education abroad.
versus other European destinations, highlighting their unique advantages and considerations.

1. Cost of Education

One of the primary concerns for many students is the cost of education. Germany stands out as a budget-friendly option due to its tuition-free or low-tuition universities for international students. On the contrary, countries like the UK, France, and Switzerland often have higher tuition fees.

2. Language Considerations

Germany's education system primarily operates in German, making language proficiency a crucial factor for international students. However, many universities offer programs in English, providing options for non-German speakers. In comparison, countries like the Netherlands and Sweden offer more English-taught programs, easing the language barrier for international students.

3. Job Opportunities

Germany boasts a robust economy with ample job opportunities for skilled graduates, especially in fields like engineering, technology, and finance. The country's favorable post-study work options make it an attractive choice for those aiming to kickstart their careers. Other European countries may offer similar opportunities but vary in terms of industry focus and visa regulations.

4. Cultural Diversity

European countries offer rich cultural experiences, each with its unique heritage and lifestyle. Germany's blend of modernity and tradition, along with its vibrant arts and music scene, appeals to many students. On the other hand, countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece offer a Mediterranean charm and historical allure that attract students interested in history, art, and cuisine.

5. Quality of Education

Germany is renowned for its high-quality education system, particularly in STEM fields. Its universities consistently rank among the top globally, providing students with access to cutting-edge research and academic resources. While other European countries also offer quality education, the focus areas and teaching styles may differ.

6. Cost of Living

Apart from tuition fees, the cost of living plays a crucial role in students' decisions. Germany's cost of living is relatively affordable compared to countries like Switzerland or Scandinavia. However, cities like London and Paris may have higher living expenses, impacting students' budgets.

7. Student Life and Experiences

The overall student experience in Germany is vibrant and diverse, with numerous student clubs, events, and cultural activities. Students can explore bustling cities, scenic landscapes, and a well-connected transportation network. Similarly, other European countries offer rich experiences, from cosmopolitan cities to picturesque countryside settings, catering to various preferences.


Choosing between studying in Germany and other European countries depends on individual priorities, such as budget, language proficiency, career goals, and cultural interests. While Germany's affordability, quality education, and job prospects make it a top choice, other destinations in Europe offer unique advantages and experiences. Ultimately, thorough research and consideration of personal preferences are key to making an informed decision about pursuing higher education abroad.
submitted by Ok_Regret_1081 to u/Ok_Regret_1081 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:36 NumerousSun4282 Pandora's Favor

"Representative Xyla, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
The human delegate to the Forian people's stood politely from behind his desk and motioned her into a chair opposite him.
"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice, Delegate River. I'm afraid I have come with ill tidings and to request assistance of the human Empire."
River smiled softly, his features gentle, but in his eyes were calculations, predictions, expectations.
"The empire and the Forian people have always been staunch allies. What can we do for you?"
Xyla produced her tablet, conjuring on it a series of reports from Forian expeditionary forces that had recently made contact with a new interstellar race. Though protocols were followed and the Forians had attempted peaceful communication, they had been rebuffed by the 'Legion' - a race of fungal sentients of seemingly unending number.
The Legion had all but decimated the first contact party and had ravaged the rescue fleet that had jumped in to save the expedition forces from what they had assumed was some form of natural disaster or disease. They had been met with harsh fighting in orbit as biological ships released clouds of mines like spores that detonated across the hulls of the rescue vehicles. Even after the rescue force realized this was a conscious attack and had begun evasive maneuvers and return fire their attempts were found meaningless against the Legion vessels. Outnumbered, outgunned and unprepared, the Forian rescue fleet fled back to Forian space, the expeditionary force was assumed totally lost.
And the retreat carved a galactic trail for the Legion to follow.
The human read through the reports with a stoic expression. They highlighted the negative trend the war was on, as Forian planet after Forian planet fell to Legion ships and soldiers, ultimately to be consumed by their growth. The Legion had seen only success in the conflict and had carved the Forian community into two halves, each half holding on by threads.
"Your people are divided and engaged in a loosing war with the Legion," he summarized. "I'm certain we can be of assistance. Humanity has encountered these foes before. I will have our commanders generate reports of their findings, suggestions of favorable battle tactics, recommendations on how to proceed. And, of course, you will have our assistance in rebuilding."
"Your offer is much appreciated, Delegate River, but I'm afraid the Forian people need more."
One of the Tufts of hair above the human's eyes raised slightly - an expression Xyla had learned meant the human was either confused, intrigued or entertained. Or all three. Humans were rather complex social creatures.
"If you have a proposal I can bring it forward to the Baron here. If it is within our power we could grant it immediately. Of course," he set the tablet down and turned fully towards Xyla, his countenance more serious than polite now, "if you are requesting something more serious, something substantial, it will need to approved by the emperor and his advisors. I can only promise so much."
Xyla was familiar with the human empire's negotiating. Generally, they would hear a proposal and, if they found it favorable, they would respond within 2 human days. If they found it politely unfavorable, they would simply not respond, answering inquiries with "the advisors are still discussing it," or "a decision has not yet been made on the matter, sorry." And wholly unfavorable proposals, such as the joint research agreement Xyla had proposed not 3 human years ago were immediately shut down. Her proposal now was one she expected wholesale rejection on, but she had been armed by the Forian primarch with a new bargaining tool and an imperative to make the humans agree. The Forians could not take no for answer on this.
"We believe the humans would be potent allies in this fight. Our military intelligence once generated a report on human forces that implied that what we could see of human military and weaponry was a 'placating show' and that more effort had been spent to conceal human military might than any galactic nation had ever spent using military might."
The human said nothing. He leaned forward resting his elbows on the desk, his fingers into a steeple, and his mouth behind his hands. His head tilted down and he now looked up with his eyes towards Xyla. The look was serious, dangerous, predatory even. But he did not say anything.
"The Forians formally request human aid in defeating the Legion forces and reuniting Forian space."
"We cannot fulfill that request at this time," he said flatly.
"We know humans can fight," Xyla demanded. Her skin began to glow from bioluminescence, betraying the passion of her position from the calmness of her speech. "Are you not capable of defeating the Legion? Are you afraid of them?"
"That is not the issue, Representative Xyla..." the human began.
"Tell me honestly now, could human warships defeat the Legion in combat?"
The human glanced down at Xylas tablet before bringing his gaze back to hers.
"Off the record," he said.
Xyla shut off her tablet and stowed it in her pocket as the human walked quietly around the desk and poked his head out the door. He glanced side to side for a moment and then, seemingly satisfied, closed and locked the door. He returned to his desk, opened the drawer and withdrew a tablet of his own, which he powered off and set face down on the desk. Finally, he regarded her intently.
"Your military intelligence is correct. Humans have concealed their military prowess from other galactic nations."
"Could you beat the Legion?"
"Yes. Of all the space-faring races we've come across, the Legion are perhaps the second or third most formidable - not counting ourselves of course. We wouldn't handily defeat them, per se, but we could all but guarantee military success against the forces you are engaging."
"Second or third?" Xyla stammered.
"Well naturally the federation is first. Then there's the Gaussians with their rather crafty electronic warfare. Their combat effectiveness is rather remarkable actually and the rest of the galactic community simply hasn't realized the potential Gaussians have for warfare due to their friendly nature. And they have more ships than we do people. Even still, they don't have a whole lot of bona fide military resources. Once they're done with their one trick of electronic warfare they are beatable with simple weaponry and tactics.
Then the Legion, with their large number and very fast resupply times, plus the fact that one Legionaire could eventually reproduce into a whole horde of fighters by itself, means that any conflicts with them not resolved very quickly and incredibly - ah - judiciously could very quickly become a quagmire. The empire certainly cannot afford a second war that could turn into a stalemate without our full attention. This is why I must deny your request.
As for the second or third place race, it's hard to say yet. The Wagash people - I don't believe your kind has encountered them yet actually, so I ask you to keep this between us - is rather warlike. We don't know the full strength of their forces yet and they are new to the galactic scene having only just achieved FTL a few cycles ago. But they remind us of us, and that means they're not to be trifled with lightly."
Xyla was shocked into silence for a moment. The human had acknowledged the threat of the Legion, but had framed it as one of time and effort, not insurmountable forces or indestructible vessels. And they weren't even as much of a threat as some new race that hadn't even made it to the galactic community yet?
"I see you are processing still, so let me reiterate our previous offer. We can have the empires' top military analysts review your positions and provide you with advice on how to proceed and findings from our own initial skirmish with the Legion. That information should greatly improve Forian combat effectiveness and it really is a very generous offer."
"What of human warships? Simply on loan?"
"Hired human mercenaries?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Human weapons? Training? Even just a blueprint?"
"Out of the question," the human said flatly. "What I've offered is already a stretch and..."
Xyla cut him off, "the Primarch calls in his favor."
Xyla stood now, reaching her full height and allowing her bioluminescence to fill the room with different shades of blue and purple. She put on her most commanding voice.
"The Primarch calls in his favor."
"You don't know what you're asking," the human said in a warning tone. "This is Pandora's box and you don't just want the key, you want a sledge hammer to break it open."
"I have read your human mythology, River, and I know of Pandora's box. Do you know what was inside?"
"Monsters of every kind imaginable."
"Hope," Xyla said resolutely. "Delegate River, these reports do not tell the full story. Our forces are fractured beyond repair. Our colonies are starving, our ships and stations destroyed and left derelict. Even our homeworld is on the brink, fighting an unending battle just to supply forces and equipment enough to slow the Legion advance. Not stop it, not turn it, slow it. Without human military intervention, the Forian race is finished. We are a proud people, Mr. River, but not to proud to beg. Please help us."
River was silent for a moment, staring into the room beyond Xyla. His calculating eyes had glasses over as if seeing something horrible from his past before him now.
"The human emperor," he eventually said, seemingly to himself, "was once rescued from drowning during a visit to that aquatic colony of yours by the Forian prince. He vowed to repay the debt when your people asked. You, of course, know this, since you're calling in that favor." He looked at her now. "But you don't really know the magnitude of what you're asking. Humans going to war with anyone is going to change everything. On a galactic scale."
Xyla scoffed, but the human's serious expression quieted her quickly.
"Your people like to race, yes?" River asked.
"Yes," Xyla responded. "It is our - as you humans practice it - sport."
"Your fastest racer, how quick are they?"
"Resbin his our fastest racer. He could circumnavigate our home planet in less than three of its days."
"How long would it take you to do?" River asked.
"Well I'm no racer," Xyla blushed shyly. "Maybe 20? 15 if I'm given time to get in shape."
River sighed and then looked at her deeply. "You are to your race what Resbin is to mine. At least in terms of military. I said that the Legion was perhaps the second or third strongest military power in our galaxy? Well the difference between first place, the federation, and second place is like the difference between Resbian and you. It's astronomical. It's leaps and bounds. It's degrees of magnitude different. The only things that prevent us from wiping out the Legion are that we'd have to be decisive and thorough and that we're too busy with the federation to be thorough. You're asking an adult to get into a fight with a child, only once everyone else sees the adult fight they'll realize they're all children. It's going to start an arms race with every other species in the galaxy."
"We have no other choice," Xyla said. "We need your military to save us from annihilation."
River sighed for a moment and rubbed his hand across his brow. He muttered under his breath for a moment; something about diplomatic relations in light of military prowess. Eventually he stood.
"I must attend to something first. Will you stay here a moment while I make some negotiations?"
Xyla nodded and River left the room quietly. He was back in only a few minutes and nodded to her.
"You'll have our support, but just how much support we can offer depends on this next bit."
He tapped on his tablet a few decisive keystrokes and a telemonitor descended from the ceiling behind her. It whirred quietly for a moment before an image of another human appeared on it. In contrast to River's white, stiff attire with blue trim, this human wore black with a white undershirt and no accenting colors. His feet were kicked up on his desk as he leaned back in his chair and grinned at the screen.
"River," he called jovially, "finally calling to surrender, eh? Well you can suck my..."
River cut him off with quickly and loudly, "I'm joined by a representative of the Forian people, Ms Xyla."
Xyla nodded a polite greeting and the human on the monitor stammered for a moment before adopting a polite, formal posture.
"Ah. Apologies Ms Xyla. How can the Federation of Human Territories be of assistance?"
"The Forians have called in their favor," River answered for her. "I'm calling to negotiate a cease-fire while we answer it."
"The federation is friendly to the Forian people, but we are under no such obligations, River. I respect you for responding to a favor, but your cease fire is denied."
River put out his palms in a placating gesture. "Hear me out first. The favor is military aide. The reason," he swiped at his tablet and the human on the monitor looked down at his own as he received the message, "is of mutual interest to us."
The human on the screen was quiet for a moment as he read. His face changed from one of surprise and curiosity over the call to one of bitterness and anger. Finally, he looked up at Xyla through the monitor.
"The Legion harvested one of our colonies when we first encountered them. An undefended civilian colony was all but devoured. And when we finally made diplomatic contact with them they said it wasn't their fault, they just eat dead stuff. It was the colony's fault for being dead so easily. I thought we destroyed those sporey bastards but I guess we just accidentally sent them your way. River, you have your cease fire. And Xyla, you just got more ships. Tell your Primarch to point em out and get out the way, the humans are coming."
The transmission went dark and River turned towards Xyla. "Well," he clapped his hands and rubbed them enthusiastically, "with Imperial and Federation forces we should have that taken care in a couple days. It's like you got two Resbins for the price of one."
"And what you said about Pandora's box? About the arms race?"
"Oh I meant it. You're going to see monsters and all the galactic stage will feel like children before the human militaries. But you'll get your hope too. And besides," he winked, "a favor is owed."
submitted by NumerousSun4282 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:25 blistboy Wicked is a ONLY a prequel to the 1939 film (**not Baum's book**)

*Note: I am not a copyright lawyer, I'm not any kind of lawyer, nor am I making an accusation that anyone or any entity is infringing on the copyright or trademark of any other entities. That being said…
I have a theory that Wicked -- both Maguire's novel (Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, 1995) and more so the musical (Wicked, 2003 Universal Stage Productions) -- solely functions as a prequel to the 1939 MGM film the Wizard of Oz (now owned by WB), and not that film's public domain source novel the Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Let me explain...
Maguire wrote Wicked in 1994 in response to the Gulf War. His clever use of Oz characters passed scrutiny during publication in 1995 under parody and fair use laws, and because the Baum novel had long been in the public domain… as well as Ted Turner arranging to sell the MGM catalog to WB, circa 1997, making the timing ideal for Maguire's novel to skirt any copyright/trademark scrutiny for using elements from the non-public domain film.
We know what happened next, the book was a raging success and soon it was popular enough to be optioned by Universal and turned into a stage musical produced (after film & TV productions with Demi Moore and Salma Hayek separately attached failed to materialize). The musical opened first in San Francisco for try-outs and then Broadway in 2003. And writers Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman liberally peppered even more direct homages and winks to the 1939 film into leitmotifs and other elements of the book, score, and staging.
But, Wicked has TOO many elements from the 1939 film, and NOT ENOUGH from Baum's original book, to merit it being called a prequel to the book (this is also true of Disney’s 2013 admitted attempt to cash-in on Wicked’s success, Oz: the Great and Powerful – which is even more egregious than Wicked, and ironic, as its own title is directly lifted from the 1939 film misquote of the book’s moniker of “Oz the Great and Terrible”).
So now, let's look at some of key differences between the book the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (WWoOZ) and its film adaption from 1939, and how Wicked (and that Disney rip-off - though I don’t want to have to keep mentioning that movie so just assume most of what I say applies there too) reinterprets these events and characters:
- In the book WWoOz it is established that there are four cardinal witches in the land of Oz. Dorothy vanquishes two unrelated Wicked Witches in the East (WWotE) and West (WWotW) as well as encountering the benevolent unnamed good witch of the North at the start of her adventure and a separate good witch, Glinda of the South, who helps her home in the end. MGM condensed the good witches into one character “Glinda the Good Witch of the North” as well as adding a subplot turning the Wicked Witches into sisters (providing Margaret Hamilton’s Witch more direct motivation to pursue Judy Garland’s Dorothy via the Witch’s presumed right to collateral inheritance of her sister’s shoes). Both Maguire and Disney follow the 1939 film’s continuity regarding these relationships making the wicked witches siblings, and Glinda the sole “good witch” in opposition to them.
-WWotW as depicted in Baum’s novel bears little to no resemblance to the green-skinned Margaret Hamilton in the 1939 film, and subsequently Maguire’s Elphaba. Oz illustrator W. W. Denslow, whom Baum worked closely with when designing the characters, depicts the witch as a hunched old hag with three pigtails and an eyepatch, tall brimmed hat, ruffed collar, coat and skirt. While MGM’s design team, led by legendary costumer Adrian, initially tested several looks for WWotW (including a glamorous sequined look inspired by Disney’s Evil Queen in Snow White). MGM screenwriter, Herman Mankiewicz (who expanded the role of the wicked witch from book to screenplay, and wrote several key lines for her including, “I’ll get you my pretty!”) insisted "witches should be ugly!" And Margaret Hamilton’s Witch was given green skin to broadcast her “wickedness” as well as make her face and hands stand-out against her black medieval gown, cloak and sharp brimmed hat. Needless to say this film only element of green-skin becomes a major plot point of Wicked. And Susan Hilferty’s stage designs for Elphaba retain the 1939 film’s silhouette and dark color palette.
-Another difference in Baum’s WWotW is that she only had one eye, but that it "was as powerful as a telescope", and this is how she spies on her enemies. MGM was again inspired by Snow White's Queen, and popular imagery of fortune tellers, giving Hamilton’s Witch the ability to scry in a large crystal ball, which made for some of the most memorable visuals of the film, of her looming eerily over the heroes. Unlike Baum’s WWotW, Maguire’s Elphaba retains vision in both eyes, and inherits her film counterpart's scrying abilities (primarily using a blown-glass orb).
-Baum’s WWotW importantly carries an umbrella, not a broomstick, as a source of protection for her aquaphobia. She has no need for transportation, her location is limited to her castle in the West of Oz. MGM’s script, howvever, gave Hamilton’s Witch a means of transportation that had long been popular in witch mythology, a broomstick, involving her more directly in the narrative (as well as giving the Wizard a macguffin to send Dorothy after). Maguire also chose to make a broomstick a means of travel for Elphaba, and Stephen Schwartz's “Defying Gravity”, the centerpiece of the musical, which sees a scene not included in the novel, where Elphaba defiantly flies over the Emerald City in protest of the Wizard, cemented the broom’s icon status within the framework of the Wicked franchise.
-The Flying Monkeys in Baum’s novel have a rich backstory involving their enslavement at the hands of a sorceress named Gaylette. The monkeys’ terms of imprisonment require they obey three commands given by whomever possess a Golden Cap, which the WWotW owns and uses to capture Dorothy and her friends. Dorothy comes into possession of the Golden Cap after WWotW’s demise (similar to her inheriting the slippers) and is able to command the monkeys to her own benefit later in the book. The Golden Cap subplot was scrapped from the MGM film in favor of giving the witch a more ambiguous command over her uniformed simian air force (though it still appears in the final cut as a prop tossed by Hamilton's Witch to Nikko, the flying monkey). Maguire’s Wicked makes no mention of Baum’s golden cap, giving Elphaba a monkey factotum, similar to MGM’s Nikko, now called Chistrey. The monkeys are given a vivisection backstory in Maguire's novel and are a result of the Grimmerie’s levitation spell in the musical, but Elphaba’s willful command of the their legions, without the limitations of the Golden Cap, is much more reminiscent of MGM’s Witch than Baum’s.
-Famously the slippers Dorothy inherits from the WWotE in Baum’s novel are made of silver metal (sterling silver shoes were popular as decorations and sugar bowls in Baum's day). The Slippers in the 1939 film were famously changed to ruby, so as to be more eye-catching against the technicolor yellow road. After some initial designs, MGM designer Adrian landed on the iconic red sequined pump seen in the film. Maguire’s novel, utilizing the film’s sibling backstory to motivate Elphaba, makes the famous pair of slippers into a sentimental pair of shoes adorned with beaded glass, in the musical referred to as "jeweled", which refract multiple colors, notably ruby red. Susan Hilferty’s choice of silver sequined pumps for the musical, given a red special lighting cue at a crucial moment, distinctly resemble Adrian’s 1939 design.
-Dorothy is a young child of roughly seven or eight years old in Baum’s novel and its illustrations. In Maguire’s take on the character she is depicted as a husky teenager prone to cloying musical outbursts. Teenage Judy Garland was famously derided at MGM for her weight, especially filming Oz, with Louis Mayor allegedly calling her his “little hunchback”.
-The Wizard appears as multiple facades in Baum’s novel; a giant head, ball of fire, glamorous woman, and monstrous beast. In the 1939 film the extent of his deception is the use of a giant head, similarly he only appears as a looming head in Wicked.
-But what I find most telling is that none of the witches in Baum’s novel directly interact with one another (later novels in the Oz series withstanding). The famous confrontation between the two witches in Munchkinland was entirely a fabrication of the 1939 film’s screenwriters. The musical’s entire premise, and a large portion of the novel’s, relies on the idea that these two opposing witches shared some past which informs their conflict in that scene, but that moment is solely a product of the 1939 film.
I think the way Maguire skirted copyright is incredibly clever and certainly well within fair-use (and probably long past any statute-of-limitations for any kind of damages sought by WB), but I find it wild that such a popular franchise as Wicked has basically used legal gray areas to bring a rainbow of color to Oz, all while claiming use of public domain versions of characters, and clearly mining the trademarked versions of those characters for most of their inspiration.

TL;DR Wicked does not function as a prequel to the book by L. Frank Baum, but only serves as a prequel to the 1939 film, starring Judy Garland. This is evident because the Witch in Baum's book isn't green, doesn't ride a broom, only has one eye, no sister, and never interacts with Glinda (who is an amalgamation of two separate characters).
submitted by blistboy to wizardofoz [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:56 blistboy Wicked is a ONLY a prequel to the 1939 film (**not Baum's book**)

*Note: I am not a copyright lawyer, I'm not any kind of lawyer, nor am I making an accusation that anyone or any entity is infringing on the copyright or trademark of any other entities. That being said…
I have a theory that Wicked -- both Maguire's novel (Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, 1995) and more so the musical (Wicked, 2003 Universal Stage Productions) -- solely functions as a prequel to the 1939 MGM film the Wizard of Oz (now owned by WB), and not that film's public domain source novel the Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Let me explain...
Maguire wrote Wicked in 1994 in response to the Gulf War. His clever use of Oz characters passed scrutiny during publication in 1995 under parody and fair use laws, and because the Baum novel had long been in the public domain… as well as Ted Turner arranging to sell the MGM catalog to WB, circa 1997, making the timing ideal for Maguire's novel to skirt any copyright/trademark scrutiny for using elements from the non-public domain film.
We know what happened next, the book was a raging success and soon it was popular enough to be optioned by Universal and turned into a stage musical produced (after film & TV productions with Demi Moore and Salma Hayek separately attached failed to materialize). The musical opened first in San Francisco for try-outs and then Broadway in 2003. And writers Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman liberally peppered even more direct homages and winks to the 1939 film into leitmotifs and other elements of the book, score, and staging.
But, Wicked has TOO many elements from the 1939 film, and NOT ENOUGH from Baum's original book, to merit it being called a prequel to the book (this is also true of Disney’s 2013 admitted attempt to cash-in on Wicked’s success, Oz: the Great and Powerful – which is even more egregious than Wicked, and ironic, as its own title is directly lifted from the 1939 film misquote of the book’s moniker of “Oz the Great and Terrible”).
So now, let's look at some of key differences between the book the Wonderful Wizard of Oz (WWoOZ) and its film adaption from 1939, and how Wicked (and that Disney rip-off - though I don’t want to have to keep mentioning that movie so just assume most of what I say applies there too) reinterprets these events and characters:
- In the book WWoOz it is established that there are four cardinal witches in the land of Oz. Dorothy vanquishes two unrelated Wicked Witches in the East (WWotE) and West (WWotW) as well as encountering the benevolent unnamed good witch of the North at the start of her adventure and a separate good witch, Glinda of the South, who helps her home in the end. MGM condensed the good witches into one character “Glinda the Good Witch of the North” as well as adding a subplot turning the Wicked Witches into sisters (providing Margaret Hamilton’s Witch more direct motivation to pursue Judy Garland’s Dorothy via the Witch’s presumed right to collateral inheritance of her sister’s shoes). Both Maguire and Disney follow the 1939 film’s continuity regarding these relationships making the wicked witches siblings, and Glinda the sole “good witch” in opposition to them.
-WWotW as depicted in Baum’s novel bears little to no resemblance to the green-skinned Margaret Hamilton in the 1939 film, and subsequently Maguire’s Elphaba. Oz illustrator W. W. Denslow, whom Baum worked closely with when designing the characters, depicts the witch as a hunched old hag with three pigtails and an eyepatch, tall brimmed hat, ruffed collar, coat and skirt. While MGM’s design team, led by legendary costumer Adrian, initially tested several looks for WWotW (including a glamorous sequined look inspired by Disney’s Evil Queen in Snow White). MGM screenwriter, Herman Mankiewicz (who expanded the role of the wicked witch from book to screenplay, and wrote several key lines for her including, “I’ll get you my pretty!”) insisted "witches should be ugly!" And Margaret Hamilton’s Witch was given green skin to broadcast her “wickedness” as well as make her face and hands stand-out against her black medieval gown, cloak and sharp brimmed hat. Needless to say this film only element of green-skin becomes a major plot point of Wicked. And Susan Hilferty’s stage designs for Elphaba retain the 1939 film’s silhouette and dark color palette.
-Another difference in Baum’s WWotW is that she only had one eye, but that it "was as powerful as a telescope", and this is how she spies on her enemies. MGM was again inspired by Snow White's Queen, and popular imagery of fortune tellers, giving Hamilton’s Witch the ability to scry in a large crystal ball, which made for some of the most memorable visuals of the film, of her looming eerily over the heroes. Unlike Baum’s WWotW, Maguire’s Elphaba retains vision in both eyes, and inherits her film counterpart's scrying abilities (primarily using a blown-glass orb).
-Baum’s WWotW importantly carries an umbrella, not a broomstick, as a source of protection for her aquaphobia. She has no need for transportation, her location is limited to her castle in the West of Oz. MGM’s script, howvever, gave Hamilton’s Witch a means of transportation that had long been popular in witch mythology, a broomstick, involving her more directly in the narrative (as well as giving the Wizard a macguffin to send Dorothy after). Maguire also chose to make a broomstick a means of travel for Elphaba, and Stephen Schwartz's “Defying Gravity”, the centerpiece of the musical, which sees a scene not included in the novel, where Elphaba defiantly flies over the Emerald City in protest of the Wizard, cemented the broom’s icon status within the framework of the Wicked franchise.
-The Flying Monkeys in Baum’s novel have a rich backstory involving their enslavement at the hands of a sorceress named Gaylette. The monkeys’ terms of imprisonment require they obey three commands given by whomever possess a Golden Cap, which the WWotW owns and uses to capture Dorothy and her friends. Dorothy comes into possession of the Golden Cap after WWotW’s demise (similar to her inheriting the slippers) and is able to command the monkeys to her own benefit later in the book. The Golden Cap subplot was scrapped from the MGM film in favor of giving the witch a more ambiguous command over her uniformed simian air force (though it still appears in the final cut as a prop tossed by Hamilton's Witch to Nikko, the flying monkey). Maguire’s Wicked makes no mention of Baum’s golden cap, giving Elphaba a monkey factotum, similar to MGM’s Nikko, now called Chistrey. The monkeys are given a vivisection backstory in Maguire's novel and are a result of the Grimmerie’s levitation spell in the musical, but Elphaba’s willful command of the their legions, without the limitations of the Golden Cap, is much more reminiscent of MGM’s Witch than Baum’s.
-Famously the slippers Dorothy inherits from the WWotE in Baum’s novel are made of silver metal (sterling silver shoes were popular as decorations and sugar bowls in Baum's day). The Slippers in the 1939 film were famously changed to ruby, so as to be more eye-catching against the technicolor yellow road. After some initial designs, MGM designer Adrian landed on the iconic red sequined pump seen in the film. Maguire’s novel, utilizing the film’s sibling backstory to motivate Elphaba, makes the famous pair of slippers into a sentimental pair of shoes adorned with beaded glass, in the musical referred to as "jeweled", which refract multiple colors, notably ruby red. Susan Hilferty’s choice of silver sequined pumps for the musical, given a red special lighting cue at a crucial moment, distinctly resemble Adrian’s 1939 design.
-Dorothy is a young child of roughly seven or eight years old in Baum’s novel and its illustrations. In Maguire’s take on the character she is depicted as a husky teenager prone to cloying musical outbursts. Teenage Judy Garland was famously derided at MGM for her weight, especially filming Oz, with Louis Mayor allegedly calling her his “little hunchback”.
-The Wizard appears as multiple facades in Baum’s novel; a giant head, ball of fire, glamorous woman, and monstrous beast. In the 1939 film the extent of his deception is the use of a giant head, similarly he only appears as a looming head in Wicked.
-But what I find most telling is that none of the witches in Baum’s novel directly interact with one another (later novels in the Oz series withstanding). The famous confrontation between the two witches in Munchkinland was entirely a fabrication of the 1939 film’s screenwriters. The musical’s entire premise, and a large portion of the novel’s, relies on the idea that these two opposing witches shared some past which informs their conflict in that scene, but that moment is solely a product of the 1939 film.
I think the way Maguire skirted copyright is incredibly clever and certainly well within fair-use (and probably long past any statute-of-limitations for any kind of damages sought by WB), but I find it wild that such a popular franchise as Wicked has basically used legal gray areas to bring a rainbow of color to Oz, all while claiming use of public domain versions of characters, and clearly mining the trademarked versions of those characters for most of their inspiration.

TL;DR Wicked does not function as a prequel to the book by L. Frank Baum, but only serves as a prequel to the 1939 film, starring Judy Garland. This is evident because the Witch in Baum's book isn't green, doesn't ride a broom, only has one eye, no sister, and never interacts with Glinda (who is an amalgamation of two separate characters).
submitted by blistboy to wicked [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:55 TerribleSell2997 Explosion-Proof Lighting Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The global explosion-proof lighting market is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of around 6.7% during the forecast period (2023-2029). This Explosion-Proof Lighting Market research report focuses more on a number of distinctive as well as foremost market sectors. It further focuses market segmentation. Industry-specific interviews are carried out with market players to foresee future business growth. Various facets of the industry are also depicted here under each industry sector. Future development visions and a wide range of subjects are covered in this Explosion-Proof Lighting Market study report. All this crucial data greatly assists key players to establish their presence in the competitive market. It verifies and revalidates the knowledge provided in this global Market report. It also allows several organizations to learn more about a range of opportunities already available in the market and makes aware to firms about upcoming opportunities too. It ensures several firms to attain a long-standing business success by capturing all of the latest updates about market growth. Most important participants are able to employ such report as a great resource to attain a competitive advantage over the cut-throat market.
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The global explosion-proof lighting market is trifurcated based on type, light type, and end-user. Based on type, the market is sub-segmented into fixed lighting, mobile lighting, and small & portable lighting. The mobile lighting segment is expected to be the fastest-growing market during the forecast period. The adoption of mobile lighting in various end-user owing to the features provided by it such as high durability and extensive illumination is gaining popularity thus driving the segment growth. The market is further analyzed based on the type of light into incandescent, fluorescent, LED, and HID. Among these, the LED segment is projected to gain the leading position during the forecast period. The LED explosion-proof lighting are highly efficient, and low in cost and it requires less maintenance as compared to their counterparts, these features make it ideal for hazardous environment. Similarly, based on end-user, the market is categorized into oil & gas, mining, food & beverages, manufacturing & power plant, chemical & pharmaceutical, and others (transportation, military bases). The oil & gas industry among end-users is expected to be the hold the largest share in the market during the forecast period.
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· Market number available for – 2024-2030
· Base year- 2023
· Forecast period- 2024-2030
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Global Explosion-Proof Lighting Market Report Segment
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:54 UK_Kim Is it normal for part dealers not to give part numbers?

Is it normal for part dealers not to give part numbers?
They attached this drawing with a kind reply, but they don't answer as much as the part number.
I inquired about Holden Parts to New Zealand Holden Certification Service, and I felt so grateful that they all replied. :)
However, the replies returned had something in common. They kindly answered the stock quantity and price of the parts, but refused to let me know the part number. Some dealers even attached the drawing of part catalog along with the price in the reply, but they also didn't give me the part number.
I didn't mention the fact that I don't live in New Zealand, but I felt like I didn't want the parts dealer to provide me with key information.
Of course, I can also purchase their inventory. But I live in Korea, and those parts are made in Korea. So Before purchasing the parts through the parts dealer in New Zealand, i just want to provide the parts number to the Korean parts dealer and ask if I can buy it directly in Korea. (If I can't get in Korea, I have no choice. I have to buy it through a New Zealand dealer.)
If they felt like I wasn't going to buy it, they would have ignored the inquiry or just said it was out of stock. However, they kindly answered the price and the quantity in stock.
So that's not to say the New Zealand dealers are unkind. They all responded to me with kind expressions.
So I'm not sure what it means for them not to provide only the part number.
Did I do something wrong? I'm worried that they might have felt uncomfortable at work because of my actions. :(
submitted by UK_Kim to Holden [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:36 Traditional_End_1898 friendship breakup

i didn’t lose a loved one to death but it feels like he died. i have talked to a few people about this and i’ve been told that im grieving but i don’t know if i should call it that. i wanna share my situation and would like to know what you think
i had this best friend, i’m 22 and he’s 20. i met him two years ago, he had a boyfriend back then who i met and got along with really well (this is relevant to the story) and we became really really close about a year ago and started calling each other best friend. our friendship was so pure, so close and so genuine that it felt like we knew each other since we were kids. we both mutually built this safe space for the both of us, we were there for each other on EVERY joy and every hardship of our lives during our friendship. he came to me crying many times, and he hates crying to people. i wiped so many tears off his face and i did it without asking for anything back. we texted each other all day every day, we saw each other and hung out many times during the week and always had sleepovers at my place on fridays. i loved him so much, still do, but lately i’ve been feeling like im falling in an endless hole on the ground, feeling more and more disconnected from my life as time goes by.
he’s really attractive. and all types of people always want to approach him with all kinds of intentions. especially older men, like over 30 and 40 years old with obvious intentions. it’s something that always bothered me, I for one hate when older men approach younger guys or girls so i have never even thought of having a friendship of any kind with an older man. it’s not the case with him though, he said to me that he can get something good with these types of connections with older people and that i was sexualizing him or sexualizing the situation. it was a disagreement that we always had, but it was fine, we just never hung out together with older guys because i don’t like it. our friendship was fine. a few weeks ago he told me about the existence of some 45 year old man in his life, he asked me for advice on his CV which i gave, then he compared my advice with the advice that one friend of his gave him and noticed that they were complete opposites. i sarcastically asked if his friend was 50 years old and he said no but he is 45 to which i replied what i always said about older men. it was fine, nothing happened.
so almost a month ago, on a sunday, we went to the gym and usually when we worked out on sundays we would stay at the mall for a while, eat, hang out and talk for hours until night time. that day tho, he invited that man over without asking me or telling me at all, which made me VERY uncomfortable ever since the second that i saw him. man it just makes me fucking uncomfortable seeing a grown ass man with a really young guy who isn’t even legally allowed to drink yet. i just think this man is fucking sick in the head and he’s a predator. anyway, i was really uncomfortable and you could tell by my face. he obviously noticed, and my friend noticed it too. i ended up leaving because i was really uncomfortable, i told my friend that he already knew i didn’t like older men approaching us so i was really uncomfortable and wanted to leave. when i was leaving he walked outside with me and told me that he was seeing this man as a potential partner for a serious relationship, which made me even more fucking sick to my stomach. he knew in that moment that if i didn’t like that man as his friend, i was never going to like him as his boyfriend. i left and we talked some things over text, we agreed that he would never invite him to hang out with me again, which was fine with me. i emphasized to him that i know he has his own life and can date whoever he wants, and that i just don’t agree with the decision (i literally don’t like the fact that a fucking 45 year old is approaching him and using his money, car, presents and manipulation to have a “relationship”) but i would always be there for him to support him whether it works out or not. it was fine and we kept talking normally the rest of the sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. on wednesday night he stopped seeing my texts. he saw my texts on thursday night, but didn’t respond. i waited a couple days and texted him, he didn’t reply. i called and he didn’t answer. then he replied to my text saying that he was disappointed in me and wanted time to distance himself from me. he said “i needed to change” because my face that day was so judgemental that the man might have felt despised and that “someone tried to give me a bad name and it all leads to one person” this made me assume that he thinks i was speaking bad about him? which i never did!! i asked him to please explain what was going on and said that he didn’t need to explain anything and that if i was so sure that i didn’t have anything to do with anything at all then i shouldn’t be worried. i tried to have a conversation but he refused, and said that he would be back but right now he doesn’t feel fine with me, that one of the reasons was that he’s trying to build a relationship with someone that he cares about and i wasn’t on his side, to which i replied that it’s not true because i literally had said that i support him no matter what and that i care about him, to which he then replied that i was trying to manipulate him. what???? he then stopped replying at all.
i waited a few more days, wrote him a lengthy message apologizing if anything i did or said made him feel bad, because it wasn’t my intention but i really wanted to talk things over because i felt like there was a misunderstanding and i also didn’t know wtf happened because just a few days before everything was completely fine, we never spoke about the old man again so i was genuinely confused… then he blocked me. i tried calling and obviously he didn’t pick up.
all of this has made me feel really shitty because it’s like he threw our friendship in the garbage for a man??? he said that i was trying to manipulate him? what??? and he treated me so bad, he was so cruel to me with the way he said things and i genuinely don’t understand what happened. i have had so much time to think and it was probably that 45 year old man who manipulated him and put him against me, he obviously didn’t like the fact that his new young boy’s best friend doesn’t like him at all. it makes no sense that on that sunday and the following days everything was fine, but suddenly he wanted to stop talking to me.
i feel so sad because our friendship was genuinely so cute, so pure, it was such a safe space, so much that i kinda caught feelings, i let him know but he didn’t feel the same so it kinda just died there and he said he never wanted to lose me as a friend. he also knows im introverted, and have a hard time talking to new people (which happened with his previous boyfriend who is our age, but then i kinda warmed up to him later and got along really well), so i genuinely mean it when i say i don’t understand what happened. he was never like this to me, he was always open to conversations. and the fact that he just easily left me has broken my heart into a million pieces. i feel like he doesn’t care what im feeling, i feel like i lost the dearest relationship that i had with a friend and it was all so sudden, with no explanations, that it feels like he died or vanished from the planet, ive felt so empty, so lonely and i never feel lonely… i’ve tried to distract myself but nothing works, i feel worse with the passing of days. i cry every day. i don’t know what to do, i feel such a void inside me… it’s so hard to explain.. it’s been almost a month and i feel worse now. i’ve tried to contact him every week and he never responds. i’m so sad and frustrated, i know friendships can drift apart when someone starts a relationship, but there’s a difference between that and completely abandoning your best friend and having 0 emotional intelligence or responsibility. i’m so sad, so angry at that fucking predator because it feels like he ruined my life, and so tired of feeling like this.
submitted by Traditional_End_1898 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:36 Traditional_End_1898 friendship breakup

i didn’t lose a loved one to death but it feels like he died. i have talked to a few people about this and i’ve been told that im grieving but i don’t know if i should call it that. i wanna share my situation and would like to know what you think
i had this best friend, i’m 22 and he’s 20. i met him two years ago, he had a boyfriend back then who i met and got along with really well (this is relevant to the story) and we became really really close about a year ago and started calling each other best friend. our friendship was so pure, so close and so genuine that it felt like we knew each other since we were kids. we both mutually built this safe space for the both of us, we were there for each other on EVERY joy and every hardship of our lives during our friendship. he came to me crying many times, and he hates crying to people. i wiped so many tears off his face and i did it without asking for anything back. we texted each other all day every day, we saw each other and hung out many times during the week and always had sleepovers at my place on fridays. i loved him so much, still do, but lately i’ve been feeling like im falling in an endless hole on the ground, feeling more and more disconnected from my life as time goes by.
he’s really attractive. and all types of people always want to approach him with all kinds of intentions. especially older men, like over 30 and 40 years old with obvious intentions. it’s something that always bothered me, I for one hate when older men approach younger guys or girls so i have never even thought of having a friendship of any kind with an older man. it’s not the case with him though, he said to me that he can get something good with these types of connections with older people and that i was sexualizing him or sexualizing the situation. it was a disagreement that we always had, but it was fine, we just never hung out together with older guys because i don’t like it. our friendship was fine. a few weeks ago he told me about the existence of some 45 year old man in his life, he asked me for advice on his CV which i gave, then he compared my advice with the advice that one friend of his gave him and noticed that they were complete opposites. i sarcastically asked if his friend was 50 years old and he said no but he is 45 to which i replied what i always said about older men. it was fine, nothing happened.
so almost a month ago, on a sunday, we went to the gym and usually when we worked out on sundays we would stay at the mall for a while, eat, hang out and talk for hours until night time. that day tho, he invited that man over without asking me or telling me at all, which made me VERY uncomfortable ever since the second that i saw him. man it just makes me fucking uncomfortable seeing a grown ass man with a really young guy who isn’t even legally allowed to drink yet. i just think this man is fucking sick in the head and he’s a predator. anyway, i was really uncomfortable and you could tell by my face. he obviously noticed, and my friend noticed it too. i ended up leaving because i was really uncomfortable, i told my friend that he already knew i didn’t like older men approaching us so i was really uncomfortable and wanted to leave. when i was leaving he walked outside with me and told me that he was seeing this man as a potential partner for a serious relationship, which made me even more fucking sick to my stomach. he knew in that moment that if i didn’t like that man as his friend, i was never going to like him as his boyfriend. i left and we talked some things over text, we agreed that he would never invite him to hang out with me again, which was fine with me. i emphasized to him that i know he has his own life and can date whoever he wants, and that i just don’t agree with the decision (i literally don’t like the fact that a fucking 45 year old is approaching him and using his money, car, presents and manipulation to have a “relationship”) but i would always be there for him to support him whether it works out or not. it was fine and we kept talking normally the rest of the sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. on wednesday night he stopped seeing my texts. he saw my texts on thursday night, but didn’t respond. i waited a couple days and texted him, he didn’t reply. i called and he didn’t answer. then he replied to my text saying that he was disappointed in me and wanted time to distance himself from me. he said “i needed to change” because my face that day was so judgemental that the man might have felt despised and that “someone tried to give me a bad name and it all leads to one person” this made me assume that he thinks i was speaking bad about him? which i never did!! i asked him to please explain what was going on and said that he didn’t need to explain anything and that if i was so sure that i didn’t have anything to do with anything at all then i shouldn’t be worried. i tried to have a conversation but he refused, and said that he would be back but right now he doesn’t feel fine with me, that one of the reasons was that he’s trying to build a relationship with someone that he cares about and i wasn’t on his side, to which i replied that it’s not true because i literally had said that i support him no matter what and that i care about him, to which he then replied that i was trying to manipulate him. what???? he then stopped replying at all.
i waited a few more days, wrote him a lengthy message apologizing if anything i did or said made him feel bad, because it wasn’t my intention but i really wanted to talk things over because i felt like there was a misunderstanding and i also didn’t know wtf happened because just a few days before everything was completely fine, we never spoke about the old man again so i was genuinely confused… then he blocked me. i tried calling and obviously he didn’t pick up.
all of this has made me feel really shitty because it’s like he threw our friendship in the garbage for a man??? he said that i was trying to manipulate him? what??? and he treated me so bad, he was so cruel to me with the way he said things and i genuinely don’t understand what happened. i have had so much time to think and it was probably that 45 year old man who manipulated him and put him against me, he obviously didn’t like the fact that his new young boy’s best friend doesn’t like him at all. it makes no sense that on that sunday and the following days everything was fine, but suddenly he wanted to stop talking to me.
i feel so sad because our friendship was genuinely so cute, so pure, it was such a safe space, so much that i kinda caught feelings, i let him know but he didn’t feel the same so it kinda just died there and he said he never wanted to lose me as a friend. he also knows im introverted, and have a hard time talking to new people (which happened with his previous boyfriend who is our age, but then i kinda warmed up to him later and got along really well), so i genuinely mean it when i say i don’t understand what happened. he was never like this to me, he was always open to conversations. and the fact that he just easily left me has broken my heart into a million pieces. i feel like he doesn’t care what im feeling, i feel like i lost the dearest relationship that i had with a friend and it was all so sudden, with no explanations, that it feels like he died or vanished from the planet, ive felt so empty, so lonely and i never feel lonely… i’ve tried to distract myself but nothing works, i feel worse with the passing of days. i cry every day. i don’t know what to do, i feel such a void inside me… it’s so hard to explain.. it’s been almost a month and i feel worse now. i’ve tried to contact him every week and he never responds. i’m so sad and frustrated, i know friendships can drift apart when someone starts a relationship, but there’s a difference between that and completely abandoning your best friend and having 0 emotional intelligence or responsibility. i’m so sad, so angry at that fucking predator because it feels like he ruined my life, and so tired of feeling like this.
submitted by Traditional_End_1898 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:34 Traditional_End_1898 what can i do?

i didn’t lose a loved one to death but it feels like he died. i have talked to a few people about this and i’ve been told that im grieving but i don’t know if i should call it that. i wanna share my situation and would like to know what you think
i had this best friend, i’m 22 and he’s 20. i met him two years ago, he had a boyfriend back then who i met and got along with really well (this is relevant to the story) and we became really really close about a year ago and started calling each other best friend. our friendship was so pure, so close and so genuine that it felt like we knew each other since we were kids. we both mutually built this safe space for the both of us, we were there for each other on EVERY joy and every hardship of our lives during our friendship. he came to me crying many times, and he hates crying to people. i wiped so many tears off his face and i did it without asking for anything back. we texted each other all day every day, we saw each other and hung out many times during the week and always had sleepovers at my place on fridays. i loved him so much, still do, but lately i’ve been feeling like im falling in an endless hole on the ground, feeling more and more disconnected from my life as time goes by.
he’s really attractive. and all types of people always want to approach him with all kinds of intentions. especially older men, like over 30 and 40 years old with obvious intentions. it’s something that always bothered me, I for one hate when older men approach younger guys or girls so i have never even thought of having a friendship of any kind with an older man. it’s not the case with him though, he said to me that he can get something good with these types of connections with older people and that i was sexualizing him or sexualizing the situation. it was a disagreement that we always had, but it was fine, we just never hung out together with older guys because i don’t like it. our friendship was fine. a few weeks ago he told me about the existence of some 45 year old man in his life, he asked me for advice on his CV which i gave, then he compared my advice with the advice that one friend of his gave him and noticed that they were complete opposites. i sarcastically asked if his friend was 50 years old and he said no but he is 45 to which i replied what i always said about older men. it was fine, nothing happened.
so almost a month ago, on a sunday, we went to the gym and usually when we worked out on sundays we would stay at the mall for a while, eat, hang out and talk for hours until night time. that day tho, he invited that man over without asking me or telling me at all, which made me VERY uncomfortable ever since the second that i saw him. man it just makes me fucking uncomfortable seeing a grown ass man with a really young guy who isn’t even legally allowed to drink yet. i just think this man is fucking sick in the head and he’s a predator. anyway, i was really uncomfortable and you could tell by my face. he obviously noticed, and my friend noticed it too. i ended up leaving because i was really uncomfortable, i told my friend that he already knew i didn’t like older men approaching us so i was really uncomfortable and wanted to leave. when i was leaving he walked outside with me and told me that he was seeing this man as a potential partner for a serious relationship, which made me even more fucking sick to my stomach. he knew in that moment that if i didn’t like that man as his friend, i was never going to like him as his boyfriend. i left and we talked some things over text, we agreed that he would never invite him to hang out with me again, which was fine with me. i emphasized to him that i know he has his own life and can date whoever he wants, and that i just don’t agree with the decision (i literally don’t like the fact that a fucking 45 year old is approaching him and using his money, car, presents and manipulation to have a “relationship”) but i would always be there for him to support him whether it works out or not. it was fine and we kept talking normally the rest of the sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. on wednesday night he stopped seeing my texts. he saw my texts on thursday night, but didn’t respond. i waited a couple days and texted him, he didn’t reply. i called and he didn’t answer. then he replied to my text saying that he was disappointed in me and wanted time to distance himself from me. he said “i needed to change” because my face that day was so judgemental that the man might have felt despised and that “someone tried to give me a bad name and it all leads to one person” this made me assume that he thinks i was speaking bad about him? which i never did!! i asked him to please explain what was going on and said that he didn’t need to explain anything and that if i was so sure that i didn’t have anything to do with anything at all then i shouldn’t be worried. i tried to have a conversation but he refused, and said that he would be back but right now he doesn’t feel fine with me, that one of the reasons was that he’s trying to build a relationship with someone that he cares about and i wasn’t on his side, to which i replied that it’s not true because i literally had said that i support him no matter what and that i care about him, to which he then replied that i was trying to manipulate him. what???? he then stopped replying at all.
i waited a few more days, wrote him a lengthy message apologizing if anything i did or said made him feel bad, because it wasn’t my intention but i really wanted to talk things over because i felt like there was a misunderstanding and i also didn’t know wtf happened because just a few days before everything was completely fine, we never spoke about the old man again so i was genuinely confused… then he blocked me. i tried calling and obviously he didn’t pick up.
all of this has made me feel really shitty because it’s like he threw our friendship in the garbage for a man??? he said that i was trying to manipulate him? what??? and he treated me so bad, he was so cruel to me with the way he said things and i genuinely don’t understand what happened. i have had so much time to think and it was probably that 45 year old man who manipulated him and put him against me, he obviously didn’t like the fact that his new young boy’s best friend doesn’t like him at all. it makes no sense that on that sunday and the following days everything was fine, but suddenly he wanted to stop talking to me.
i feel so sad because our friendship was genuinely so cute, so pure, it was such a safe space, so much that i kinda caught feelings, i let him know but he didn’t feel the same so it kinda just died there and he said he never wanted to lose me as a friend. he also knows im introverted, and have a hard time talking to new people (which happened with his previous boyfriend who is our age, but then i kinda warmed up to him later and got along really well), so i genuinely mean it when i say i don’t understand what happened. he was never like this to me, he was always open to conversations. and the fact that he just easily left me has broken my heart into a million pieces. i feel like he doesn’t care what im feeling, i feel like i lost the dearest relationship that i had with a friend and it was all so sudden, with no explanations, that it feels like he died or vanished from the planet, ive felt so empty, so lonely and i never feel lonely… i’ve tried to distract myself but nothing works, i feel worse with the passing of days. i cry every day. i don’t know what to do, i feel such a void inside me… it’s so hard to explain.. it’s been almost a month and i feel worse now. i’ve tried to contact him every week and he never responds. i’m so sad and frustrated, i know friendships can drift apart when someone starts a relationship, but there’s a difference between that and completely abandoning your best friend and having 0 emotional intelligence or responsibility. i’m so sad, so angry at that fucking predator because it feels like he ruined my life, and so tired of feeling like this.
submitted by Traditional_End_1898 to grief [link] [comments]