Chocolate poop


2012.05.05 21:04 ShittyFoodPorn

Food Porn, but Shitty.

2009.04.21 17:25 windmilltheory The Baking sub-reddit

For all your baking needs! Recipes, pictures, ideas, questions and all things baking related. Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, muffins, scones, breads, rolls, biscuits, cheesecakes, snack bars, etc are all welcome! _______________________________ We could use some help with mod tasks. If you are interested, please send a message to the mod team (there's a message the mods button in the sidebar)

2013.12.17 03:31 edcba54321 Shitty Superpowers

Post your favorite shitty superpowers! shittysuperpowers are for powers that are odd and would be a low tier superpower, but not a detrimental power Please read the rules before posting!

2024.04.27 05:32 Justwonderingwhyitis 4 year old regression

Does anyone have any experience with an intense potty regression around 4? My daughter turns 4 next month and she hardly ever goes in the toilet any more. She has kinda struggled with more accidents in the past few months, but these last couple weeks it has been way worse. Pooping and peeing just everywhere. She even one time hid behind me so she could poop. Even at the beginning of potty train at 2.5 she didn’t struggle with not pooping in the toilet. She will not go when we ask or tell her we are noticing she is dancing. If we push at all she gets angry and insists she does not have to go. That’s nothing super new because she is strong willed, but she is more insistent now.
We have tried stickers because she loves them. Worked for about 2 days before becoming worse than ever. I suggested a she could have a chocolate chip after she goes. She didn’t care. I have tried to get her to pick out potty toys and activities to do. She says she doesn’t want them. I did print out a search and find and put it near the potty to try and see if that would help. She looked at it, but didn’t go potty. We have talked about how her preschool teachers ask that she use the potty in order to go to preschool and how that’s important. We have even asked her what would help her go and questions about why she is struggling to go. She just shrugged and said she doesn’t know. We try not to shame her and give her lots of love, but I worry that in our desperation we have pushed too hard. She has a 12m old sister. With previous struggles I have chalked it up to that. Maybe that’s it still, but I doubt it. I just don’t know what to do anymore 😭
submitted by Justwonderingwhyitis to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 03:55 Philosopherskin Excruciating abdominal/lower intestine pain and clear bubbly bowel movements after eating pizza?

32 y/o Male.
To preface, this has been happening off and on for a year or two now with certain foods. (But can’t recall exactly which ones.)
Most recently, I had pizza in the late evening on Wednesday. I’ve always suspected I might have developed a milk sensitivity in my 30’s, but I wanted to indulge as I’ve mostly cut dairy out otherwise.
The next morning on Thursday, I’m at work and around lunch time I start to have the most excruciating abdominal/large intestine pain. Deep pain that keeps feeling sharp like I’m being stabbed and twisted in my lower abdomen. I had to brace the shelf next to me at points when it would happen. It lasted for maybe 2 hours happening off and on throughout that time. During this pain I also was having deep aches in my testicles? And lower back pain too.
Then that afternoon, my first bowel movement is super fiber-like semi-brown spottings of poop. The next morning (36 hours after the pizza) my next bowel movement was nothing but white bubbly liquid. Then another bowel movement later that day (40 hours after the pizza) with nothing but clear foamy bubble froth. Now I’m at 48 hours since having the pizza and I just had another bowel movement of nothing but clear bubbly froth.
I’ve been having this happen off and on for maybe 2 years now? And my guess would be that maybe I have a dairy allergy? But I know I can have baked goods with milk and I’m fine, and even having some chocolate and I’m fine. But pizza seems to consistently cause hell, and I know that it has happened with other foods too, but I can’t remember specifically what.
I also get random sharp pains that seem to be emanating from my colon? Like really fast sharp stabs. I usually feel one quick stab of pain and it makes me jump like hell and sometimes it makes me keel over sometimes and I have to grab something. These sharp pains in my colon don’t always seem to happen in relation to food, it seems random. But I could totally be wrong.
Should I be looking into more than just food allergies? IBS maybe? Get a colonoscopy?
submitted by Philosopherskin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 01:41 MessyStressyRacoon Anyone else have weird exceptions to their aversions?

Like I hate peanut butter. I hate the smell. Seeing/smelling someone eating peanut butter makes me want to gag and peanut butter touching water, especially in a sink of dishes, makes my soul leave my body.
BUT Reese’s are my favorite candy??? And I’ve had phases where I’ll eat a huge dollop of peanut butter with a bunch of chocolate chips. And peanut butter touching water is revolting, I can’t even touch water and smell it at the same time, but if the mood strikes me I’ll enjoy juicy green apple slices with it (but only the green).
Or I can’t fill the kitchen sink with water to wash dishes cause touching food bits makes me gag and shiver. BUT I’ve also had a job where I regularly stuck my bare hands into a large drain filled with Rhino pee/poop water with no problem.
submitted by MessyStressyRacoon to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 22:22 devilish_zimi I've had a setback after managing to gain 8 pounds... all because I came across an educational video about stomas/stoma bags, and I feel horrible.

I feel like a bigot because of this, but anything related to stoma bags induces complete panic in me. Like, it's not just being grossed out, it is actually capable of inducing a panic attack.
So I've finally managed to find a way to get myself to eat nearly twice as much as I've been eating for almost the last decade-- all I really had to do was ignore the "advice" that a psychiatrist gave me after misdiagnosing me with anorexia when I was 15. I got a new therapist very recently who said I likely have avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, and as a result I've figured out many of my triggers and some things to do to counteract them.
But one of those triggers includes ANYTHING revolving around feces. The word "poop" bothers me, any other word is better even if it's a swear word. I can barely eat chocolate pudding unless it is almost ice cold(and even then I don't like it), chicken curry tastes good to me but I can't look at it while I eat it, and anything with a paste-like consistency is a nightmare to eat if I get triggered by something I see in person or online. As a teenager, I would often starve myself for days to make it so that I could go number 2 as little as possible. It was to a point that I would only have to go once every week and a half to every two weeks for a period of a couple of months.
I'm also terrified of having an accident during sex... even though it's never happened. I'd fast and only eat one small meal a day or two before going over to my ex-bf's house.
I've gotten wayyyy better with this in recent years, because I also have terrible anxiety about me being underweight. That fear often trumps the obsessive thoughts around feces. Though I almost have to have music in my headphones or watch a YouTube video on my phone to distract myself from what I'm doing on the toilet.
Also weirdly enough, it's really only human feces that triggers me. I've worked in a grooming salon and have had to clean dog shit up all the time with very little issues.
But back to the stoma thing, for anyone who doesn't know, it is a surgical procedure done that puts a part of a person's intestines through the abdominal wall-- essentially they end up having to crap through their belly. This is necessary to keep some people alive, and they absolutely cannot help it. There is also a lot of stigma around it, and people can be VERY mean online about it and insist that people who have had this procedure shouldn't talk about it and need to hide it. It's rude, and has to take a toll on those people. Which is exactly why I feel so bad about the emotional reaction I have to it. Logically I think nothing bad of it, and I know that the way I feel is totally irrational.
So last night, I came across a video where a woman had the bag off, and she was showing how she prepared it to put the bag on... actually quite informative if you think about it.
But I immediately started having to keep myself from hyperventilating. Seeing the stoma itself (a pinkish red protrusion from a hole in the skin) freaked me out to an extreme degree. And I can handle watching real life surgery videos and find it fascinating... but this was too much??? Idk, I guess it was the fact that I can't see this body part without immediately thinking about what comes out of it and goes into the bag.
I guess I just needed to get this off of my chest. After this I've only been able to eat crunchy foods since it's an opposite texture, and I'm still not eating much. It also has to be a sweet or neutral taste, like fruit or carrots. And I'm almost out of both. I tried eating a bagel with cream cheese earlier, and could barely eat half of it. I started crying because of it because that anxiety that I'll lose too much weight is bothering me again, and I'm tempted to go back to the foods that I know don't work for me, which is basically purely junk food because of the high amount of calories. It doesn't work because it makes me nauseous and I won't eat much of it.
Also I get upset when I have to waste food, but I have an aversion to eating a reheated already toasted half of a bagel so I threw it out. Yet I can eat microwaved meals just fine?? They're reheated too ffs.
I needed to talk about this to someone, lol... I don't see my therapist for another week and a half. I intend to talk with them about it and what to do to at least get over the paranoia around the stoma thing. Like, what if I match with a girl on bumble with one? I don't want to have to decide not to go out with her all because I can't eat when thinking about something she can't help. Or if I end up making a friend with one, or just what I feel about the bags of people on general. Idk.
At least writing this post alone has helped calm me down, haha... why am I like this.
submitted by devilish_zimi to ARFID [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:21 Blackout_M What Loathsome Dung Eater are you?

What Loathsome Dung Eater are you?
I am the Loathsome Manure Guzzler personally
submitted by Blackout_M to EldenRingMemes [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 14:55 barrington_buns 5 days post op: rubber band ligation of enlarged internal haemerroids x 4, plus excision of anal skin tags, closed with stitches x 3

For context, I'm 44F. I had my procedure done in Melbourne, Australia. Here's what I know now after 5 days post op...
Procedure: Rubber Band Ligation x 4 (enlarged internal haemerroids) + Flexible sigmoidoscopy (that turned into full colonoscopy) + Excision of 3 x anal skin tags ("bulky", "circumferential" - as described in surgeon's notes) closed with stitches
Costs (note: I have private health insurance): - GP appointment to get surgery referral: $90 / $40 back on medicare - Initial consult with colorectal surgeon $315 / $126 back on medicare - Surgeon's fees / co-pay: $500 out of pocket - Anaesthetist fees: $400 out of pocket - Medibank excess: $500 out of pocket - Pharmacy: $30.36 Tapentadol - 6 week follow up: ??? Assume another $315 / $126 back on medicare
I had this done on Friday 19th, I am 5 days post op. I can say right now I am more in discomfort than pain.
The dot points: - It was a day procedure, in at 1pm, out at 5pm. No bowel prep at home, but an enema at the hospital. The procedure was done in 30 minutes under both general and local anaesthesia.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 😂
Sorry for formatting, I'm posting on a mobile.
submitted by barrington_buns to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 05:13 KurwaDestroyer I am sooo tired of the tubes in my body. TW: gross lol

All of the tubes. Every single one of them.
My poop tubes, my puke tubes, my acid reflux tubes. I hate all of the tubes.
I’m 24+4 with #4. I had 3 fantastic pregnancies. The third was 10 years after my first two and I felt just as good then, especially considering 20 vs 30 years old. No morning sickness whatsoever.
This baby? Oh ho ho. I’ve puked nearly every day. I will have puking spasms/episodes that last from 5am until 12:30pm. I will be on the toilet for 15 minutes every 5-10 minutes during these 7 hours. Repeatedly. All of the time. I have an almost 9 month old who has started to walk while holding onto things so this has been a lot of fun.
I can’t hold my 9 month old on my lap while my body is telling me I have to poop and I’m just not pooping… why? Because I have to hold the trashcan and puke into it. Because I’m peeing myself the whole time my body is telling me that I need to poop and that’s really gross so I should throw up about it too because ewww there’s poop in my body.
Food? Forget about it. Unless it’s fruit or a chocolate protein shake, my brain hates it. It’s poison. It moves around my mouth and makes me wonder why you people eat this stuff. But I want to eat sooo bad. I’m always talking about food because I want it sooo bad. Everyone in the house loves it though because I’ll end up passing my craving off to them and they’re usually pretty intricate.
I was pretty chunky when I got pregnant again. 193 at 5’3. I’m now at 165. I tried Reglan and read the papers and it scared me so I stopped taking it. Didn’t help anyway. Tried B6 and B12. Every diet method of starting my day. Doctor told me to try B7. Very funny, big guy.
Baby is totally healthy and I’m fine in every numerical department aside from occasional dehydration. My doctor and I decided to not do any other medical intervention because honestly — it’s just not hurting me enough. The actual detrimental mental part passed the longer it went on and I’ve just accepted it. I’m just ranting because I’m up trying to poop again except there is no poop because there is no food. Aghhh. 2.5 more months hopefully.
submitted by KurwaDestroyer to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 01:26 Moose_Travel The Ultra Stubborn - seeking advice!

I'd like to start this post by recognizing my son is EXTREMELY strong willed. He does everything when he wants and cannot be coaxed, convinced, bribed, etc. He tests boundaries endlessly and we do a lot of repetition before he accepts. He's a good kid - just bullheaded.
Age 23 months (2 in less than a month) - not extremely vocal / slight speech delayed. He can tell me he has to go with signals, has access to bathroom/potty, can pull his pants down, and can tell me no pee pee floor. He also calls accidents "yuck".
We had been reading potty books for a few months and had introduced his tiny potty for many months. We had been sitting on it before bath but not actually putting in it and had been reading our potty books. He became obsessive about the potty books, was coming with us to the bathroom, staying dry longer, and finally one day removed his pants and diaper, moved all his toys from a corner and peed in it - so I said well lets give it a go!
We started with the naked bottom method - he only ever initiated sitting on the potty by himself once in four days. I started by loading up with liquids the first day which made him into a human water fountain. So we went back to our regular fluid program which he enjoys his fruit and water fine. Lots of messes etc. We'd do the pee pee doesn't belong on the floor quick clean up and try to encourage sitting when it looked like he had to go and give a small chocolate chip when he was successful at putting pee inside. But he didn't seem to be improving on initiating.
Then we introduced underwear as I felt so housebound. Things were going okay I thought. We started going on the hour and trying that instead of waiting for him to initiate and it got to a point where I could sit him down ask him to try and he would squeeze and could put a bit of pee in. He was excited to do it and get his treat and do our dance. Still not self initiated obviously but it felt a bit freeing bc I could ask him to pee before we left the house let's say. He was holding it sometimes for two hours and waiting for the next time to try...etc. We even had two poops on the potty. Was starting to feel a bit lighter.
Then today I guess he decided he was done doing it on command and would no longer be trying to push any out when asked. He's fighting me to sit on the toilet, fighting me to put pee, just generally disagreeable. He used to get upset when he peed himself now he just stands and stares at me and does it. Like... I am just aggravated. I am trying not to be frustrated but it is so hard to meet this toddler stubbornness with my gentle parenting voice and I'm ready to rip my hair out. I just don't know where to go from here. I don't know what the next steps are. Now that he doesn't even care about being wet like what do I do. I've tried to remind him of our treats, remind him pee doesn't go in our panties or the floor only in potty, try to take him and sit him when he looks like he has to go, sit him when the potty watch goes off, bring a toy, have a stuffy sit on the potty, let him have his paci while he sits, have him come with us to potty. Just feels like yesterday I felt so positive and today I could go out for milk and cigarettes and not come back.
I keep trying to tell myself tomorrow is a new day but I feel like crying today. I am typing this after another failed attempt to coax him to put pee in the potty to avoid crying but it just feels so hopeless and like I'll never leave the house again. Anyone have any successful methods with a strong willed child? We describe him as a kid who will cut his nose off to spite his face - he is so so loveable and sweet and I feel like a crap parent for being so annoyed with it today. Just trying to make my game plan for tomorrow...
submitted by Moose_Travel to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 12:45 No_Sale_2037 Is this somewhat concerning?

Is this somewhat concerning?
Is this somewhat concerning or normal based on my recent diet changes? I have changed my diet recently to no gluten/ dairy, no sugars such as chocolate bars, candy etc. Or sparkling, soft drinks. Only Eating meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and oats, nuts, seeds plus good amount of water. For the last 12 days. Also really stressing and overthinking about my stool, 9/10 only go once a day in the morning, always have my belly talking as I’m afraid what stool will not be solid before the poop time.
submitted by No_Sale_2037 to poop [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 22:07 ChickenTender-Chips i wish my poop tasted like chocolate

submitted by ChickenTender-Chips to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 03:25 EntertainmentMore519 First Marathon Complete!

Race Information
Name: Cheap Marathon
Date: April 20, 2024
Distance: 26.2 miles
Location: Derry, NH
Time: 3:55:24.4
Goal Description Completed?
A Don't Poop My Pants Yes
B Finish Yes
C Sub 4 Yes
D Sub 3:50/BQ No
Mile Time
1 8:38
2 8:49
3 8:23
4 8:21
5 8:21
6 8:29
7 9:16
8 8:47
9 8:54
10 8:47
11 8:34
12 8:36
13 8:38
14 9:45
15 8:56
16 8:54
17 8:39
18 9:42
19 8:49
20 10:24
21 9:06
22 9:06
23 9:14
24 9:20
25 9:13
26 8:56
.2 8:29
As a 47-year-old female, I’ve been a runner most of my life. I’ve done half marathons and ultra marathon team relays, so I wasn’t coming into the marathon as a brand-new runner. I’d started heart rate training last fall, using a free plan from MyProCoach. Last October I signed up for what I intended to be my first marathon this coming October 2024. Since I already had a decent base going, I decided to change plans and signed up for something sooner, i.e. The Cheap Marathon in April instead. I used the Hal Higdon's Novice plan. I jumped in at week 5 since my base already exceeded what was required at that point. Overall, I was very consistent with my training. A few times I had to move scheduled runs to different days, but I may have only missed 1-2 short runs. I ended up having unexpected extra weeks of training because 2 days before the race, it was postponed for 2 weeks due to a nor’easter. Therefore, I had to backtrack to add in a couple more long runs.
I’m incredibly grateful that I remained healthy and injury free throughout the entire cycle. I can actually say that I loved the training cycle. As someone who is always cold, I can’t believe that I enjoyed winter training. Yet somehow, going out in the dark, in 10-degree temps and pushing my body to new levels always made me come home feeling alive and productive before I even started my workday!
The only major bummer in my training was that I wasn’t able to figure out my bathroom issues that have plagued me for several years now. I worked really hard throughout the cycle to play with nutrition and fueling, to no avail. That’s a whole other topic but the point is, I couldn’t get it straight in training, and thus on race day either.
I got up at 4:30am for a 1 hour 45-minute drive to the event. I ate dry toast and juice at 5:45am. Bib pick-up was at 7:05am. This race used a time trial with athletes starting 2 at a time every 6 seconds. I had to line-up at 7:35am for a 7:50:21am start.
All week the weather had forecasted partly cloudy skies, ~50 degrees. The day before the weather changed, calling for rain, only during the marathon window. Sure enough, it was pouring rain from when I awoke until ~2 hours into the race. In hindsight, I’m glad I was shivering and wet to start because I warmed up and dried out quickly enough. My plan was to not go out too fast, to mentally chunk the race in 6-mile increments, and to take Maurten gels every 6 miles. I didn’t stick to any of those strategies. While I’d intended to start at ~8:41s and hoped to do negative splits, instead my first 6 miles averaged 8:30s and I definitely wasn’t able to manage negative splits. I took my first gel at ~m6. Shortly thereafter I had to make my first stop at a porta-potty. That ended up being the first of FOUR bathrooms stops! You can see from the shift in my paces where those stops were. I started another gel at ~mile 13. I ended up carrying it with me for the remainder of the race, but never finished it and couldn’t take another. I was also carrying a hydration vest with .5mL of Skratch and H20. I took very small sips intermittently, but didn’t drink as much as I should have, for the same reason I didn’t take the gels - I was too fearful either would exacerbate my bathroom stops. As for mentally chunking the course, the 6-mile increments simply ended up not being necessary. Miles ~6-12 were a blur. Once I got to mile 15, I felt good telling myself I only had 11.2 miles left. Another mile or so, then I’d only have < 10 miles. Then once I hit mile 20, I knew I’d be able to get through a 10k. I knew about halfway through, because of my bathroom stops, that I wouldn’t be able to finish in under 3:50, which was my stretch goal. Sub 4 seemed attainable though. I’d hoped to pick up the pace around mile 24. However, miles 22 - 25, I felt like I was trying to speed up, though my pace said otherwise. I was able to speed up a tad for the final mile and ran into the final .2 feeling pretty strong.
I could play all the “what-if’s” in my head, or I can choose to be pleased with my results. I’ll go with the latter.
I had a Swiss RX Chocolate Mint recovery drink waiting for me (which I’m a big fan of!) and a Skratch bar. I had no idea until I took my sneakers off that I had a huge blood blister on my big toe, yuck! I stretched just a tad before I had to make the long drive home afterwards. I rolled out my legs as soon as I got home 2 hours later, then enjoyed pizza and ice cream once I’d showered. I never got a headache, so I believe I was adequately hydrated. Even after waking up this morning, my body felt great. I was slightly sore (my arms surprisingly!). A late morning massage was heavenly and just what I needed.
I said I'd wait a couple of months before I decide whether or not I'll actually run the October marathon I'm already signed up for, or if this was a one-and-done, bucket list experience. Based on yesterday's mostly positive experience and how I feel today, there's a good chance there might be another marathon in my future.
submitted by EntertainmentMore519 to firstmarathon [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:36 WillowWhipss Dog ate Timbits - should I worry

My corgi managed to get into a box of Timbits while I was out today, so some time between 1-4 hours ago. I’d estimate there were around 15-20 timbits in the box, maybe 1-2 chocolate ones the rest were regular, sugar coated style with various flavours (sour cream, plain, etc).
She seems fine, pooped normal on her walk after and acting totally normal, should I worry or is this just a funny story about how I need to keep my timbits on a higher shelf in the future?
submitted by WillowWhipss to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:08 WaterAndStones Started the elemental diet!

I have my entire journey documented here for those interested (including all sibo test results and treatment so far):
I will be taking VitaAID Elemental Nutrition (chocolate flavour) for 21 days, and will be documenting that journey here. I'm also working with a naturopathic doctor. They say I can still have some teas, and food grade essential oils can be added to the shakes as well as olive oil to up the calories (I'm a 5'4" woman at 128 lbs so avoiding unintended weightloss during this time my highest concern). I can add up to 1/4 tsp of salt per shake if I'm craving it.
I was sent samples of the shakes beforehand. The vanilla was absolutely heinous, like water that has been dumped over week old birthday cake and pennies. The chocolate was surprisingly okay, no metallic flavour. It's kind of like when you make hot chocolate with just water, but slightly less tasty. So I ordered chocolate.
Doc says I should also be taking nuun electrolyte tablets so I'll be heading out to get those at some point.
Day 1 (Apr 20) - Made the shakes as stated on the package, 1 cup of water per two scoops powder. Immediately started getting a stomach ache, so readjusted by adding more water. Started to feel tired/weak later in the day so started adding olive oil. It doesn't affect the flavour too bad, so I can add a tbsp per shake. Adding salt to the shakes later in the day improved my energy. Lots of runs to the bathroom on this day, all diarrhea.
Day 2 (Apr 21) - Woke up to a flatter belly for the first time in many months. It feels weird for the bloat to be this gone already. Continuing shake recipe (2 scoops, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tbsp olive oil, enough water to fill a shaker cup). Feeling a bit hungry and already wanting to chew on something lol. Ordered peppermint and orange essential oils. Already pooping less.
Day 3 (Apr 22) - I had to go to work at last. I guess I'm hangry because I almost lost it on multiple people (they kept talking to me about food even though they knew the situation to be fair). Waking up is getting tough since I'm so tired and my stomach grumbles until I start drinking the shake. I feel like this will be the last day of pooping, it was basically dust 😂
Day 4 (Apr 23) - Since mornings have been so rough, I tried starting the shakes earlier in the day. This may have been a mistake as I was so hungry by the evening. Day 4 night I ended up sleeping very restlessly. Otherwise, I feel generally okay other than the lack of energy. No bloating, gas, or pain. I've been having some twitchy muscles the last few days but the nuun electrolytes arrived so I had one. It made my stomach hurt a bit, but I think I just need to add more water.
Day 5 (Apr 24) - Apparently I'm not done pooping yet, shockingly! Lol. I've still been going at the same time every day. Body has been quite stiff the last few days. Daily yoga has been an absolute must. It's been hard to figure out the exact times of day to do the shakes so that I'm not too hungry. If I finish them too early in the day, I'm hungry at nighttime and have trouble sleeping. Last night I kept dreaming of accidentally eating food lol. Electrolytes have been helping, the muscle twitching has stopped.
Day 6 (Apr 25) - Feeling pretty good today. Other than the hunger, this is kind of a cake walk ngl. I am incredibly lucky to have support from my husband, my friends, co-workers, and boss. Everyone is just trying so hard to help me with anything and I am eternally grateful. I think it helps that I made sure I was fully mentally prepared before starting this diet. I can't believe I'm almost 1/3 done already. My biggest tip so far is to make sure you're resting enough. Days I haven't slept well are incredibly tough, but when I sleep enough I feel totally fine. Side note: hilariously, I won a competition at work for a free lunch lol. That'll have to wait until I've properly reintroduced food! I wonder how long that will take.
Day 7-8 (Apr 26-27) - Not much new to report. As long as I get enough shake at regular intervals and make sure I'm taking the electrolytes, I feel pretty okay. Food smells so good though. I sometimes sit and imagine eating some of my favourite meals lol! The urge to grab something and eat it is surprisingly strong, but it dwindles after another shake. Other than the hunger urges, I'm feeling fine - just tired. Oh yeah, I still haven't finished pooping! It's super minimal amounts of diarrhea, but I didn't think I'd still have anything in me at this point.
submitted by WaterAndStones to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 08:57 jambigaon A day after cake day

A day after cake day
Banana cake with poop-looking smol chocolate chips 💩✨
submitted by jambigaon to cakeday [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 02:44 Quinn_OV Chocolate cupcake my sister made looks a little bit like poop from a butt

Chocolate cupcake my sister made looks a little bit like poop from a butt submitted by Quinn_OV to Poopfromabutt [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 18:32 toddkong7 A Review (& EXTREMELY DETAILED Synopsis) of Spy X Family [CODE: White] [Part 2 or 2]
(WARNING: If you happen across this post, know that this is Part 2 of my review for the movie, Spy X Family CODE: White. Please read Part 1 before proceeding from here. Thanks!
Part 1 is here: )
With the assumption that you have read Part 1, let us continue, shall we?


ANYA GETS KIDNAPPED. Anya gets the liqueur and tucks it safely in her bag! Well. That was easy. Too bad the lackies come by and kidnap her, since she has the microfilm in her tummy. Bond tries to come to her aid, but is shoved off and away, and knocked out by a random empty soda can...? Though not before he manages to tear an insignia patch off of one of them. Loid and Yor then scour the city looking for Anya, only to find Bond. After Bond fails to pantomime what had happened, Loid discovers the insignia patch in the doggo's mouth, deduces it to be from Snidel's military corp, and resolves to merge his two missions into one: Take down Snidel AND rescue Anya for Strix!
LOID & YOR STEAL(?) A "DISPLAY" PLANE. Anya is brought to Snidel and his Airship lifts off since they now have possession of the microfilm. Only problem, its rummaging around in Anya's bowels... So all they have to do is wait for her to poop. Too bad Anya claims to be SO adorable that she has never pooped in her life, which is an obvious lie that she immediately takes back while under scrutiny. Unfortunately for her, she just so happens to need to poop right then and there. Not wanting to let the bad guys win (especially because they said that they'd kill her after she pooped out the microfilm), Anya tries, to no avail, to play off her bowel movements as cold shivers and other such lies. The lackies are then tasked with overseeing Anya's pooping.
Meanwhile, Loid and Yor are fueling the display plane out in front of the restaurant, which they somehow were able to get permission to do with the help of Fiona...? Don't question it. Loid plans to fly off, board the airship and complete his mission. But one minor complication: Yor feeling the need to do things as a family, decides to sneak on board the display plane as it lifts.
Also, Fiona infiltrates a navigation tower and takes it over, in order to aid Loid as radio support. He compliments her for her efficiency, and she does a dere-dere schoolgirl skip-a-roo around the control room before getting back to work.
THE POOP GOD COMETH. Anya at this point is dancing away the need to shit while arguing with her lacky overseers. Her face turns every shade of color and there are as many meme-faces in the scene as there are frames. She really is just an absolute meme in this. In the best way possible. She tries to hold in her poop so badly, that she at one point faints and literally has a fever-dream about the God of Poop.
I DO NOT exaggerate. This girl has a straight up religious experience lmao: The Poop God comes down from Poop Heaven, pats Anya on the shoulder as she is emotionally swept up by his almighty presence, and he calls her a warrior for holding it in for so long for the sake of World Peace. But she's done all she can, fighting the good fight, and it is now time for her little tush to quite literally relax itself. She then follows him through the air by propelling herself with her own farts, across the ocean, past a bunch of statues of the Poop God peeing into said ocean, and straight into a gigantic, golden, flushing toilet bowl. Only to snap awake. Drooling. Eyes glazed over. As though she had just taken a metric fuck-ton of LSD. It was by far the most ridiculous and well-animated sequence to come out of this entire franchise.
Anyway, the lackies get frustrated at their progress, or lack thereof. And so they inform Snidel, who just tells them to cut her open. They roshambo to see who has to do it. Please hurry, mom and dad. Speaking of...
LOID & YOR INFILTRATE SNIDEL'S AIRSHIP. Loid radios the Airship pretending to be a plane low on fuel, and requests permission to board. Snidel orders his men to shoot down the plane. They question his order, but he justifies it believing that since they have the microfilm, war might as well have started. So they fire at Loid with all they have, including guided missiles. Which still fits the setting's 1960's timeframe since the first IRL guided missiles were invented in the late 1930's.
Running out of options, Loid decides to rush the Airship and crash into its roof. He infiltrates from there. Yor kicks out their plane's cargo door, which is still on the exterior side of the Airship, and so she decides to find a way in from the outside. Snidel and his men spot Yor on the exterior cameras, sprinting around on the roof of their aircraft. In shock, they begin trying to shoot her down. She of course dodges every bullet! She even manages to get a soldier to drop a grenade, using her coat as a projectile. The explosion causes a fire that spreads Snidel's forces thin. Which makes infiltration amongst chaos much easier to manage for both mama and papa!
Furthermore, Loid's plane crash stunt happens to create a quake throughout the aircraft. Which knocks the lackies away from Anya and she manages to escape them, comically holding her asscheeks closed as she does so lol. After a Scooby Doo-esque chase sequence, Anya manages to successfully hide inside of a bathroom stall, which she immediately and tearfully uses. Victory for Anya and the Poop God! However, the lackies manage to track her and take her to the bridge of the Airship. There, they inform Snidel that Anya had pooped in one of their toilets, so the Colonel orders them to search the shit tanks for the microfilm. He then has Anya bound and gagged, and kept in a room beneath the bridge.
Snidel orders his men to put out the fires. And to deal with the woman, he unleashes a soldier call the Type F...
MY THOUGHTS SO FAR. If the last section of this review was on peak wholesomeness, THIS section is on peak comedy! I did not regret it ONE BIT seeing the absolute awkwardness that is Anya flying around using her own farts. I mean, I'm still going to ask why that was even a necessity to animate in the first place! But it was no less glorious haha.
I will also say that this section had the better portions of pure animation. The portrayal of Poop Heaven was vibrant and colorful, Anya shiver-dancing and transitioning from meme-face to meme-face was expertly characterized, and the lackies were chock full of emotive reactions to our baby's antics. I mean, there is a pretty bombastic anime battle later on, but the animation quality is expected to go up for those flashier, action-oriented moments. For a COMEDY moment to be animated so well, requires excellent character acting skills from the animators. Because let's be real here. If Actors have to play the characters for a film, then Animators are the Actors for an animated film. So whoever at Wit/Cloverworks was responsible for the storyboarding and layout of the Poop God scene of this movie deserves every drop of praise coming their way. Well done, Wit/Cloverworks! You knocked another banger out of the toilet-bowl-shaped ballpark with this one!


At this point, Loid and Yor are on their own missions, which will eventually converge. Of course, cool spy and assassin shit happens as a result.
LOID COMMITS IDENTITY THEFT (WHICH ISN'T A JOKE, JIM). Loid Solid Snakes his way through the Airship and comes across an officer. Who he jumps and poses as. He then asks around for where the girl was taken. Told that Anya is being held at the bridge, he goes straight there. After one small but VERY IMPORTANT detour...
Loid happens to walk past the two lackies on their way to the septic tanks and notices that one of them has a missing insignia patch. Putting the pieces together, he determines that these two where the ones who had kidnapped Anya. So he does what any loving father would do: He beats the ever loving shit out of them. After delivering righteous justice upon the wicked, Loid, disguised as an officer, enters the bridge. And the real battle begins...
YOR VS BOWLING & TYPE F. Meanwhile, Yor finds her way inside of the Airship via the cockpit of an exterior machine gun. She then wanders about and encounters a group of solider putting out the fire she started. As they attack her, Yor grabs a fire extinguisher and rolls it like a bowling ball at them. And like pins, they fall over, unconscious. Yay! She then steals two of their knives for some extra self-defense. Double Yay!
Yor opens a door to the hangar bay, only to discover that is is completely on fire. She walks in anyway and is confronted by a tall juggernaut of a man. The Type F. Oh No! Sensing his killing intent, she rushes him down, dodges every bullet shot her way, swiftly closes the distance, and plunges a knife square into his forehead. Yay! However, not only is her opponent a tall juggernaut of a man. He is a tall, METALLIC juggernaut of a man. So the knife had no effect and in fact broke... Oh No! As his military coat burns away due to the surrounding fire, it is revealed that he has mini guns and rocket launchers for arms and he begins firing at Yor. Double Oh No! Yor takes out a second knife, which the metal giant mocks. And the real battle begins...
MY THOUGHTS SO FAR. I really, REALLY love the part when Loid beats up those lackies. Its so fucking touching. Because bro could have just let them walk. In fact, it would have been the smarter play to just let them go, as to not rouse suspicion. But he didn't. He COULDN'T. You know why? Because Loid is actually a loving father. When you put your hands on his daughter, your life is forfeit... And that notion fills my heart so damn full!
Also, I think it's neat that these lackies get their shit kicked in by both Yor AND Loid at some point throughout the runtime. It's quite a fitting comeuppance for those two, as we never see them again afterwards.


LOID VS SNIDEL: THE REMATCH. Loid enters the bridge but Anya is nowhere to be found. He is rebuffed by Snidel and is told to leave. But he can't. Not until he knows where Anya is. Luckily, Anya can sense Chi-chi's presence through his thoughts. So she bonks her head against the pipe she is tied to. The reverb from below reaches Loid and he connects the dots. Loid feigns dropping a button towards a nearby by hatch to the room below. As he walks past Snidel, the Colonel comments that he smells like a city boy. Remembering the same smell from the tourist at the restaurant, he and his men begin firing at Loid, who manages to get behind cover. Though unharmed himself, Loid's disguise is now ripped up and useless. He discards it and returns fire.
Snidel then pulls out experimental poison gas grenades, puts on a gas mask, and prepares to toss it at Loid. Anya reads his intentions and begins to chew through her binds to save her Papa. She does so just as the gas is released. And in a streak of luck, Anya trips face-first into a console that opens all the windows in the bridge above. This disperses all the poison and saves Loid!
As the gas dissipates, Loid moves through it to tackle Snidel in a scuffle. Once it fully clears, Snidel's men a baffled at the appearance of two Snidels in a struggle. Loid determines that if he can't fool Snidel with his disguises, all he has to do is fool his men. So in reality, he had used the chaos of the windows opening as an opportunity to make a Snidel disguise. The two Snidel's each claim to be the real one and order the men to shoot the other. They don't fire out of confusion. Frustrated, the real Snidel pulls out a knife and strikes at his imposter. However, Loid quickly disarms him and chokes him out. This convinces the soldiers that Loid was the real Snidel. He orders them to take the "imposter" away and they do so obediently. With no one but himself aboard the bridge, he removes his disguise and lunges down to where Anya is being held captive.
YOR KILLS A LITERAL WALKING WEAPON... WITH LOVE. We cut back to the hangar where Yor and Type F are engaged in fierce combat. After dodging a seemingly endless torrent of bullets and rockets, Yor grabs a nearby fireman's axe, and caves in the Type F's chest. He still lives however, the axe doing nothing but exposing the ammunition chassis structured within his body, as though he is a weapon outside AND inside. He comments that waiting for him to run out of ammo is a pointless strategy. With options wearing thin, a tired Yor looks around for a solution, and finds one in her pocket! She asks the man to stand down as she is only here to get her family. But he refuses, stating something along the lines of all three of them being the first victims of a new war between East and West.
Yor recklessly rushes Type F once more. She slashes about from every angle, doing no damage and growing even more tired. But she suddenly pulls back. He mocks her seemingly futile methods again. But then notices a peculiar shade of pigment lined at her feet. The line trails to HIS feet, all around him, and even up his body. The pigment trail ends at the exposed ammo chassis in his chest. Yor then reveals that though a knife was in one hand during her attack, Loid's gift to her--a container of lipstick--was in her other. She tells Type F that 50% of Lipstick pigment is made up of oil (Not sure how Yor knows that since she's so much of a girlfail). She proceeds to light her lipstick like a match and drops it onto the trails she drew. This instantly lights it all up, and the Type F perishes. Blown up from the inside due to the ignited gunpowder housed all throughout the interior of his body.
Yor Wins.
Flawless Victory. (Like literally, she never got hit once.)
THE FAMILY, REUNITED. We cut back again to Loid freeing Anya from her prison. She embraces him and the Cherry Liqueur falls out of her pack. Papa smiles, finally realizing why Anya left the hotel on her own (he didn't know because her earlier note was poorly written). Anya reads his mind and smiles back, knowing that she had made him proud. We don't actually hear his thoughts though, which is a neat touch!
This is when Yor finally arrives, to the surprise of Loid. He asks her why and how she got there. Being such a poor liar, Yor lies by telling the truth. She admits to sneaking aboard with Loid, saying that as a family, they should do things together. A love-blinded Loid buys it as usual. But now its time for more lies lol! Because Yor wonders why the military was after Anya so badly. Anya senses her Papa's hesitance in explaining things (As it might expose his identity as a spy), so the little girl "corrects" her Mama. Saying that they weren't military, but chocolate thieves that she had taken chocolate from. Loid connects the dots, surmising that the microfilm was hidden in the chocolate she had apparently taken from them, and adds to the lie by stating that cold regions are prone to chocolate theft because it is believed that chocolate keeps people warm...(?) An air-headed Yor buys it as usual.
CRISIS AVERTED THROUGH THE POWER OF FAMILY, BABY. But things turn against Anya since both Chi-chi and Ha-ha start scolding her about taking things from dangerous people. To which she very guiltily apologizes for, which also draws out small smiles between Loid and Yor. But then, the family realize that the airship is exploding and dropping altitude! And what's worse, is that they are headed towards a populated area!! Loid rushes to land the aircraft to save the day. When questioned by Yor how he knows how to pilot an airship, he lies that he had piloted one as a part time job when he was as a student. Yor looks at her husband's back and marvels at him, even praising him for how cool and amazing he is.
Like an absolute chad, Loid gets to work. He attempts to pull the rudder and steer the ship out of the way of an oncoming clocktower. But the ship is too busted up and the rudder is seemingly jammed... What's worse, is that a piece of debris falls and hits Loid in the head, causing him to become bloodied and woozy. But then, Yor grasps one of his hands and Anya does the same to his other. Now with all three of them at the rudder, the Forgers use their combined might to pull it and steer the Airship clear of the buildings and civilians below. Through the power of family, the rudder turns several times over. Dragging poor Anya around and around and making her eyelids and cheeks flap about due to the velocity. Final Meme-face achieved.
The aircraft veers just past the side of the clocktower and crashes into a nearby lake. This puts out the fires and stops the impending explosion. As the sun rises, the Forgers are dunked in water and share a tender moment of laughter over "Waku-waku Splash" time. Anya sneezes and the microfilm, that was stuck between her teeth this whole time, falls out. Loid spots it and retrieves it. Mission success!
MY THOUGHTS SO FAR. The Cherry Liqueur moment, of all things, got me. It got me good. Loid's subterfuge, Anya's tenacity (and luck), and Yor's combat prowess are all pretty cool and fun! But at the end of the day, I care ultimately about this family's growing love for one another. It makes all of the above worthwhile. Substantive. MEANINGFUL.


YURI AGAIN. The next day, Yuri hears about what had transpired over the radio, though it seems the public is given a vague version of events. He wishes for his sister's safety, knowing that she is there, and then proceeds to lament over why the SSS have to take care of the paperwork for an incident in Frigis. He is told by his superior that the military needs to save face and remain unblamed, or else face international scrutiny. Yuri then correctly suspects to himself that WISE was somehow involved, and that the only saboteur who could pull off such a feat would have to be none other than Twilight himself. Whom he curses under his breath.
HANDLER IS A REAL ONE. Loid returns to WISE HQ to report on his mission. He hands Sylvia a souvenir from Frigis. It is a wine bottle. She pulls back the label to find the microfilm adhered to it. With a proud smirk, she informs Loid that he is no longer being replaced by Deppler for Operation Strix. When Loid asks why, Sylvia hands him a candid photo of Deppler cheating on his wife. She states that Deppler's wife had discovered his infidelity and was disowned by her side of the family as a result. This disqualified him for Operation Strix because his father-in-law was his in at WISE, AND Eden does not accept broken, incomplete, or otherwise ineleganto families (which is why Yor still has to keep playing the mother role even after the Eden interviews).
After another look at the candid photo, Loid notices that the woman seducing Deppler has a striking resemblance to his Handler. They both give each other an knowing look, implying that Handler had sabotaged Deppler for the greater good. Strix continues as is and its because Handler is a FUCKING. REAL ONE.
CONTEST POSTPONED (WOMP WOMP) & ANOTHER ADVENTURE PERHAPS...? Anya and Yor are seen back in Berlint at a park with Bond. Loid soon joins them and he thinks to himself that though the replacement issue has been dealt with, he must still strive to get Stellas. Anya reads the thought and is joyfully relieved that the family won't be disbanded. She excitedly claims that she'll win the contest for sure and earn a Stella. Our favorite family of goobers then walk into the sunset together.
The next day, the students at Eden prepare for the competition. Becky and Anya talk about what they each are going to make. Sy-on boi chimes in with insults, but soon turns red when Anya says that she'd be happy if he tasted her Meremere dessert. Damian retreats in a very typical, tsundere fashion, and Becky marvels at her best friend's boldness. But then a small explosion offscreen occurs and fills the classroom with smoke. (That kid is getting a Bolt for sure...)
Anya comes home pretty sullen, and tells her parents that the Meremere won't work. She hands them a note that the contest is postponed and, due to scheduling issues, the judge will now be the vice principle. Loid shrugs this off as a minor set back, stating that the VP's favorite dessert is a Berry Pudding from the south. And so he plans for the Forgers to take yet another weekend vacation to this tropical, southern region. "For the mission" of course. Bond then has a vision of the entire family at the beach.
Roll Credits.
POST CREDIT SCENE. Frankie finally makes it to Frigis! But Loid had already gone home...
Bummer. He got neglected by Loid and lost his shot with a cute girl for no real reason. He better charge the dude extra for the trouble. I seriously though that he was gonna come around at the last minute and help out during the climax. But nope. Franky gets shafted. He honestly doesn't deserve this....
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, its still funny!
MY FINAL THOUGHTS. Wow. This movie rocked!
Despite a few falters (a slightly drawn out set-up exposition, un-needed Yuri scenes, retreading character arcs from the source material, and perhaps slightly over-relying on character conventions), it was an enjoyable outing, whether consumed as a piece of Spy x Family media or as a standalone movie. There are definitely better movies. There are definitely better animated movies. There are definitely better anime movies as well. But this captures the spirit of its own source material so perfectly. That spirit being Endo's fascinating ability to weave together seemingly incompatible genres together in such a way that it creates a unique, fun, and refreshing experience.
What Endo had created in SxF is lightning in a bottle. And this movie does the best replication of this bottled lightning that can realistically be done within a condensed, feature-length timespan. And sure, that just ends up creating one giant Spy x Family episode... But is that REALLY something to complain about? Because here's the thing: I have NEVER, in all my years of watching anime, reading manga, and overall being part of the anime/manga community, seen a fanbase SO rabid for more content. Maybe its the slowburn pace of the story? Maybe its the bi-weekly release of chapters? A combo of both factors, perhaps? Or something else entirely...?
Regardless, Endo has gotten us HOOKED on his story. And at that point, the only thing needed in order to satisfy us... is simply more. Sometimes, even if its only more of the same. And that is what this movie is. A feature-length delivery of "more of the same." That might sound like a major flaw to anyone else. But for someone who is as invested in the story of the Forgers as myself and many others... Its exactly what we are craving. Especially because it was so well-executed for being merely "more of the same." Endo and Co. knew the assignment and pleased the fans. That's all you can ask for when it comes to movie adaptations, really.
As a fan, consider me pleased!
submitted by toddkong7 to SpyxFamily [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 05:11 puffthemagicdragon94 Feeling defeated

I’ve been trying to potty train my 2.5 year old for about 2 months now. He knows what pees and pops are. He’s fine to sit on both the potty and toilet. If we’re at home , he’ll either be half naked , in normal undies or in training undies.
During the day I’ll get him to go to the toilet every hour or so. I even ask if he has to go. He’ll say no every time , even if he has to go. When he’s naked , I’ve noticed he holds the pee and does a pee dance so I know he has to go. Most of the time if I miss the cue, he’ll pee / poo whenever he’s standing. Yesterday he pooped on the floor and says ‘ oh no ! Poo !’ So I put him on the pot and he says ‘ sorry mum ‘.
When he’s wearing his undies, both normal and training undies , he’ll just pee in them, then say ‘ wees ‘. As I’m writing this , it’s 1pm, I’ve put him on the pot/ toilet every hour yet he’s peed in 4 training undies.
I’ve read potty books with him, that he loves to read. I have a little chant and he loves to recite, ‘ wees go in the …TOILET !! poos go in the …. TOILET !!’ I’ve tried bribing him with chocolate and then stickers. Both of which the novelty wore off.
I feel like maybe I just started the training too early and we’re not making any progress. Some days we’ll have good potty days where he’ll pee or poo every time I put him on. And then there’s the bad days which just seem to make it like we’re not getting anywhere.
I’m unsure if I should just continue or put him back in nappies for a few weeks and see what happens then ?
submitted by puffthemagicdragon94 to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 16:31 Sea_Papaya_715 The Little Women Diet, Week 1: Mostly Assumptions, At This Point

(Part 1 here.)
Ah, my dear goober peas (who am I kidding, nobody on this sub eats goober peas):
I did in fact track everything I ate this week, and can share logs if you really need to see them.
That said, I am hesitant to prescribe my own solution for anyone else's problem. I am more interested in what I learned as I tracked not only what I ate, but also how it made me feel and think.
Breakfasts were the easiest to target, since I've always used breakfast as a time to work through chess problems and various aspects of math I never learned in school. (A year ago I made it through Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic Vols 1 and 2, and would love to discuss the Froggy Problem with anyone else who has tried to solve it. Also, I did the entire thing with pen and paper, you nerds.)
Anyway, it seems overwhelmingly clear that bread+jam+coffee+milk+sugar is excellent for problem-solving.
(Assume that bread is homemade and jam is homemade by someone else, to eliminate confounding PUFAs and HFCSs.)
Egg-cooked-in-butter makes me stupid and cold. That whole Peat thing where he's all "I have to drink a billion orange juices to counteract one egg" may have a point.
Raw fruit is an inefficient form of jam.
Stewed fruit, which they often serve for breakfast in classic literature, is slightly better.
Coconut water, because potassium, makes me crave chocolate (because magnesium, assumedly). This ruins the HCLFLP balance and pushes me from weight loss to weight maintenance.
Most importantly, bread+jam+coffee+milk+sugar also keeps me satisfied for a full two hours longer than other breakfasts. Again, I only have one week of data, and this is hardly enough on which to build a conclusion. But it seems as if EATING FOOD is good, overall, and EATING NON-FOOD is bad, and when you eat non-food you get hungry even when your stomach is full.
(Apple skin, to give an example, is non-food. Not nearly as toxic as potato skin, but you might as well eat a piece of paper.)
Lunches are still a problem, and I could make an argument that the "obesity epidemic" is in part because we're all fucking up lunch. You're either eating snacks and gribbles or you're paying $15 for a three-pound bowl of raw vegetables. The planners among us try to pretend that last night's dinner makes an excellent lunch, even though the last meal of the day should be prepared to ensure rest-and-digest and a good night's sleep, and eating that same meal in the middle of the day DOES IN FACT HAVE THE SAME EFFECT.
Anyway. People used to not eat lunch, they would eat breakfast and work all day and have a big meal in the afternoon (dinner) and then a bite before sleep (supper), the word "lunch" itself means "the amount of food you can clutch in your hand" and when children were sent off to school with "lunch" it was literally a slice of bread and butter or a doughnut.
While I still want to try the "just bread and butter" for lunch trick, it seems as if a sandwich will serve the purpose equally well. The bread should be the largest component of the sandwich and the spread the smallest. This meal keeps me satisfied for about six hours. If I eat more than that, e.g. "sandwich plus dates plus chocolate square," my belly starts sticking out a little bit and, unbelievably, I get hungry sooner. This may be partially FIBER MENACE and partially STOMACH EQUILIBRIUM in the sense that a stretched stomach responds to losing its stretch by registering a feeling of deflation that we interpret as hunger.
(It seems as if EATING FOOD, as opposed to EATING NON-FOOD, does not stretch the stomach at all, but I need more data.)
Dinner is whatever is being served, since we have a lot of friends and spend a lot of time in each other's houses. This is the meat meal, at least for me, because meat slows me down. Cooked vegetable good, cooked allium good, a bit of alcohol seems all right but too much is a problem. When you drink alcohol, you have two disequilibrating factors to overcome: hunger-to-satisfaction and tipsy-to-stable. This inevitably means eating more.
Also, when I drink alcohol, even a small glass of wine, I wake up once during the night. When I do not drink alcohol, I sleep straight through. (I have more than a week's data on this, but it was confounded the last time by the assumption that my evening musical theater rehearsals [before which I did not drink] made me "extra tired.")
Sooooo I lost 1.7 lbs (and 1/2 inch around waist and hips) in three days following the plan above, even though we went to one dinner gathering where the entrée was salmon encrusted in nuts (POOOOOOFAAAAA). Then we went to this dinner gathering where the only food being served was crudités and cheese plate, and the next day I was up two pounds.
Which, of course, I attempted to cure by eating more raw vegetables, because that's still the go-to-brain-thing.
Anyway. That was an unpleasant 48 hours. It was also a higher-saturated-fat 48 hours, since cream and butter do in fact get things moving.
Weight stayed up, but measurements (once the stomach bloating went away) stayed down. I'm still 1/2 inch smaller around my waist and hips than I was a week ago. Also 1/2 inch smaller around upper arms and a full inch smaller around thighs.
The assumptions I am left with, after a week of all this, are as follows:
Low-protein swamping with refined carbs and refined sugars (HCHFLP) can yield maintenance.
Low-protein and low-fat with refined carbs and refined sugars (HCLFLP) can yield weight loss.
The best way to determine how much weight you're going to lose the next day is by weighing yourself before you go to bed. Sleep, which is an extremely high-energy activity, is a guaranteed two-pound loss for me BEFORE I POOP, which means that the best way for me to lose weight is to eat in a way that does not increase my total mass by more than two pounds by the end of the day.
Right now I believe that this is HCLFLP, in part because I work from home and can weigh myself as often as I like, and scale goes up when fat goes up even if meal size is the same.
(Scale goes way way way up when raw veg goes up, to the point where I can go out for an hour-long walk and come back heavier and rounder than when I started. Thanks, gut fermentation!)
(In most cases, an hour long walk results in a half-pound weight loss. Serious chess and math study [not just reading the book, but actually doing the exercises with a goal towards correctness] drops weight at the same rate. A good piano practice session can drop one pound per hour. Writing, unfortunately, does not yield significant weight loss.)
MORE TO COME NEXT WEEK. (Also, I got myself into a chamber choir which means that now I get to eat as if I were going to sing every day, and one cannot sing properly if their gut is stuffed with poop or air or non-food. [One cannot think properly, either — or at least I think so.])
submitted by Sea_Papaya_715 to SaturatedFat [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 12:35 jugo5 Pooptastrophe

I work in a store that generally caters to an older crowd. Now it's not every day but it's most days. The poopocalypse finds a way. The old man falls off the escalator.... poops his pants(felt bad about that one because he was going through cancer treatments and it was his first day out of treatment. We bought him new clothes. Which we do if we can for anyone who had an accident). The old lady walking down the aisle... it's now the brown mile. Nice little kisses left behind for some to find. Cleaning up poop.. yes that was the guy who shook it out of his pant leg and did not let anyone know. Have to use the bathroom? Old man pooped himself up to his elbows then tried to clean it. It is now all over the bathroom stall. Got to poop? The toilet has poop running down the front of it. Lucky some days if it isn't just a pile of poop on the floor oh wait that happens often too. We have taken to calling it chocolate milkshakes but if it looks like chocolate and it's on the ground... it's poop. Don't let your kids crawl around in public places people... Anyone else face the poopocalypse? I don't work janitorial but I am technically responsible when no one else is there. I'm not a fan... I've actually wiped poop off a lady's sandal before while she was carrying her baby and her mother was running her mouth. I almost quit that day. I still don't get paid enough for this ish but it's better than most.
submitted by jugo5 to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:53 LegitimateCaptain710 AITA for not apologizing after almost killing my daughters dog

My daughter and her boyfriend recently adopted a rescue puppy. Other then a few incidents (probably due to nervousness of being in a new place and around new people), he has been adjusting quite well. My daughter comes over once in a while for visits, but always lets us know before hand (which we both agreed she would do) and stays over the entire time. I do take the dog out for walks by myself when my daughter and her boyfriend have appointments they cant miss. I always make it a point to remind my daughter that she needs to let us know before coming over with the dog so that we can make sure nothing is accessible at his level that he shouldn't touch/eat. I don't have any pets.
I was working from home a couple days last week and was surprised when my daughter showed up in the morning with the dog. She didn't let me know before hand that she was coming with the dog but I let it slide because she was there watching over him.
She stayed to watch TV for a couple hours and had to run out to pick up a couple things and asked if I can watch him for a couple of hours. I was fine with that but let her know that I was working all day and was going to be on the computer for most of the time. She was fine with this and let me know that the dog hasn't been feeling good lately and to limit the snacks and give him the food she had prepared later in the day (he had been having stomach issues so they were feeding him rice and sweet potatoes). She left soon after.
A while later I heard the dog in the living room playing with what I thought was a toy and thought nothing of it.
At around noon I got up for a quick break to make lunch and notices that there were crumbs on the floor, an open bag of chips and a box of Oreos on the couch. I knew right away that the dog was not in fact playing with his toy but had attacked the food that we had left on the ottoman the night before. I do know that chocolate for dogs is a big no no. I also don't know how many he had eaten.
I called my daughter right away and let her know what happened. She wasn't able to come right away, but told me to keep an eye on the dog and to call her if it looks like he is having a reaction.
For the rest of the afternoon he seemed fine and my daughter came to pick him up later in the afternoon. She came in upset and right away let me know that dogs cannot eat chocolate and telling me that I should have put the snacks away before she arrived. I reminded her that she didn't let me know she was coming and that I was on a call before she even came over. She told me that I should always keep things out of reach of the dog regardless if he is over or not. I told her that I shouldn't have to change the way I keep my house because she now has a dog.
We were going back and forth but going nowhere and she left with the dog to go home.
I have been in contact with her boyfriend over the next couple hours asking about the dog' wellbeing. I had originally contacted my daughter but she would keep coming back and blaming me for not watching over the dog the whole time and that I had the snacks out.
She called me the following morning to let me know that he pooped all over there bathroom and bed. She also wanted me to apologize because this was all my fault. I told her that I was not going to apologize and reminded her once again that she didn't let me know she was coming over and that I was working all day. I hung up after some more back and forth that was getting both of us frustrated.
The next night she called again reminding me that dogs cant have chocolate and that if I had watched over the dog properly (sat beside the dog) the entire time that this wouldn't have happened. She also let me know that I should not have food accessible to dogs anywhere in the house. I let her know again that I was working and she know that I couldn't leave to sit with the dog all day. I also told her that she had been watching TV in the living room for a couple hours and could have moved the snacks as she was right beside them. She got defensive and said she just wanted me to apologize and take accountability for my action. I was not going to do that and let her know. She hung up after insisting that this was all my fault and we haven't spoken since.
I was concerned for the dog and wanted to make sure he was doing alright but don't think I should apologize for any of this.

submitted by LegitimateCaptain710 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 00:07 AdditionalRelease841 1 week constipated

Help so last week, I felt constipated that my poop won't come out if I did not force it, I started drinking many waters and ate a chocolate with nuts on it because one of my friend told me nut will help, I can still poop but I can't take it out all, also when I feel the urge to poop it will just suddenly be gone! I don't want to consult on a doctor yet since my parents are very busy because my sister also has diarrhea and can yogurt help guys? My weight is still normal and is my period can be a possible reason? I also feel a heavy feeling in my upper abdomen please help I'm very anxious as a person who always overthink everything!
submitted by AdditionalRelease841 to Constipation [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 03:39 moremacadonimorechee How do I know if his poop is normal?

He's 7 weeks old. Is on similac sensitive formula exclusively now. At first he was on breast milk, then enfamil gentlease, a combo of both, then on nutramigen.
He's had a lot of formula changes in such a short time because he has reflux (on Pepcid) and we didn't know if he had a dairy allergy or if he is just sensitive to dairy (he's part Vietnamese and it's pretty common that viet people have an intolerance to dairy). These changes were approved by his pediatrician so it's not like I just changed it up on him. He was on each formula for a couple of weeks before it was changed also.
His poop has changed from being yellow mustard colored and seedy to basically melted chocolate. Everything I find online says that poop can change and be a range of colors and textures as long as there's no red, white, or black. But how do I know if it's considered diarrhea and should be concerned?? He poops about once a day or every other day. He pees a lot too so I know he's hydrated.
submitted by moremacadonimorechee to NewParents [link] [comments]