Lower lymph swollen jaw

Swollen underarm and pain for month, ultrasound doesn't show mass just "a few lymph nodes", where do I go from here?

2024.04.29 03:07 Yakumeh Swollen underarm and pain for month, ultrasound doesn't show mass just "a few lymph nodes", where do I go from here?

Female, 24yo, caucasian/middle eastern.
No relevant illnesses.
Implanon on arm in question.
I've been having pain in one underarm and that for several months by now. I've recently had an ultrasound as well and while they said there's no mass there seem to be a "few lymph nodes which is normal" - no idea what thats supposed to mean tbh. No obviously swollen ones.
However nothing adds up. When I look in the mirror it's obvious that side is swollen. When I press slightly into that underarm it hurts.
It's no ingrown hair. I figured it would be a cyst but that seems to be ruled out, as seems to be cancer (luckily) however there is obviously SOMETHING going on, I wouldn't be in constant pain if there weren't.
Do I get a second opinion? I talked to my gp but he unfortunately just told me it could be due to hormonal cycles (they never felt like that in all my life) of the implanon (which does seem plausible but I want clarity). What tests would be helpful, if any? The pain isn't awful, it's around 2-3/10 but it's annoying and obviously unsettling.
Thanks ahead of time.
submitted by Yakumeh to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:05 Ok-Sound-7714 Was exposed, panicking

Hi. I 26F, had sex with a male Friday, 4/26, we made out and had unprotected oral sex, giving and receiving. The next day he let me know he is positive for HSV-2 and “should have told me prior.” He said he takes medication regularly and was not having an outbreak so it was “not that contagious”. Very aware that you can get it outside of an outbreak. Obviously I am panicking. It has been 48 hours, I understand I cannot get a definitive result until about 3 weeks to 3 months out. I have been doing Dr. google obsessively since then and am feeling so anxious that I can’t rest until I know for certain and am obsessing over it. Last night I had some flush slightly itchy patches on my arm, but was also drinking a little, so excused it away. Today I started having a sore throat. Then was feeling feverish and weak super briefly. My lymph nodes aren’t tender or swollen. I was having very light itching around my labia and butt crack, not super strong and not super unusual, comparable to my PH being off, or having residual moisture in that area, and some discharge but nothing off in smell or color. No blisters bumps or pain at this time, but my body seemingly having a viral response makes me feel SURE I have it.
I’m also hyperanalyzing how that region feels and the state of my body/fevethroat every second. And feeling very very light sensations of feelings I’m assigning as burning and tinging but are barely noticeable. I’m going to the gynocologist tomorrow for something unrelated so I will be sure to mention I was exposed.
I know no one here can diagnose me but am I overthinking to be SURE right now that I have it. I feel like I’m already mourning/feeling upset that I have it. Any comfort you can offer while I wait the few weeks to get a blood test to be sure? I don’t know if I can break myself out of this cycle of obsessive thoughts and panic until then.
submitted by Ok-Sound-7714 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:56 RichellaMadden Unveiling the Mystery of Swollen Jaw: Causes, Symptoms, and Expert Solutions at Madison Dentistry & Implant Center

In the realm of oral health, a swollen jaw can be a cause for concern, affecting individuals of all ages. At Madison Dentistry & Implant Center, we recognize the importance of understanding this condition and providing effective solutions to alleviate discomfort and restore oral well-being.
Causes of Swollen Jaw: According to Medical News Today, there are numerous causes behind a swollen jaw, ranging from infections to underlying medical conditions. Dental issues like abscesses and gum disease, as well as infections such as mumps or salivary gland infections, can lead to jaw swelling. Traumatic injuries, inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and even systemic diseases may also contribute to this condition.
Symptoms to Watch For: Identifying the symptoms of a swollen jaw is crucial for prompt intervention and treatment. Patients may experience pain, tenderness, or swelling in the jaw area. Difficulty chewing, talking, or opening the mouth fully may also occur, along with fever or drainage from the affected area. Recognizing these signs can help individuals seek timely care and prevent further complications.
With a team of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Madison Dentistry & Implant Center is dedicated to providing expert solutions for a swollen jaw. Our comprehensive approach begins with a thorough evaluation, including diagnostic imaging and assessments to determine the underlying cause. From there, we tailor personalized treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs.
Whether it's treating dental infections with antibiotics, performing surgical interventions for more complex cases, or providing supportive care to alleviate discomfort, our team is committed to delivering compassionate and effective solutions. We prioritize patient education, empowering individuals to take an active role in their oral health and make informed decisions about their care.
At Madison Dentistry & Implant Center, we understand the impact that a swollen jaw can have on daily life. By offering expert diagnosis, personalized treatment, and ongoing support, we strive to alleviate discomfort and restore optimal oral health for our patients. Trust us to be your partner in the journey towards a healthier, happier smile. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards relief.
submitted by RichellaMadden to u/RichellaMadden [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:58 royalpenny No insurance spleen and chest pain for over a year

F28, been struggling with constant infections and spleen Pain since June 2023. I don't have insurance so I've tried to convince myself this is normal and to tough it through but after a current sore throat for a month, continued chest tightness and spleen Pain. I just want to make sure mono can cause all this and i should just keep waiting it out or take it more serious.
All started a year to two years ago. Slight chest tightness, i assumed post-covid like many people. Around this time i also got shingles and started getting constant yeast infections, colds and ear infections. Frequently the lymph nodes under my left jaw are swollen and now they always are.
Eventually get really bad flu symptoms and sweating a lot— spleen is enlarged and painful. MinuteClinic confirms enlarged spleen. Monospot is negative but antibody test is positive.
At this point we go okay it's mono and i move on with my life. Flu like symptoms dissipate However the chest pain and spleen Pain is still there and the frequent infections. Have developed a permanent cough.
Could this still be mono or just circumstances of a “weak” immune system. With this current month long sore throat I'm growing more concerned there's a serious issue with my immune system but could well be overreacting
submitted by royalpenny to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:56 Strange_Carpenter_94 I need some advice. I’m having some symptoms after and getting drunk and having unprotected anal/oral sex. I know it’a stupid but need some advice please.

My throat will randomly get sore. My anus will start burning and my lymph nodes in my groin are swollen and tender. I went and got checked for an anal fusion and didn’t have one. I have had 4 hiv tests. Tried both saliva and blood drawn. All negative! I went twice and got tested for syphilis, gonorrhea, and hep c and chlamydia. All negative. I’ve had two rounds of antibiotics. I’m still symptomatic and worrying constantly. Can someone please give me any suggestions. Please be kind. I’m being hard enough on myself as it is.
submitted by Strange_Carpenter_94 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:34 Ok-Pirate9533 Dinosaur jaw shape. (Theropods, in particular)

Dinosaur jaw shape. (Theropods, in particular)
Has anyone ever answered the question of why dinosaurs, and particularly theropods has such a contoured jaw shape? The vast majority of modern creatures have upper an lower jaws that run parallel to each other while dinosaur jaws have a great deal of contouring. I'd think that it has something to do with ability to catch prey since spinosaurus has a lot of contouring while in t-rex it is much less pronounced. But in mammalian jaws, the jaw bones the are parallel and any special curvature is accomplished by dentition.
submitted by Ok-Pirate9533 to Paleontology [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:33 GoraxBing Pretty heavily receeded and thin gums at age 16-17

Hi This month I turned 18. It’s been 2 years roughly since I first discovered the severe state of my oral health. My gum line has receeded on every tooth to a heavy extent, now to the point where my smile is almost only tooth with noticeable gaps between my teeth. On the front four teeth on the jaw (lower half of the oral cavity), my gums have become extremely thin (less than a millimeter) and my molars have become heavily exposed. My gums receeded so quickly that my wisdom teeth had already started erupting at age 14 and had to be removed at age 16 or 17, can’t quite remember. I don’t really know what the point in sharing this would be. Nothing can really help it anymore. I live with the constant anxiety that one day my teeth will fall out or that my gums have continue to recess even farther. I know things like gum grafting are an option but i fear that that would be possible due to how thin my gum tissue is now. I guess really this should just exist as a warning to kids. Brush your teeth daily but also your gums too. When I was a kid my parents violently brushed my gums which hurt a lot and made me extremely scared of brushing around my gum tissue, so I only brushed my teeth, not my gums. This paired with not seeing a dentist for 2 years served for shockingly rapid recession in my gum tissue, and I now struggle with extreme anxiety and depression. If any professional dentists have any kind of support I can have that would be greatly appreciated. Hope this can maybe help some other kids out before it’s too late for them too.
submitted by GoraxBing to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:02 Azu_Creates Should I pad out the lower jaw more to make the transition from the cheek to lower jaw more smooth? This is a moving jaw.

Should I pad out the lower jaw more to make the transition from the cheek to lower jaw more smooth? This is a moving jaw. submitted by Azu_Creates to FursuitMaking [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:54 G-alsjdjenejd Orthotic, digastric muscles, stylohyoid

Has anyone worn a tmj orthotic for 1+ year and noticed that the tendons/muscles under your eabehind your jaw, where the stylohyoid and digastric muscle is located, are stretched or inflamed?
I’ve had my orthotic in for a while now. My masseter muscle pain is gone. But the area directly under my ear is constantly swollen. I don’t think I have Eagle syndrome. I don’t have many of the symptoms.
I’m wondering if an orthotic that has been pushing my lower jaw forward about 10 mm had caused some sort of tear or tension in those muscles/tendons that could be causing this?
Any help much appreciated
submitted by G-alsjdjenejd to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:54 Actual_Quit_4234 leg pain

Hi guys, first of all I got tested negative on HIV, syphilis, clamydia and ghonorrea. At the beginning of this year I had sores in my vagina, it lasted for 6 days and get away by itself.
Month ago it all started with sharp pain in one ovary, lower back pain, stomach pain and leg pain, few days after I got sores again but it was different this time. I decided to go to my gyno, she saw it and says it is probably herpes and gave me a medicine for it. (my pap smear results was great so she wasn't concered about HPV or smth like that) But I think she wasn't 100% sure it is herpes, she actually says it looks a little bit worse, but gave me medicine for herpes. It was gone in few days, but I had itchy feeling down there, and one part down there (vagina opening) was swollen, idk if it's normal to be like that, but she wasn't concered about that I guess.
Then I got my period, I have it for 3 days now, everything ok, but I have that lower back pain, leg pain and glute muscles pain again, I'm so scared it will happen again after my period and I am not sure if it's herpes because she seemed not 100% sure.
Did anyone had some of these symptomes and do I sound hypohypochondriacal?
submitted by Actual_Quit_4234 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:53 heybro222 I’m scared I have hiv

Hey guys, I know this probably comes up here a lot but I’m in a very dark place and would just like some advice. Foremost I am a transsexual man who looks completely male so my partners have always been gay/bi men. Last weekend I hooked up with a guy and we had sex (used a condom) but I gave him head and we kissed. I know he has multiple partners and doesn’t always use condoms. Anyway, three days after I had an extremely sore throat which developed into flu like symptoms and now at day 6 of being sick my lymph nodes are swollen. I tested negative for the flu, Covid, gonnorea, and chlamydia. I’m going for a rapid hiv test tomorrow. My question is for maybe those of you who are knowledgeable, am I being irrational to assume it’s hiv because the symptoms occurred only three days after? Or could it be legitimate? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by heybro222 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:53 Actual_Quit_4234 pain in leg

Hi guys, first of all I got tested negative on HIV, syphilis, clamydia and ghonorrea. At the beginning of this year I had sores in my vagina, it lasted for 6 days and get away by itself.
Month ago it all started with sharp pain in one ovary, lower back pain, stomach pain and leg pain, few days after I got sores again but it was different this time. I decided to go to my gyno, she saw it and says it is probably herpes and gave me a medicine for it. (my pap smear results was great so she wasn't concered about HPV or smth like that) But I think she wasn't 100% sure it is herpes, she actually says it looks a little bit worse, but gave me medicine for herpes. It was gone in few days, but I had itchy feeling down there, and one part down there (vagina opening) was swollen, idk if it's normal to be like that, but she wasn't concered about that I guess.
Then I got my period, I have it for 3 days now, everything ok, but I have that lower back pain, leg pain and glute muscles pain again, I'm so scared it will happen again after my period and I am not sure if it's herpes because she seemed not 100% sure.
Did anyone had some of these symptomes and do I sound hypohypochondriacal?
submitted by Actual_Quit_4234 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:24 RaspberryNegative308 31M. Unexplained fever (5 days now). Blood work shows nothing. Doctors don’t know. Very worried. Please help.

My boyfriend is 31. No known health condition. apparently his immune system can be a little weird (he never developed any antibodies after a tuberculosis vaccine etc). It’s not the first time it happens but the last time (november 23) was only 3 days of high fever (about a week after recovering from covid)
On Wednesday he developed a fever (38 degrees to 39.5 at times). The fever subsides with tylenol and ibuprofen but keeps coming back. So he gets a fever about 3 times a day. Sweating profusely at night. Very tired. Had an episode of insomnia. He has muscle aches and headaches and gets a bit dizzy when he gets up too quickly.
Appetite is normal. No gastro intestinal symptoms.
He went to the doctor on Thursday. They said they had no idea what it was but prescribed blood work and urine test.
Blood work came back perfect (be it white cells count, hormones, liver etc). Still waiting on urine test results. He says his lymph nodes are swollen (everywhere).
I’m starting to get very worried.
Please help.
submitted by RaspberryNegative308 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:04 Careful_Vegetable_62 Elegoo mars 3 - higher the resolution, the lower the print details are

Elegoo mars 3 - higher the resolution, the lower the print details are
Hi, I'm new to resin printing, but white experienced with filament printers. I've bought used elegoo mars 3, cleaned Z Axis rod, lubricated, replaced FEP, leveled bed and started printing. I want to print power rangers coins, printing them flat (on 4mm supports) with default chitubox 0,05 resolution and its fine, but layers are visible on dome elements, so I increased resolution (and lowered exposition time) to 0.025 and then to 0,01 but i realised that Colin details became much flatter than it was. I have no idea what the cause can be, 0.05 details are much more convex. You can see it especially on dinozaur claws and start of it jaw. Any idea? Its hard for me to explain it, english is not my native language and problem might be hard to notice on image. Using anycubic water washable Black resin.
submitted by Careful_Vegetable_62 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:44 whowhomst orange book workbook errors??

orange book workbook errors??
studying for my cognitive exam for recert and i’m using the orange book 11th ed workbook in the BLS chapter a lot of questions have weird answers in the answer key? or am i just wrong? # 7 8 and 10
pink is books answer
submitted by whowhomst to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:38 CowgirlFromHell666 Medication side affects

Hello! My husband was recently/finally diagnosed with PsA. It started in December 2022, when he looked like he got bit by something behind his ear. We went to several doctors and a dermatologist to figure out what was spreading all over the trunk and lower half of his body. After being treated with antibiotics, anti- virals and everything else in the planet. He had a skin puncture done. Turns out he developed psoriasis on his head, and eczema on his body. He already had issues with rosacea and breakouts on his face. Once he started to get the psoriasis and eczema under control, even his face began to clear up. After 6months the pain started with an injury or a torn tendon, to his thigh, which lead to swollen knees, (drained twice), and shooting pain down his legs to the point that getting out of bed, walking, using the stairs, and standing wear unbearable. His only saving grace was the ortho who had him see the rheumatologist, and he knew immediately it was PsA. He started on Humira, (nightmare trying to get that), after 2 months his insurance switched him to Hyrimoz. Anyway, after 2-3 months of being on the meds, which have been amazing for his pain. He can bend, run, jump and all the fun stuff. But lately he started to develop super dry flaky skin patches on his face. Anyone else have these kinds of side effects? Is there something that can help him, besides going through a million daily washes and moisturizers that just turn his face lobster red and super flaky?? Are there other side effects we should watch for?
submitted by CowgirlFromHell666 to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:23 ATankRookie Help in identifying a lower jaw bone found on the coast of Oranjemund in south west corner of Namibia

Help in identifying a lower jaw bone found on the coast of Oranjemund in south west corner of Namibia submitted by ATankRookie to bonecollecting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:20 Due-Confidence8139 Does Wisdoms teeths renoved make face short and ugly

my two lower jaw wisdoms teeths removed in last 2 years after some 6 months my face looks short and ugly like my face looks soft reason behind for removed the grow up horizontally make pain and bleeding in mouth dentist advise ti removed them my jaw defination was lost
submitted by Due-Confidence8139 to orthotropics [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:42 Leep0710 Sleep apnea and TMJ caused by car accident?

So when I was in I got into a car accident. Now I have cervical stenosis, which I think is rated as neck strain? Plus upper arms, lumbar, and lower extremities are rated too bc I have mobility and sensory issues due to a bunch of herniated discs.
I have TmJ issues in my records, and researching it says that car accidents can cause it. I also recently got diagnosed with sleep apnea and have a Cpap from the VA. When I research sleep apnea it says that TmJ can also cause it.
Does this count as a nexus? Like, can I claim the TMJ as a primary claim, and then the sleep apnea as a supplementary claim from the TmJ? I have no idea if the car accident is the cause of these issues or not, so I’m wondering if I should try to claim it, and what order I should do for that? I do have military records that show me complaining of jaw/TmJ pain. And ear issues and tinnitus which can also be from TMJ! Nothing for sleep apnea at all in my records so I’m not sure if I’m going to claim that.
Anyone else have experience claiming TMJ? What records were helpful? I have records for jaw pain, and for ENT ear issues (fullness, tinnitus, lightheadedness/dizziness). Some army and some civilian.
submitted by Leep0710 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:17 ordinaryemu808 Fluid filled bump on surgical scar - 16 months post op

I (36F, 5'7', 130lbs, active, otherwise healthy, no medications, no smoking, ~1 drink per week, Canada), broke my ankle (trimalleolar fracture) at end of December 2022, with ORIF surgery early January 2023. I recently have had a recurring blistefluid filled bump under the incision scar and I'm not sure what it is/what to do about it.
Backstory: A few days post-op (Jan 2023) I developed a fever and went to the ER. My cast was cut off, they swabbed the incisions (very small amount of pus on one of two incisions), and gave me antibiotics (cephalexin if I remember correctly). Finished the antibiotics, no further signs of infection.
Both of my incisions looked horrible throughout the first couple of months. I had blisters on/around both incisions. Surgeon said they were fracture blisters, but I believe some may have come from the excessive amount of steri-strips placed over my incisions.
The last blister I had developed and burst around 6-7 weeks post op. This too became infected, and I had to take antibiotics again (cipro if I remember correctly). Finished those, no further signs of infection.
Once my incisions/surrounding skin finally healed, the rest of my recovery went smoothly. I've gone through PT and have mostly returned to my normal, very physically active life. My ankle does get sore and stiff depending on how active I've been/the weather, but from what I understand this is all to be expected.
Now: Over the last month though I've had a recurring bump under my surgical scar. A couple days before it first appeared, I had a PT appointment and they used a laser on this area for ~5 minutes, after which I noticed it was red and swollen. After a few days, and it looked like this:
March 31: https://imgur.com/gallery/f9ahdU9
It felt like fluid under the skin where the greyish area was. I didn't have any other symptoms - no fever, no pain beyond some slight tenderness where the bump was. Maybe a little warm to the touch but hard to say for sure. I washed it with Dettol soap twice a day, applied Polysporin, and covered it with a large bandaid to keep it protected. The quickest my surgeon could see me was a week later - and by then my ankle was back to looking like this (how it normally looks):
April 7: https://imgur.com/gallery/jLeAckK
The surgeon didn't seem concerned at all, even after I showed him photos. The nurse who saw me/the photos first, on the other hand, thought I may need to fill out OR paperwork and mentioned getting a washout - so clearly she had some concerns about possible infection. He told me he wasn't sure what it was, and thought maybe it was an infected hair follicle. His instruction was to keep an eye on it, and if it came back + burst or came back + fever, 'you should get it looked at right away.'
Fast forward a couple weeks later, and I am in a different country (US) on vacation (OK'ed by the surgeon), and of course it comes back.
I was out surfing for a couple of hours, and sure enough, it started to come back the following day - looked like this:
April 23: https://imgur.com/gallery/JeNrUq7
I applied an antibacterial (benzalkonium chloride) waterproof bandaid to keep it protected - and it REALLY did not react well. The next day the skin was red and I had little white heads where the bandage was touching my skin. I believe this was a reaction from the bandaid.
Here's how it progressed: April 24: https://imgur.com/gallery/qw3bzOV April 25: https://imgur.com/gallery/0zpQFKs Today, April 28: https://imgur.com/gallery/H3peiiv
There is some tenderness on the bump itself and a little bit of pain in my ankle once in a while, but honestly not much - 1/10. No fever. I have pretty reactive lymph nodes and none are enlarged. I'm taking it easy as I really don't want the skin to break.
...So what could this be? I'm scared it could be chronic osteomyelitis, considering my early post op infections. Thoughts? Test(s) I should ask for when I get home?
Could it be an infected hair follicle that has come back? It seems so unlikely that it would just happen to occur right under the incision. I rarely have ingrown hairs.
I do have medical travel insurance, but would prefer not to have to use it unless it's absolutely necessary. Also, was planning on having the hardware removed + arthroscopy in June or July.
Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated! And thank you for reading all of this!
submitted by ordinaryemu808 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:52 EstrangedLlama21 Long lasting HIV anxiety due to symptoms despite low risk exposure

TLDR: Receptive oral sex exposure without ejaculation and only precum. MSM, possible bleeding gums and gingivitis risk factors. Mild isolated symptom at 4 week mark. Severe ARS like symptoms at 6 week mark. Tested negative for covid and flu on what i assume to be a rapid test at the hospital. Looking for advice regarding exposure risk, conflicting information and anxiety
For over 1 year I have been struggling with really bad anxiety due to HIV. Hopefully later this year i can have a conversation about it with my parents and get tested. Hopefully someone can provide some advice and another prespective
My exposure was receptive oral sex. He (19M) did not ejaculate in my mouth. However there was precum and my mouth was very dry, especially the roof of my mouth which came into contact with with the precum mostly. I dont recall any ulcers in my mouth and I brushed my teeth around 3 hours before so if there were cuts from brushing i would imagine they healed. I also have gingivitis.
Now for the symptoms.
The day after i had a bad sore throat which lasted almost a week. I sure this isint related but this was what sparked my anxiety.
Around the 4 week mark. I got another mild sore throat. Few days later i got antibiotics. towards the end of my course my dad said his throat felt weird too. Either way it got less serious but there was some hot flashes.
The main issue was the day before the 6 week mark. I woke up with 2am with stabbing pains in my chest which got worse as i breathe. I tried screaming (thats how painful it was) to get the attention of my family members but i couldnt scream loud enough, once they were awake we went to the ER where they did what i assume to be rapid test for influenza and covid which came back negative in an hour. I was diagnosed with acute phyrangitis.
From that point on all the synptoms came on. The chest pains(pleursy) High fever(broke and became low fever after 2 days) Night sweats(worst for the first 2 days, the bed no longer got drenched after). Very painful sore throat Muscle aches (initially generalized, then only on one side of the body, subsided within a week) Swollen lymph nodes in both armpits one ulcer Cough
Syptoms went away one by one over 2 weeks. Sore throat and lymph node were the last to go. High fever being the earliest to go.
Alot of times on here i see people test negative with light symptoms or just one or 2 of these systems, but everytime i see people with all these symptoms they test positive.
Part of me feels like it was covid or mono(partially due to the fact that my mom got pretty sick with flu like symptoms around a week after my severe symptoms and I heard that these 1 hour hospital test for covid and flu can have false negatives alot.
I understand that receptive oral sex, especially without ejaculation is a very low risk, pep isint even recommended according to one of the guidelines posted regarding hiv in my country: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364689111_Malaysian_Consensus_Guideines_on_Antiretrviral_Therapy_2022
However ive seen way too many post here on reddit, poz.com and on the news about hiv through oral sex. I-base even says that 5% of cases yearly are assumed to be from oral sex. Yet ive seen reputable drs such as Dr Hunter Hansfield and Dr Hook say they never had a paitent who got hiv from receptive Oral sex (despite acknowledging that there have been very few proven cases).
Im sorry for all the rambling and really long winded post. My country isint as great as other countries in regards to hiv prevention (21% of MSM estimated to be hiv positive, though the estimate is likely in accurate. And only around 60% of HIV+ people here are on ART) which makes me extremely worried. Additionally my parents finding out, being denined insurance claims and being discriminated against while im looking for employment if i get HIV has caused me alot of anxiety so much that i tend to sleep at 5am these days.
Im hoping some of you could advise me on how to move on. The internet is full of contradicting information, especially among reputable sites, experts and activists. I know that people can live with long lives despite having hiv but it would ruin my life in so many other ways which keep me up at night.
submitted by EstrangedLlama21 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:52 Nukue Savan from DD1

Savan from DD1
I'll still tinker with him, I want to reach at least nearly perfection. But for now I'm satisfied c:
Last three screenshots are in the comments.
submitted by Nukue to fashiondogma [link] [comments]
